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Polygynist Messianic Soldier/Healer Adventurer Sailor Homesteader

While I wish the best. I am sure my husband can tell you his journey to three was not an easy one. It took all sides years of work mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Polygyny is not an easy road for those who believe it nor for those who practice it. You will be tested beyond what you think you can endure at times. You will walk through down right fire.
We can all be a support to you but the farmer that prepares his field for rain does so with great planning and care.
The relationship you speak of let’s be real the reality is that more than likely you may be willing to wait for her but most women aren’t going to sit around waiting on you to get ready. Either make a covenant with her or be fair and let her go so she can make a covenant if that opportunity arises. When my husband and I were in the courtship process there was no pressure on either side for me to say yes but when God presented the opportunity I took it. In not pressuring me that made me desire the man he is even more than I already did.
I hope and pray that the Lord leads you and that you learn and grow here.
I will keep living my life, but I have chosen in my heart to keep the dror open for her should she wish to pick up where we left off.

Anyone I meet who gets into a relationship with me must ok with that.

Marriage is a big step that I won't rush into, but I also have clear up front conditions and boundaries.
PS> A bit of unsolicited but vital advice: Avoid any more boosters of the Poison Poke if you hope to offer children to any of those future wives.
This is a discussion we will never agree on, I am called by Father God to be a future Nurse and regardless of the science I must be vaccinated.

Like I said before, I serve The Most High AND am called into the medical field, so you're not going to win me over to become anti modern medicine.
I don't like people being condescending to me like I don't understand that life has difficulties.

I also don't like people telling me to change my future goals just because they believe I should based on their opinion.

Comments like that don't help me. I find them annoying and they irritate me, so I'll just ignore them.

I appreciate the comments that are supportive or offer insight or advice using their own personal experiences.

I can learn from those.
FYI, I will only listen to Women on a very limited basis.

I mean no disrespect, I'm just trying not to follow or learn from Women as a Man as Shaul aka Paul advises against in 1 Timothy 2 based on the order of creation and how ignoring this led to the downfall of Humanity.

I will listen to Women's personal stories or testimonies, but I just can't out of respect for The Most High take the advice of a Woman.
I can learn from those.
You can even learn from the ones you consider "condescending." One thing to remember is that there are many people here who have been seeking plural for a while; they know how difficult it can be. I don't think they were attempting to come across as condescending or to put a damper on your dreams, but I can certainly see why you feel that way.
Marriage is a big step that I won't rush into, but I also have clear up front conditions and boundaries.
I agree, follow what you feel led to do.
This is a discussion we will never agree on, I am called by Father God to be a future Nurse and regardless of the science I must be vaccinated.
Agree as well. I'm vaccinated also, but you won't find that most here are. I believe our Lord can heal anything and knows our hearts (I took my vaccine under similar circumstances as you). I believed it would protect my grandmother, who I was caring for at the time, and later to become a hospice nurse for a little bit. So if by chance we made a mistake by taking the vaccine, then I have faith that we'll be ok ❤️
You can even learn from the ones you consider "condescending." One thing to remember is that there are many people here who have been seeking plural for a while; they know how difficult it can be. I don't think they were attempting to come across as condescending or to put a damper on your dreams, but I can certainly see why you feel that way.

I agree, follow what you feel led to do.

Agree as well. I'm vaccinated also, but you won't find that most here are. I believe our Lord can heal anything and knows our hearts (I took my vaccine under similar circumstances as you). I believed it would protect my grandmother, who I was caring for at the time, and later to become a hospice nurse for a little bit. So if by chance we made a mistake by taking the vaccine, then I have faith that we'll be ok ❤️
It's extremely rare to find someone like you in places like this.

Perhaps we can be friends?
This is a discussion we will never agree on, I am called by Father God to be a future Nurse and regardless of the science I must be vaccinated.
Says Who?

Whether we agree or not, you need to figure out Who you serve.

Did it ever even occur to you that He might want people who put Him above what some eartly licensing authority wants? And that if 'Science' is pushing Death - it's not of Him?

I know good nurses who refused to allow themselves to be guinea pigs. And gave their patients that same respect.
On just a bit further consideration - wait a minute:

This is a discussion we will never agree on, I am called by Father God to be a future Nurse and regardless of the science I must be vaccinated.
So you understand enough of the real "science" to know that the Poison Poke causes greatly increased sterility?

