• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Meat Permitted or perhaps an imperative?

In what sense are you envisioning your involvement with polygyny that you are describing with exposing yourself to personal or professional risk? Do you have a particular woman in mind or do you see this as a 'mission field' of sorts and are you saying you feel called to pursue single women in general and propose this as a type of evangelism? I guess I am
curious where you are coming from.

Coming at it from a normative biblical marriage perspective. Professional risk in that a large percentage of my business is centered around Christians in mainstream Christianity who might look down or shun me for holding such a sinful and crazy view such as poly.

No particular woman in mind, not looking for one right now. Not a mission field any more than the whole of the earth and all of existence is to be.

Simply what I've posited, that there are too many good available women out there, some of them are staying pure waiting and looking for a good man and unable to find any. And it's a crying shame that the "church" has been lying to them and gaslighting them into thinking all the married men are not available.

I appreciate you two and Farmer Moses starting my day off with a good belly laugh.

@NickF, as active as you've already become, I should give you the warning you may not have come across in previous posts of mine: generally speaking, I'm not going to be succinct. I'm not a talking points kind of guy, so this is the warning: if my posts are too long, just realize that they weren't written for you. I suspect Kevin Samuels would say the same thing. We're both playing a different game.

The true diversity among us here as brothers is what I find to be the most enriching thing about this web site. Mine is just one approach to tackling ideas and events, and I recognize that it's not for everyone. It's always entirely acceptable to entirely ignore me, but if you do you might just not know what you're misising!

Hah! I've read through the majority of threads on the forum already, or at least the most interesting ones, literally hundreds or thousands of threads. I feel like I know you guys fairly well just from reading your discourse. Quite an interesting kerfuffle of brotherhood and wit.
I just want to say something here, if I could say something...

I believe polygyny is not a biblical requirement, however I believe there is ample evidence to suggest that it is a preferred state of life according to scripture. One of the reasons we don't understand the "imperative" side of polygyny is because we don't understand the imperative of covering for all women. I believe we also don't recognize the significant harms done by the bastardizations of polygyny in our culture. I've written a series of letters on my position on polygyny, one of which has been published on the web (although I didn't put my name in it because I'm still working this issue with my woman), too long to post here but I will gladly attach the file. The part that I find most relevant to this topic is where I get into the pro polygyny case. Basically, we will create group homes of women, led by women and then throw money at the problem on the back end of it instead of teaching polygyny as scripture does.

I don't claim to prove it is imperative "beyond reasonable doubt", I also don't believe that is the standard that we would need to meet as we hold forth polygyny as a superior or desirable way of life. Preponderance of evidence or clear and convincing evidence (51%>) demonstrates from scripture that polygyny is to be promoted. As I look at the pious uncovered women I know from my community, people like my sisters and their friends who are reaching their late 20's and early 30's, unmarried, virgins and devout Christians a few things become apparent.

1. Without polygyny, they become exactly what Paul warned about when he instructed younger widows to remarry. Women who go from house to house causing trouble, gossiping and promoting things that are unseemly.

2. Uncovered women raise orphans. As "foster" parents to two boys who's father was killed in gang dealings in Mexico, and whose mother was incarcerated when they were toddlers, the effect of no godly covering for her when her husband was killed (although prior to his death he wasn't exactly a godly covering) and the lack of covering for their grandmother whom they lived with for the last decade is almost irreparable. Add to that the cycle is perpetuated in their sister who is over 18 and so not in foster care, but living outside of a covering. Uncovered women produce orphans who produce more uncovered women and more orphans. Statistics demonstrate clearly that the majority of our social problems are caused by orphans.

3. Without polygyny, ideologies like complementarianism and egalitarianism become the order of the day. Weak men have the same access to women as strong men, marriage becomes a 'partnership' and eventually womanhood is destroyed by men who aren't willing to take responsibility for the world around us. Marriage becomes a 50/50 split and we no longer recognize the difference between man and woman.
  1. Men are insane these days if they think they can find any women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners; and
  2. Women are insane these days if they think men want to marry women who have been whoring around for 5 or 10 or 20 years.
We know you can be a little overly wordy, but we all love you, and appreciate your excellent insights. You are obviously knowledgeable, intelligent, and thoughtful.

Your two brief points above are broadly true, but I will still take exception to them.

I don't think that virtually all women over eighteen have had dozens of sexual partners.

I'm sure some women have had dozens, while others have had more than a hundred, others have 5-10, or 1-4, and a few will have had none. That is just the nature of life.

Compare it to gun ownership in America. We have more guns than people in this country. Still, a majority of Americans do not own any guns. A lot of Americans own one gun. Many Americans own two or three guns. Many Americans own four to ten guns. Some own ten to fifty. A few own hundreds.

Maybe it is a bell curve type of thing. Perhaps (just guessing) the median woman has had six partners. One standard deviation above that might be twenty partners. Two standard deviations might be a hundred plus. One standard deviation below the median might be 1-3 partners, and maybe ten percent haven't had any.

