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Plural Christian Marriage Submission to Congress


New Member
Dear All

God bless your heart and greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

I am working on a draft submission to the US Congress on Plural Marriage policy which may or may not be included in the final document. My primary interest is to promote what God wants. I’ve read Scripture and heard arguments on both sides of the debate by equally God fearing Christians. I would like to receive any lead, any insight from Scripture, secondary sources and your personal experiences that could be incorporated into my Brief. I may even turn this into a book later and would be delighted to reference you if you want to put forward your own thoughts/teaching on the subject (on either side of the debate). But if you request anonimity I will respect your wishes.

I am honestly at the crossroads myself on the issue which I've known about for some time. So, despite doing some work to help US policy on this subject, I am also seeking input that will convince me as to what God's will is on the subject.

Please email me at MGD255@GMAIL.COM at your earliest convenience. At your request, I will send you a link to my professional profile in order to establish my bona fides with you. The timeframe is as soon as possible as God leads.

Bless your hearts :p
BlessedOfGod said:
Dear All

God bless your heart and greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

I am working on a draft submission to the US Congress on Plural Marriage policy which may or may not be included in the final document. My primary interest is to promote what God wants. I’ve read Scripture and heard arguments on both sides of the debate by equally God fearing Christians. I would like to receive any lead, any insight from Scripture, secondary sources and your personal experiences that could be incorporated into my Brief. I may even turn this into a book later and would be delighted to reference you if you want to put forward your own thoughts/teaching on the subject (on either side of the debate). But if you request anonimity I will respect your wishes.

I am honestly at the crossroads myself on the issue which I've known about for some time. So, despite doing some work to help US policy on this subject, I am also seeking input that will convince me as to what God's will is on the subject.

Please email me at MGD255@GMAIL.COM at your earliest convenience. At your request, I will send you a link to my professional profile in order to establish my bona fides with you. The timeframe is as soon as possible as God leads.

Bless your hearts :p

From all of the court challenges that I've read about, the argument about marriage being a religious/Godly institution in conjunction with the "Free Exercise Clause" has failed in court challenges/defenses when it came to polygamy. It's best to resort to the same arguments that same-sex advocates have used and perhaps even those that had the ban on interracial marriages declared unconstitutional (discrimination, protecting the rights of the minority from the majority, etc.). I'm not a lawyer or a constitutional law expert (although I'm taking American Government class right now! ) nor am I practicing polygamist, but if I was, then you can bet I'd be looking to persistently challenge anti-polygamy laws until they are overturned, at least for whichever state I reside in.
BlessedOfGod said:
I’ve read Scripture and heard arguments on both sides of the debate by equally God fearing Christians. ... I am honestly at the crossroads myself on the issue which I've known about for some time. So, despite doing some work to help US policy on this subject, I am also seeking input that will convince me as to what God's will is on the subject.

Dear Blessed of God:

I've read your request with interest, and would like to be of service. As I analyze your statements above, it would seem that if you have heard both sides and are now at a crossroads, instead of clearly headed down one branch, that you must be finding equal merit in the arguments of both groups.

Perhaps that is the proper point to start. We don't know you, nor what you have heard or missed, nor what you have accepted as meritorious.

Why not start by telling us which arguments you have heard "against" that have carried weight with you? For myself, I've found every one presented in the last 12 years to be full of holes. I'll be glad to share what I see; you will be free to agree, disagree, or rebut.

At the same time, feel free to let us know what arguments you've heard "for", and whether you consider them strong or weak. Perhaps I or others can add to your list or strengthen an item already there.