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Please help!

my husband Jim and I have been married 20 years now ,I married when I was 16 years old I thought we had built a very good relationship, about 6 years ago we invited a young woman into our home( we'd marry her if we knew who would do it ),all along she has been very high maintiance to the point of now I have feelings of worthlessness and neglect and etc.we don't know what we are doing I'm feeling to the end of this relationship becouse I just can't handle these feelings anymore we can talk about it and after a few months it will go back to the way it was it's whatever she wants she gets no matter my feelings on the subject,shouldn't we have rules or something I can't belive that after being married for so long that they just want me to forget about the past Jim and I had to build the foundation for this relationship they want equality for her but when I say ok" sure you have some time with him Susan""ok now it's my turn "she's calling every 5 min.demanding he talk to her and screaming at him on the phone drawing his attention away from me and he just lets her do it, this is just an example, I belive that deep down in my heart I've been more than understanding and fair I need help to move forward do I keep trying,I want it to work but I'm scared it will just go back after a while how do we stop a pattern when he will just give in when she says jump and if you don't jump Jim(Susan say's)I'll leave
My husband's first wife would probably say that there have been times when she felt the same way. I have been guilty of that type of behavior. Fortunately (at least I believe) I have grown up a bit and now I am not so demanding. This is largely due to my husband taking the reigns and teaching me what being a submissive wife was about. While I have not perfected the art of submission, I have improved.

The key is really your husband taking the lead and you wives being willing to follow his lead.

But, the fact is that if you are both married to him, you are equal to each other. We can't have a hierarchy of wives. If she is a wife then she is a wife. If there is a pecking order then someone will always feel like they are less valuable and less worthy. That is not something we want to promote. T and I are equal. She had 30+ years with him before I came along. There are times when both of us feel that we are sacrificing more than the other. But truly, families that love each other sacrifice for each other.

As far as having someone "do" a marriage that is not necessary. I believe that marriage is between you and the other person and the Lord. Witnesses are good to have (this helps with accountablity) but there is no requirement for a member of clergy to perform the ceremony. It is really a covenent between the man, the woman and God. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like.

Juanita, I hope you will get lots of questions answered here. That is what we are here for.

Sweet Lissa
Hi, how are you doing? I am newly registered to this group but felt your pain and wanted to post a reply. I am so sorry for the hurt and turmoil you are going through. It seems that instead of bringing you happiness and fulfillment, the polygamous life has brought you pain and sorrow, apparently because of your feelings regarding the way it is conducted in your home. I think that no matter what the lifestyle or marital choice certain ground rules still apply. The relationship is not all about any one person even if we are to be submissive to our husbands as God has also charged them with caring for us as they would themselves. Like in any relationship the success, harmony, and longevity of it depends on open communication AND responsiveness of the partner(s) to the needs, thoughts, desires, and feelings of the other(s). You and your feelings are just as important as anyone's and the way you are feeling right now deserves to be heard and understood and met with change in the way things are done so that all can be reasonably happy.

From what you say in your relationship it sounds as if the squeakiest wheel is getting all the grease when all wheels need attention and care. I was wondering if some reflection might help to clarify your feelings, beliefs, and stance on things and therefore enhance your ability to get what you want. I know when one is very upset it is difficult to think and plan calmly and rationally, or even sometimes to communicate in a way that others truly hear, respect, and abide by. What are your bottom lines that you would need to occur in order for you to feel peace, self-esteem, and basic happiness? How could ground rules be established and followed in your family? Are you truly accepting of the polygamous life? Is the main hurt and anger because of the way things are being done or is it having a sisterwife in general? Are there any things that you could change to make things better or is it all "her/his/their" fault in your view? I noticed that you said if you all knew how he could marry your sisterwife you all would do so. Does this mean that you have truly accepted and want her there, but just want things to change?

It is troubling that from your description your husband does not seem to feel or prioritize your severe anxiety, hurt, and anger. These kinds of feelings bottled up over time can cause illness, depression, low self-esteem, and even thoughts of suicide. As a leader, is he generally considerate and respectful of your needs and feelings or is this a pattern in other aspects of your life? Also, in what way do all contribute in general to the wellbeing, cohesion, and success of the family and its members such as financially, task-wise, etc? I am asking only to try to see if similar conflicts and problems exist in other areas to get a better feel for how things might be helped. I also wanted to suggest that you might post where some men can give their perspective as they may have good advice and insight as well. Hang in there though. You seem to be a highly devoted, loving, wonderful woman. I hope you will practice self-comforting techniques such as hot baths, cuddling in a blanket with a good book or movie, favorite food, treating your self, calling friends, etc. to help yourself cope during this troubling time. Also do things to raise your self-esteem such as working out, taking a class, new hairdo, and positive, affirming words to yourself etc. We women have to practice self-care especially when we are faced with hurt regarding our men. You are definitely worthy because God made you that way and nothing ANYONE on Earth can do will ever change that.