My wife and I were 28 and 25 when we got married (20+ years ago) and neither of us ever had sex with anyone before we got married.

1. We are both shy and introverted
2. While both relatively nice looking, neither of us is smoking hot
We know you can be a little overly wordy, but we all love you, and appreciate your excellent insights. You are obviously knowledgeable, intelligent, and thoughtful.

Your two brief points above are broadly true, but I will still take exception to them.

I don't think that virtually all women over eighteen have had dozens of sexual partners.

I'm sure some women have had dozens, while others have had more than a hundred, others have 5-10, or 1-4, and a few will have had none. That is just the nature of life.

Compare it to gun ownership in America. We have more guns than people in this country. Still, a majority of Americans do not own any guns. A lot of Americans own one gun. Many Americans own two or three guns. Many Americans own four to ten guns. Some own ten to fifty. A few own hundreds.

Maybe it is a bell curve type of thing. Perhaps (just guessing) the median woman has had six partners. One standard deviation above that might be twenty partners. Two standard deviations might be a hundred plus. One standard deviation below the median might be 1-3 partners, and maybe ten percent haven't had any.

My wife and I were 28 and 25 when we got married (20+ years ago) and neither of us ever had sex with anyone before we got married.

1. We are both shy and introverted
2. While both relatively nice looking, neither of us is smoking hot
Sorry I accidentally hit post, but wasn't done yet. I have more factors.
3. We were both fairly devout Christians who really wanted to, and tried to intentionally avoid sexual promiscuity.
4. We were raised in very conservative/traditional and fairly sheltered families where we were expected to wait until marriage.
5. We both attended a small conservative Christian college where sexual promiscuity was strongly frowned upon (unlike the huge state university where I later did my graduate work while married).
6. To my shame, I was a bit of a wanker.

Anyway, I was thinking about a friend of ours (who I would hypothetically be interested in marrying if she and my wife were amenable to it). She is thirty, and almost certainly a virgin.

1. She is a very devout Christian, and as best I can tell has been since childhood
2. She is very shy and introverted
3. She was raised in a conservative homeschooling Christian family (very sheltered)
4. She never went away to college, or lived on her own until about a year ago
5. She has largely worked in "Christian" environments (a small Christian school, and now a small business where the company owner is an "almost Amish" Anabaptist)
6. She has never dated at all
7. She is of fairly average appearance (though I find her quite desirable)

I know that women like my friend are few and far between. Still, not all women have had dozens of partners.

Maybe guys are paying too much attention to the smoking hot chicks, and not enough to the shy, introverted, homeschooled, slightly chubby, Jesus loving ones.
I don't think polygyny is generally required (excepting levirate law, and the seduction of a virgin by a married man).

I do kinda see your point. There are a lot of uncovered women, and there are some (like my friend mentioned above) who really are quality women and greatly desire to be covered). There aren't enough quality believing men to go around. Some believing women are left over, and remain uncovered. Love for these sisters in Christ would seem to indicate that some believing men need to have more than one wife. The erroneous "monogamy only" teaching leaves these women out in the cold.
A. Sound bite version: cue up Aerosmith's "Dream On" . . .
B. Director's Cut version:
Can you encapsulate what you’re wanting to communicate Keith?
  1. Men are insane these days if they think they can find any women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners; and
  2. Women are insane these days if they think men want to marry women who have been whoring around for 5 or 10 or 20 years.
Your two brief points above are broadly true, but I will still take exception to them.

I don't think that virtually all women over eighteen have had dozens of sexual partners.
Good evening, @Bartato. First of all, thank you for your compliments. I appreciate them and would say I was humbled by them if I weren't so arrogant. ;) I am, though, very sincerely flattered.

I do, though, still have to point out that you've engaged in a little bit of a straw man argument, because the genesis of the back-and-forth you joined in on was my posting a Kevin Samuels video that @NickF (quite understandably) didn't want to have to watch all the way through, so he asked me to encapsulate the message I intended to share from the video. Thus, taking 2+ hours of various verbal wanderings and pointed interviews contained within, sorting through it to the heart of the matter related to this thread, and creating a two sentence summation in order to encapsulate, I came up with the above two sentences intended to, um, encapsulate the particular messages of the context of one section of Mr. Samuels's video.

