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Paradigm Shift


Real Person
My current class is on innovation. It is quite interesting that right in the middle of the reading for my third week is a whole chapter on paradigm shifts and how to change your way of thinking. Pretty appropriate subject matter for my life right now. It talks about changing the status-quo and breaking out of the "it has always been that way" way of thinking.


I would like to hear more about what you are learning, because being Lutheran, our favorite saying is, "we've never done it like that before." We fear change, which is so ridiculious considering our founder Martin Luther made change happen. Go figure.

Mmmmmrrrrgggggfffff... Mind is hungry. Bookie Monster, ya know. (Why did that sounds so wrong?) :lol: Give us a source, please. Sounds good, and I'd like to read it for myself. Maybe order and read the whole textbook. :eek:
Bookie Monster? Yikes!!!! So many possibilities with that one.

The Power of Impossible Thinking: Transform the Business of your Life and the Life of Your Business. By Y. Wind and Collin Crook.

Pretty easy reading for a textbook.

Thanks, SweetLissa.

Yup. Being a Cookie Monster got me into trouble with Diabetes, and being a Bookie (Booky? Bookey?) Monster (with thousands: moving is no fun!) has gotten me into trouble with religion, though not, thank goodness, with Christ! :)

Can you give any quick tips, because I'm in the process of reading another book right now and might not get a chance to pick that one up you mentioned?

I always thought dimes where too small and thats why they always keep shifting. I like loonies better, its much harder to loonie shift :)