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One sided parenting????

Philippians 4;13 says we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. God designed a family to be a dad and mom...both are very important. However, I do think as long as a person is in the will of God one person can be successful raising children. If however, one refuses to be under the authority of marriage because of rebellion then the children will pick that up and duplicate it. What we sow we reap, some 20 fold, some 50 fold, and some 100 fold.
kscouple said:
Philippians 4;13 says we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. God designed a family to be a dad and mom...both are very important. However, I do think as long as a person is in the will of God one person can be successful raising children. If however, one refuses to be under the authority of marriage because of rebellion then the children will pick that up and duplicate it. What we sow we reap, some 20 fold, some 50 fold, and some 100 fold.
I seldom comment just to say "I agree", but I couldn't have said it better myself. You nailed every point on the head.

In His love,
The two major components of the team parenting advantage are the ability to rotate who does the discipline so its not so fatiguing and the ability to hold a united front and 2v1 the kid. Is there any freind or anyone you trust enough to call in to help you with discipline? I'm sure you can teach her right on your own, but if you can find anyone to help you it will be a lot less hard on you.
Good questions and good concerns, P.T.

If you have time to read, boh to ease your concern and gain some tools to make parenting easier I would like to recommend "Parenting With Love and Logic" and "Parenting Teens With Love and Logic".

One reassuring thing they teach is that if you've had a good relationship with your kids up to about age 10, the teenage years may or may not get a bit hairy, but it will tend to come full circle and be good as adults. That encourages me mightily.

Next, I have to also agree with kscouple. God has your back. "I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children." (Is 49:25) and "All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children." (Is 54:13) are great promises for parents, and they carry no requirement that there be both a dad and mom in the home.

Having said that, having a dad around is still the best situation and well worth the trouble. If that [roves impossible, then Tlaloc's suggestion could well be better than nothing. However, if you were to allow another man that much respect and authority and involvement in your daughters' lives (and you would have to model those if you wanted your daughters to, as they learn more from our example than our words, right?), then why not just marry him and get the full package?

Bottom line? By all means, get married. It's good for you and them (assuming you choose wisely). But ease up on yourself in the meantime. Sounds like you are doing good, and and Father God is on the job.
There are very few friends I would have confidence in enough to have them help me with discipline, and my wife would be even more limited, she very much believes its up to me, her, and whomever we find for our family. You're closer to her philosophy of parenting, and I can understand that. Discipline is very draining for any parent, I wasn't saying in any way you where struggling more than anyone else. I'm glad to hear they are well behaved.

And Cecil, I mean a freind of the same gender or a relative to help, from PT's tone I assumed if there was the right guy around she'd take it so I tried to add options that might have been unexplored.
Ok I am a bit behind in my reading here so I apologise I am a late commer here. I think from many people that I have met from single family homes that you can rear a child up just fine. Kids will be kids, they are going to have mess ups. If you feel like maybe you might need a role model for your teen look into some church mentoring programs or even an outside mentoring program. Mentoring programs are good cause a child can tell some one in confidence how they feel, with out judgement, and get some really good advice. She is at the stage we call the "Teen Tween" stage. It is the stage as to where she is trying to figure out who she is in this world and where she wants to be. Just stay stead fast in being a parent and always be there for her!( Witch I can tell you already are!) Many times we as parents wander if all we teach our children is for nothing. Believe me on this every thing you teach your child does matter to them. it's just like I said earlier they know what you are teaching them is right, but at the same time they want to make sure it is right for them. Most would say before I got saved and became a pastor I was the worst thing my poor mother could have ever produced. Now however I am all about our Lord! I hope this has helped some. If you ever need to talk or are just frustrated and need to vent you can email me on here or even call me at 505-348-6065. (By the way that goes for every one!) Have a blessed day! Rev Gill