You point out that you broadly agree with them, as do I, but if you'd asked me if I agree that "virtually all women over eighteen have had dozens of sexual partners," I would have succinctly told you that, not only do I not agree with that statement, and, while I can't speak for him, I would seriously doubt that Mr. Samuels would agree with it, either, because neither of us asserted 'all' or even 'virtually all.'
I know that women like my friend are few and far between. Still, not all women have had dozens of partners.
Of course not all women have had dozens of partners. In my encapsulation, which, due to being an attempt to provide sound bites for those insufficiently interested in all the nuance, caveats and exceptions, was necessarily devoid of the potential to additionally encapsulate comprehensive truth, what I asserted was that Mr. Samuels was attempting to get across the message that "Men are insane these days if they think they can find any women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners," and, in fact, I stand by that assertion -- as well as agree with it. Of course, to use a derivation of the word 'insanity' makes me guilty of a small degree of hyperbole, but, despite your effective demonstration that some (very small) number of females do make it all the way through their 20's with their virginity intact, this is so rare these days as to be like finding a needle in a haystack -- and if one wants to spend one's life hunting for needles in haystacks instead of being married, fine, but it's pretty close to insanity to think one will end up with a wind-driven-snow wife given how many options such young women have. I married the wife of my youth 45 years ago, at 33 years of age married my current wife 35 years ago, and you were dating over 2 decades ago. What I can assure you of is that the virginity pyramid that was in existence back when I was young was already well into the process of being turned on its head by the time you and your wife were getting married -- and probably the only reason I was aware of that in the late 1990s was because I was running university dormitories, but I assure you that, by 1999, girls were already more sexually active than boys (well, a small number of boys were the most sexually active, but they were active with the vast majority of girls -- I can point to many aspects of evidence of this, but let's start with the fact that, by then, it had become decidedly uncool on college campuses for girls to have steady boyfriends -- and someday I can recount the story about how, at the University of Alaska Anchorage, I was prohibited from hiring a young woman as a Resident Assistant because she openly identified herself as a Christian, which was specifically unwelcome because of the fear that she might shame other 'women' about their sexual lifestyles).

While back in the 1960's a significant portion of females remained virgins until at least close to marriage or into their late 20's, now the majority deflower themselves before their quinceaneros -- whereas back then the majority of boys went all the way before reaching adulthood, and now about a quarter of them don't do so until after they're 30 -- if ever.

Thus, my characterization of it being insane for men to think they can find women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners. It isn't that they don't exist; it's that they're tremendously rare compared to the number of men who hope to find and marry them. Those 25% of 30-year-old male virgins are one big hunk of the competition for such female rarities, and then add the more-buff and likely more-successful-in-other-aspects-of-life younger men with whom they're competing, on top of all the established 30-to-55-year-old men still commanding potentially-successful attention from relatively-innocent young things. Not to be boring as all get out, but this is one of those instances of it involving better odds to shoot for winning the Mega Millions lottery. Yes, you can find inexperienced or relatively-inexperienced young females these days, but they're few and far between . . .
Maybe guys are paying too much attention to the smoking hot chicks, and not enough to the shy, introverted, homeschooled, slightly chubby, Jesus loving ones.
. . . but here you're making one side of a good-point coin argument: I have to admit that, because of my association with Biblical Families (in combination with the fact that I increasingly see pursuit of plural marriage through the eyes of other men more than in the context of believing it's going to be an option for me), I tend to make my observations related to finding mates in the context of what most men seeking polygyny are looking for. I've had countless private conversations with men about personal mating preferences, as well as a healthy collection of late-night-at-retreats group male discussions along the same lines, so it has to be said that it's a very rare man even among we Bible Thumpers that isn't pretty durn picky about how we want our wives to look. So, sure, maybe those committed to pursuing polygyny should train their attention on shy (less than half of all females), introverted (smaller subset still), homeschooled (divide the group by 20), slightly-chubby (at least slightly-chubby), Jesus-loving young women (not even all the homely homeschooled chicks are fully enamored of being members of the Body of Christ) -- but no matter how idealistic we want to get about what standards men should have about physical beauty, it's still going to be a rare man even among a group such as this with its high piety quotient who will want to set aside the desire for, if not the "smoking hot chicks," at least a better-than-ourselves-looking one.

After all, this is the nature with which our Creator endowed us -- to seek sensual beauty -- which is compounded by the baseline truth that those men who seek polygyny on average have higher-than-average sex drives that propel the possessors of those drives to mate with women who will produce the best-looking children on top of inspiring the most arousal.

Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm asserting that virtually no men will be the exception to this rule; there are definitely some among us who have demonstrated their willingness to be those exceptions, but there is still this: Kevin Samuels talks about the ways in which a woman's body count (number of previous lovers) affects her desirability. Well, let's look at another type of body count closer to home: anyone who wants to can go over to sisterwives.com and discover the number of accepted friend requests any given female profile displays, complete with the avatar photos of those 'friends;' it's not a measure of previous sexual partners, but it's certainly a pretty good indication of how many people would like to become future partners -- and there's a pretty high correlation between generally-accepted good-looks-and-physical-fitness and the number of photos underneath, many of which are folks we'd recognize from our organization.
There aren't enough quality believing men to go around. Some believing women are left over, and remain uncovered. Love for these sisters in Christ would seem to indicate that some believing men need to have more than one wife. The erroneous "monogamy only" teaching leaves these women out in the cold.
Now I'll turn from refuting to my own challenging.

