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From the beginning it has been the destiny of every man to be the leader of his household. For whatever reason - if the man is denied this assigned position, it is contrary not only to God's will but to the very nature of man. Just as it is the duty of every woman to reverence her husabnd. When we are neglectful in this area, we as women are losing something precious. Perhaps without knowing it we are taking something precious away from him as well as something precious from the relationship. :?: "As the woman's role is to be a help to her husband - is her obedience dependent upon the obedience of her husband? I don't think it is.
Hello Withfresheyes, As the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be subject to their husband in everything. After this statement, the usual question is, "But what if he is asking me to do something illegal?" Most of the time, the pushback happens with an eye toward the extreme as if the extreme is a good excuse for not following hubby. Is it then permissable for the husband to ask most anything of his bride short of illegal? Is it then wise?

Good questions......
I think it is a wife and husband's moral responsibility to question the requests of their mate if they feel they're being asked for something that just doesn't feel right. No different than anyone in a position like that. Part of the issue is that the wife and husband should have that trust and faith in one another so they do not have to question a decision. However, we're all human and are going to make some bad calls in our lives. If we get to that crossroad, with questions, it's time to bend a knee as a couple and get the answer from the only good source. :)
I think it might be better to discuss this in the ladies forum.

As a man I take the feminine role in my obedience to Christ. I do not have to deal with the issue that you raise, as we all know that Christ was/is obedient to the Father.

However it is helpful as a husband to know and realize that my own obedience to Christ makes it easier for my wife to fullfill her role.

I hope this help or at least addresses your post,
"Created to be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl is an exceptional book on this topic. It is intended for married women, but I read it and it helped me understand that I was to be the best husband I could be and will be held accountable for my actions.

Unless he is asking her to do something sinful she should be obedient to him and support his decisions (submitting to his headship). That does not mean that she cannot strongly express her opinions if she thinks he is making a mistake, it just means that sometimes she may have to let him make a mistake so he can learn from it.

When you come across a family where the wife is submissive (she understands the power of her position as his wife) you will likely also find submissive children. The children will observe the way their mother acts toward their father and typically model her behavior. This is very beneficial to the mother as well since they will also typically be submissive to her seeing that their father respects their mother.

Titus 2:3-5 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

I doubt that most women would want to intentionally blaspheme the Word of God.