I increasingly reject that there aren't enough quality believing men to go around, perhaps even if what you meant to assert was that this is the case if monogamy is universally enforced. I'm tired of us men bowing to the feminist trope that men aren't measuring up, and it's even more insidious within an organization like this than it is out in the general male populace. Women aren't some extra-worldly class of creatures innocently entitled to male perfection. The men who are available are of at least as high a quality as the women who are available -- and the reversal of the virginity pyramid is just one piece of evidence. Females continue to mature earlier than males, but the fact that men are willing participants in the general female desire for their marital partners to be older than them turns that into a moot point. Add to that the fact that it's clearly the case that, at this stage of cultural evolution, the number of men willing to take on more than one wife far outstrips the number of women willing to be second wives or the number of first wives willing to refrain from sabotaging plural marriage; therefore, it's a canard that there aren't enough male believers to go around. Women simply don't outnumber men in regard to having relationships with Yah or Yeshua.

Most leftover women remain uncovered either because first wives won't share or because potential second wives won't share, all in the context of women generally failing to recognize that being willing to accept the downside of sharing is a small price to pay for the complete package that comes along with what men are expected to provide for their women.

And, lastly, I'm decreasingly willing to let women off the hook by blaming it on the erroneous monogamy-only teaching. If women don't want to die lonely or callously look the other way as other women die lonely, then they need to get over themselves about their collective worship of social approval. When it comes down to it, the vast percentage of the teaching of monogamy-only is being done by (a) women and (b) the men who work predominantly for women in the pulpits (priests and pastors).

Just look around at all the men we know here in this organization and elsewhere who are willing to cover more than one woman -- and how much effort most have put into unsuccessfully seeking additional wives. I assert that it's about time that we stop letting the women blame us for failing to cover them when their demands are so thoroughly unreasonable, not to mention compounded by being unmatched by any willingness on their part to demonstrate that they're worthy of having any man all to themselves -- much less of justifying feeling entitled to a man who makes every effort to rise to the challenge of seeking approval from his Creator.

As each day goes by, I only become increasingly empathetic to the men who are giving up on finding one woman willing to be a true helpmeet, much less seeking two or more.

Samuels is spot-on: what is obviously left to us if we want to create a long-term solution is not so much going through spiritual makeovers ourselves but to start ensuring that we and everyone we know are raising our daughters so they will be prepared to be good wives. Collectively, our culture has been an abysmal failure at this over the past several decades, and if we don't turn that around on top of teaching our sons to have backbones, the rest is likely to become a moot point.
A. Sound bite version: cue up Aerosmith's "Dream On" . . .
B. Director's Cut version:

Good evening, @Bartato. First of all, thank you for your compliments. I appreciate them and would say I was humbled by them if I weren't so arrogant. ;) I am, though, very sincerely flattered.

I do, though, still have to point out that you've engaged in a little bit of a straw man argument, because the genesis of the back-and-forth you joined in on was my posting a Kevin Samuels video that @NickF (quite understandably) didn't want to have to watch all the way through, so he asked me to encapsulate the message I intended to share from the video. Thus, taking 2+ hours of various verbal wanderings and pointed interviews contained within, sorting through it to the heart of the matter related to this thread, and creating a two sentence summation in order to encapsulate, I came up with the above two sentences intended to, um, encapsulate the particular messages of the context of one section of Mr. Samuels's video.

You point out that you broadly agree with them, as do I, but if you'd asked me if I agree that "virtually all women over eighteen have had dozens of sexual partners," I would have succinctly told you that, not only do I not agree with that statement, and, while I can't speak for him, I would seriously doubt that Mr. Samuels would agree with it, either, because neither of us asserted 'all' or even 'virtually all.'

Of course not all women have had dozens of partners. In my encapsulation, which, due to being an attempt to provide sound bites for those insufficiently interested in all the nuance, caveats and exceptions, was necessarily devoid of the potential to additionally encapsulate comprehensive truth, what I asserted was that Mr. Samuels was attempting to get across the message that "Men are insane these days if they think they can find any women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners," and, in fact, I stand by that assertion -- as well as agree with it. Of course, to use a derivation of the word 'insanity' makes me guilty of a small degree of hyperbole, but, despite your effective demonstration that some (very small) number of females do make it all the way through their 20's with their virginity intact, this is so rare these days as to be like finding a needle in a haystack -- and if one wants to spend one's life hunting for needles in haystacks instead of being married, fine, but it's pretty close to insanity to think one will end up with a wind-driven-snow wife given how many options such young women have. I married the wife of my youth 45 years ago, at 33 years of age married my current wife 35 years ago, and you were dating over 2 decades ago. What I can assure you of is that the virginity pyramid that was in existence back when I was young was already well into the process of being turned on its head by the time you and your wife were getting married -- and probably the only reason I was aware of that in the late 1990s was because I was running university dormitories, but I assure you that, by 1999, girls were already more sexually active than boys (well, a small number of boys were the most sexually active, but they were active with the vast majority of girls -- I can point to many aspects of evidence of this, but let's start with the fact that, by then, it had become decidedly uncool on college campuses for girls to have steady boyfriends -- and someday I can recount the story about how, at the University of Alaska Anchorage, I was prohibited from hiring a young woman as a Resident Assistant because she openly identified herself as a Christian, which was specifically unwelcome because of the fear that she might shame other 'women' about their sexual lifestyles).

While back in the 1960's a significant portion of females remained virgins until at least close to marriage or into their late 20's, now the majority deflower themselves before their quinceaneros -- whereas back then the majority of boys went all the way before reaching adulthood, and now about a quarter of them don't do so until after they're 30 -- if ever.

Thus, my characterization of it being insane for men to think they can find women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners. It isn't that they don't exist; it's that they're tremendously rare compared to the number of men who hope to find and marry them. Those 25% of 30-year-old male virgins are one big hunk of the competition for such female rarities, and then add the more-buff and likely more-successful-in-other-aspects-of-life younger men with whom they're competing, on top of all the established 30-to-55-year-old men still commanding potentially-successful attention from relatively-innocent young things. Not to be boring as all get out, but this is one of those instances of it involving better odds to shoot for winning the Mega Millions lottery. Yes, you can find inexperienced or relatively-inexperienced young females these days, but they're few and far between . . .

. . . but here you're making one side of a good-point coin argument: I have to admit that, because of my association with Biblical Families (in combination with the fact that I increasingly see pursuit of plural marriage through the eyes of other men more than in the context of believing it's going to be an option for me), I tend to make my observations related to finding mates in the context of what most men seeking polygyny are looking for. I've had countless private conversations with men about personal mating preferences, as well as a healthy collection of late-night-at-retreats group male discussions along the same lines, so it has to be said that it's a very rare man even among we Bible Thumpers that isn't pretty durn picky about how we want our wives to look. So, sure, maybe those committed to pursuing polygyny should train their attention on shy (less than half of all females), introverted (smaller subset still), homeschooled (divide the group by 20), slightly-chubby (at least slightly-chubby), Jesus-loving young women (not even all the homely homeschooled chicks are fully enamored of being members of the Body of Christ) -- but no matter how idealistic we want to get about what standards men should have about physical beauty, it's still going to be a rare man even among a group such as this with its high piety quotient who will want to set aside the desire for, if not the "smoking hot chicks," at least a better-than-ourselves-looking one.

After all, this is the nature with which our Creator endowed us -- to seek sensual beauty -- which is compounded by the baseline truth that those men who seek polygyny on average have higher-than-average sex drives that propel the possessors of those drives to mate with women who will produce the best-looking children on top of inspiring the most arousal.

Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm asserting that virtually no men will be the exception to this rule; there are definitely some among us who have demonstrated their willingness to be those exceptions, but there is still this: Kevin Samuels talks about the ways in which a woman's body count (number of previous lovers) affects her desirability. Well, let's look at another type of body count closer to home: anyone who wants to can go over to sisterwives.com and discover the number of accepted friend requests any given female profile displays, complete with the avatar photos of those 'friends;' it's not a measure of previous sexual partners, but it's certainly a pretty good indication of how many people would like to become future partners -- and there's a pretty high correlation between generally-accepted good-looks-and-physical-fitness and the number of photos underneath, many of which are folks we'd recognize from our organization.

Now I'll turn from refuting to my own challenging.

I increasingly reject that there aren't enough quality believing men to go around, perhaps even if what you meant to assert was that this is the case if monogamy is universally enforced. I'm tired of us men bowing to the feminist trope that men aren't measuring up, and it's even more insidious within an organization like this than it is out in the general male populace. Women aren't some extra-worldly class of creatures innocently entitled to male perfection. The men who are available are of at least as high a quality as the women who are available -- and the reversal of the virginity pyramid is just one piece of evidence. Females continue to mature earlier than males, but the fact that men are willing participants in the general female desire for their marital partners to be older than them turns that into a moot point. Add to that the fact that it's clearly the case that, at this stage of cultural evolution, the number of men willing to take on more than one wife far outstrips the number of women willing to be second wives or the number of first wives willing to refrain from sabotaging plural marriage; therefore, it's a canard that there aren't enough male believers to go around. Women simply don't outnumber men in regard to having relationships with Yah or Yeshua.

Most leftover women remain uncovered either because first wives won't share or because potential second wives won't share, all in the context of women generally failing to recognize that being willing to accept the downside of sharing is a small price to pay for the complete package that comes along with what men are expected to provide for their women.

And, lastly, I'm decreasingly willing to let women off the hook by blaming it on the erroneous monogamy-only teaching. If women don't want to die lonely or callously look the other way as other women die lonely, then they need to get over themselves about their collective worship of social approval. When it comes down to it, the vast percentage of the teaching of monogamy-only is being done by (a) women and (b) the men who work predominantly for women in the pulpits (priests and pastors).

Just look around at all the men we know here in this organization and elsewhere who are willing to cover more than one woman -- and how much effort most have put into unsuccessfully seeking additional wives. I assert that it's about time that we stop letting the women blame us for failing to cover them when their demands are so thoroughly unreasonable, not to mention compounded by being unmatched by any willingness on their part to demonstrate that they're worthy of having any man all to themselves -- much less of justifying feeling entitled to a man who makes every effort to rise to the challenge of seeking approval from his Creator.

As each day goes by, I only become increasingly empathetic to the men who are giving up on finding one woman willing to be a true helpmeet, much less seeking two or more.

Samuels is spot-on: what is obviously left to us if we want to create a long-term solution is not so much going through spiritual makeovers ourselves but to start ensuring that we and everyone we know are raising our daughters so they will be prepared to be good wives. Collectively, our culture has been an abysmal failure at this over the past several decades, and if we don't turn that around on top of teaching our sons to have backbones, the rest is likely to become a moot point.
Keith, you are wordy as usual, and also once again chocked full of great content.

I have to agree with you at least 90%. 👍
I have to disagree with Keith on one main thing; about any sort of increase in good men out there, especially strong Bible believing men. I've lived all over the country (because of military), been to numerous churches and it seems there is a LOT of weak, pathetic men in the church. You wouldn't believe how many guys in the church I thought were gay because of how feminine they were (may have actually been who knows). And the one's that weren't weak and pathetic physically were so spiritually. At my undergrad in TX it was this way, and at my very conservative Christian grad school. At the churches I've attended it seemed to be that way also, weak men everywhere. It seems to get worse with every generation.

I'm not even inclduimg the things including "wordly" studies on female attraction and male attractiveness, and the growing numbers of "incel" men. There was one (if I find it ill post it) where the women who took the survey showed that they found 80% of all men "below average." Now, one can blame this on social media, Hollywood, dating apps and sites, women's crazy high standards, etc but that's a different story and possibly an entirely different debate on Biblical vs wordly women's standards.
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I've lived all over the country (because of military), been to numerous churches and it seems there is a LOT of weak, pathetic men in the church.
Perhaps in churches is a particularly inappropriate place to be looking for patriarchs.
the women who took the survey showed that they found 80% of all men "below average.
It's almost an iron-clad component of human nature to over-estimate the worth of oneself and one's children and therefore to have so little clarity about the value of others that one almost necessarily underestimates them. If one is truly mediocre (which the average person is) but assumes oneself to be in the top 20% within any particular or even general mode of making such judgments, it will therefore be the case that one will mistakenly think that all others who are beneath the top 20% are less than average, because somewhere within one's being one does actually know that one is simply average. The problem lies in the tendency for so many women to inflate their own worth, but from my current perspective I'm convinced that women aren't the actual source of that problem. It is instead a problem that men have caused by letting women get away with so thoroughly appreciate the myriad of ways in which men provide value for the lives of women. As long as we put up with women behaving as if 90% of what we do is invisible, they will only continue to consider us beneath them.
  1. Men are insane these days if they think they can find any women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners; and
but if you'd asked me if I agree that "virtually all women over eighteen have had dozens of sexual partners," I would have succinctly told you that, not only do Inot agree with that statement,

Sometimes you make very broad statements that, evidently, communicate something other than what you mean.
Sometimes you make very broad statements that, evidently, communicate something other than what you mean.
Sure, but I'd prefer to have to discuss something further over refraining from making the broad statement. The statement may be broad or a generalization, but if what one is looking for is realistically the rare exception to the rule, one is better off being honest with oneself about that.

What's relevant in this particular slice of an overall discussion (which, again, only occurred because someone asked me for sound bites), though, is the very significant distinction between (a) the current extremely difficult task of finding women over the age of 18 who haven't already had dozens of partners, and (b) the thus nearly-meaningless assertion that no women over 18 have had less than dozens of partners. I asserted (a) and not (b).

Certainly, somewhat chaste women do exist, but they are now rare, and the vast majority of them are already married. In the context of our discussion, the only thing that really matters is what is available to already-married men who are looking for additional wives among the pool of unmarried women. That pool of unmarried women contains precious few relatively-inexperienced women, much less women in that category who are young, feminine, respectful, cooperative and grateful Christians. Thus my assertion that it's insane to limit one's search to that category.

One can choose to do so, but it should be no surprise that almost no one who chooses to do so has any success at it.

And my further assertion is that what that means is that most men who declare that they want to create a plural family really don't want to accomplish that in any real sense, because the requirements thrown out there are ridiculously unrealistic.
The problem is that written discussions are quite a bit more clumsy when it comes to sussing out the nuances of what you might have meant, and a person is left with a false impression of your meaning.
And my further assertion is that what that means is that most men who declare that they want to create a plural family really don't want to accomplish that in any real sense, because the requirements thrown out there are ridiculously unrealistic.
Yeah, I think that some of them enjoy the search more than the idea of actually living the life.
Just my take: I see nothing in Scripture other than the Levirate Law that asserts that polygyny is an imperative for any given individual. On the other hand, for every woman to be covered, it's definitely necessary for some men to be willing to be the man for more than one woman, which, logically speaking, means that polygyny is a clear imperative for every culture writ large.

This, however, doesn't seem to be a real issue, because it's quite apparent that the number of men willing to be plural husbands outstrips the number of women willing to submit to it. The problem is simply not the availability of willing, capable men. The problem is the shortage of women who would rather die alone and (in most cases) in poverty than become second wives and the plethora of first wives who will do everything in their power to prevent having to share their man. Therefore, outside of physical coercion, this is a matter for which we are going to have to wait for women in general to have a very serious change of heart.
It is up to us to sell it to them. They just aren’t going to be that willing to break a taboo and subject themselves to stigma unless we up our persuasion/negotiation/leadership game.
Your (whoever is reading this) standards my vary from mine. But I haven't met but maybe a handful of men who are up to snuff on taking over my wife and boys if something were to happen that suddenly takes me out. The sheer number of garbage, lazy, feminine, stupid, weak, good for nothing males out there is abominable. One of my main reasons for teaching my wife and kids about this other than the fact that this is scriptural, is the fact that if I get crushed by a gravel truck next week, I need my wife to be open to the idea of marrying a proven, wise, hard working, strong, leader of a man. And him already being married should not promote a single iota of doubt or hesitation in her mind.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not planning on exiting this mortal coil anytime soon. But dadgum, I'd be hard pressed to endorse a single man I know.

That is part of the reason I posited the question. Not that I think there is a black and white, written down scriptural imperative from God. But just by sheer numbers of sorry men, it seems to me that it would be selfish for me to not at least offer myself seeing as I have room for more.
It is up to us to sell it to them. They just aren’t going to be that willing to break a taboo and subject themselves to stigma unless we up our persuasion/negotiation/leadership game.
Short version:

Hell no. Feel free to continue wasting your time talking them into it. I'm not going to join you.
It is up to us to sell it to them. They just aren’t going to be that willing to break a taboo and subject themselves to stigma unless we up our persuasion/negotiation/leadership game.
Long version:

I'll be transparent here and state that I'm tremendously weary of all the messages that assert, in one way or another, that we as men are just downright inadequate. We aren't pious enough. We aren't strong enough. We haven't been persuasive enough with women. We haven't been wily enough to talk women out of whatever their endless lists of excuses are. We haven't shoveled enough snow, washed enough dishes, changed enough diapers, had enough patience, or obtained our dual doctorates in Sociology and Bible Knowledge to be considered expert enough to be listened to.

I stopped selling patriarchy and polygyny to my wife or my children sometime last year, and I haven't looked back on doing that one day since then. Instead, I just behave with full assurance that my beliefs based on biblical messages about patriarchy and polygyny are entirely righteous and can't even be questioned by people who prefer being jittery about social approval over truly studying Scripture.

I'm done with selling patriarchy, polygyny or really just about anything else in Scripture. We're not on a quest comparable to marketing. Well, I should only speak for myself; perhaps everyone else is cool with having to be a salesman, but personally I'd rather go without plural marriage or even marriage period than have to talk a woman into either one of them. Initially, after adopting this distinctly-different posture, the threats of separating from me made by my wife, children and friends headed toward a crescendo -- and, guess what, my wife is still here and much more agreeable, my relationships with my children have more substance, and most of my friendships are stronger than ever (and the ones that aren't or that fizzled have been replaced by more rewarding associations).

If women want to live and die alone, well, so be it. That's their choice. What I don't read in Scripture is any imperative that female self-destructiveness is my burden as a man. I can be tangibly available to be a woman's leader, but that doesn't make me responsible for convincing her that it's best for her. We're living in a time during which, as men, we have cowered on the sidelines while women and their eunuch male sidekicks convinced us to keep our lips zipped as we all have acted like zombies in some kind of Fantasyland alternate reality that promotes the idea that women don't need us. The ramifications of that foolishness are beginning to be recognized. Men are standing up. Women are waking up. But the ramifications of Foolishness Fantasyland -- manifested as female cluelessness and intransigence -- may be with us for generations before women wake up in sufficient numbers. Neither you nor I are responsible for convincing women about what's good for them. We can teach if given the opportunity, but we can neither force nor transform minds that are opposed to being students.

Furthermore, if, as men -- as the collective chumps we've been comfortable being -- we just continue to provide the covering, the protection, the organization, the fuel, the power, the inventions, the maintenance, the repair, the luxuries and most of the income that runs the economy and covers the bulk of the taxes that provide government services -- while we allow women to not only continue believing that the sex and reproduction they provide makes them equal partners in this world but to also behave as if we men deserve to have to continuously prove to them that we are worthy of their attention rather than expecting them to be more generous in their approach to us -- as long as that's the predominant dynamic of our culture, it will make no difference whether we hone our teaching skills or marketing plans enough to close the sale on polygyny or anything else.

To me, the only real aspect of insufficient male leadership is in the realm of letting women get away with thinking we need to convince them of anything that makes sense. Therefore, what I hear -- loud enough to drown out the foreground -- in the background of any discussion that veers off into asserting we just have to up our game on yet another category of manhood -- is a profound absence among us of true confidence in the rectitude of that which we provide lip service to claiming we believe.
I think both sides have some valid points and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Do most (really all) men have more growing to do personally, financially, and spiritually that would better prepare them to be effective heads of a polygynous household in the future? Of course. "Anyone who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall"

Does that necessarily preclude them from following the Will of YHWH in their life to take additional wives if He brings them into his path needing care and covering? I think not.

Are men responsible for clubbing hard hearted women over the head and dragging them off to their caves to wife them, speaking metaphorically? No. Women need to be willing to listen, to consider, to adapt away from the current culture towards a more biblical model of marriage. If they simply refuse, there is not much a man can do to "win them over".

Jesus taught His disciples to be fishers of men. Might this also apply to how men seek out women to add to their fold? Not selling it but rather living it and leading those who will listen.
Long version:

I'll be transparent here and state that I'm tremendously weary of all the messages that assert, in one way or another, that we as men are just downright inadequate. We aren't pious enough. We aren't strong enough. We haven't been persuasive enough with women. We haven't been wily enough to talk women out of whatever their endless lists of excuses are. We haven't shoveled enough snow, washed enough dishes, changed enough diapers, had enough patience, or obtained our dual doctorates in Sociology and Bible Knowledge to be considered expert enough to be listened to.

I stopped selling patriarchy and polygyny to my wife or my children sometime last year, and I haven't looked back on doing that one day since then. Instead, I just behave with full assurance that my beliefs based on biblical messages about patriarchy and polygyny are entirely righteous and can't even be questioned by people who prefer being jittery about social approval over truly studying Scripture.

I'm done with selling patriarchy, polygyny or really just about anything else in Scripture. We're not on a quest comparable to marketing. Well, I should only speak for myself; perhaps everyone else is cool with having to be a salesman, but personally I'd rather go without plural marriage or even marriage period than have to talk a woman into either one of them. Initially, after adopting this distinctly-different posture, the threats of separating from me made by my wife, children and friends headed toward a crescendo -- and, guess what, my wife is still here and much more agreeable, my relationships with my children have more substance, and most of my friendships are stronger than ever (and the ones that aren't or that fizzled have been replaced by more rewarding associations).

If women want to live and die alone, well, so be it. That's their choice. What I don't read in Scripture is any imperative that female self-destructiveness is my burden as a man. I can be tangibly available to be a woman's leader, but that doesn't make me responsible for convincing her that it's best for her. We're living in a time during which, as men, we have cowered on the sidelines while women and their eunuch male sidekicks convinced us to keep our lips zipped as we all have acted like zombies in some kind of Fantasyland alternate reality that promotes the idea that women don't need us. The ramifications of that foolishness are beginning to be recognized. Men are standing up. Women are waking up. But the ramifications of Foolishness Fantasyland -- manifested as female cluelessness and intransigence -- may be with us for generations before women wake up in sufficient numbers. Neither you nor I are responsible for convincing women about what's good for them. We can teach if given the opportunity, but we can neither force nor transform minds that are opposed to being students.

Furthermore, if, as men -- as the collective chumps we've been comfortable being -- we just continue to provide the covering, the protection, the organization, the fuel, the power, the inventions, the maintenance, the repair, the luxuries and most of the income that runs the economy and covers the bulk of the taxes that provide government services -- while we allow women to not only continue believing that the sex and reproduction they provide makes them equal partners in this world but to also behave as if we men deserve to have to continuously prove to them that we are worthy of their attention rather than expecting them to be more generous in their approach to us -- as long as that's the predominant dynamic of our culture, it will make no difference whether we hone our teaching skills or marketing plans enough to close the sale on polygyny or anything else.

To me, the only real aspect of insufficient male leadership is in the realm of letting women get away with thinking we need to convince them of anything that makes sense. Therefore, what I hear -- loud enough to drown out the foreground -- in the background of any discussion that veers off into asserting we just have to up our game on yet another category of manhood -- is a profound absence among us of true confidence in the rectitude of that which we provide lip service to claiming we believe.
This, and especially the end result (wife children and friends remain) is certainly evidense of success.

In my very limited observation and experience, there is nothing unattractive about a man that draws a hard line, and it is different from just being a hard a$$.

A man with a circumcised heart, showing a desire to do what is right, coupled with the ability to stand alone if he must, is very appealing to a woman who wants a head of household kind of man.

Bending to a woman's wishes, especially if they are selfish, will never produce good fruit.

I expect when the great ho goes down and uncle sam ain't there to be the big poly sugar daddy to all the selfish women living to gratify those lusts of the flesh....then we will see seven women taking hold of one man.

If not the current patriarchs...our sons or grandsons may be very busy men. Lol
Short version:

Hell no. Feel free to continue wasting your time talking them into it. I'm not going to join you.
Tongue-in-cheek version: a great idea for any man who just wants to feel like he's in charge: declare that your vision for your family is that you will lead a rescue-dog program, and you'll probably multiply by 100 the number of women interested in joining (read: functionally leading) your vision. They'll probably also let you share the beds they're already sharing with their multiple dogs.