Is being a "future Nurse" a higher calling than being a father? Especially to more than one future wife but not likely mother?

Like I said before, I serve The Most High AND am called into the medical field, so you're not going to win me over to become anti modern medicine.
And this I can't let stand. If you don't know about the criminally-manipulated 'trials' and evidence they tried to hide (and failed) for 75 years, I question your understanding.

And if you think Fauci is 'the Science' and his like is what is meant by 'modern medicine' - I seriously doubt your calling by any 'most high' that Wrote Scripture.

Given what has now come out about fraudulent test methodology, at minimum- that some of us knew enough about 'modern medicine' to reject a priori - any doctor that isn't at least questioning whether he was duped by now isn't worth his salt. Add in the 'War Against Ivemectin' and alternative treatments that WORKED, but blew the EUA, and the case is clear.

YHVH does not call His People to accept Fraud, or idolatry.
Brother, I'm not going to try to poke holes in your vision here, you haven't invited me to do so. I'll offer you a single piece of advice. Become coachable and seek a mentor who has proven his ability to master what you seek. Ignore it or use it, the choice is yours.


The people around here are generally kind, and supportive, and far more open minded than most.

We are also willing to challenge each other when necessary. I hope you will value our input.

I appreciate your passion and enthusiasm for life. You aspire to an extraordinary life, and I wish you every success.

May I ask about some of your achievements thus far?

You mentioned that you are 34 years old and hope to enlist in the military, eventually becoming a nurse and a green beret. You also mentioned that you would like to have a large family with multiple wives, and many children. Those are honorable aspirations.

The thing is, most people enlist in the military at age 18, right out of high school. Thirty-four is a little late in the game to begin military service or start a career in nursing. 🤔

Of course you can still do those things, and I don't want to discourage you. Its just pretty far outside the norm. For example, one of my coworkers became a Marine at age 28, and he said that he was definitely considered the "old man" of his cohort. At 34 you would almost be old enough to be the father of your fellow soldiers.

Have you already accomplished quite a lot (in other areas) over the last sixteen years since high school? Have you started businesses? Have you acquired land, farm equipment, houses, or other significant assets? Have you traveled or learned foreign languages? Have you been stacking college degrees, or professional licenses and certifications?

Speaking of joining the military later on, I'm a little odd myself. 🤔 I briefly considering entering the military at age 34 (but ultimately didn't do it). Even so, had I entered, I would have joined the entomological service of the medical corps as a O-3 (Captain) since I had a Doctorate in the Agricultural sciences. I definitely wouldn't have wanted to enlist as a E-1 Private or anything at age 34.

You mentioned also being a virgin (at age 34). This is also highly unusual for an ambitious man. 🤔

I understand that you are unmarried. As a Christian man, I won't encourage sexual intercourse outside of marriage.

It's just highly unusual. 🤔

Godly high achieving men are typically married and have five or more kids by the age 34.

Ungodly but still high achieving men might be single at 34, but will certainly have had sex with multiple women by then.

Both these things seem to indicate that you might be a "low achiever" rather than an "extreme high achiever". 🤔

Please don't take offense. I don't know your specific life situation. I don't know what challenges you have faced and overcome. Perhaps I am missing some important information.

I don't want the dreams of extraordinary success to blind you, and prevent you from achieving a good, but normal life.

Polygamy is lawful and all, but it isn't for most men.

Most men have one wife, a few kids, a regular job, and a regular house. That can still be a good life.
I'm starting to see that the leadership here is against me and allows people to troll me, good thing I can just put people on my Ignore List and no longer have to deal with them, but I can expect my Post Reports to to be ignored despite a troll telling me to choose whom I serve as if getting Vaccinated is against serving The Most High.
I'm starting to see that the leadership here is against me and allows people to troll me, good thing I can just put people on my Ignore List and no longer have to deal with them, but I can expect my Post Reports to to be ignored despite a troll telling me to choose whom I serve as if getting Vaccinated is against serving The Most High.
They literally told me the troll wasn't questioning my faith as if I don't understand English. I'm pretty sure it was that first Admin who replied to my Thread just to troll me.
If you take a hard line on moderation, people complain that you are censoring everyone and are as bad as Facebook. If you take a relaxed line, other people complain that you aren't doing enough to protect them from mean people. You can't win. Either one person will hate you or the other one will.

In this case, @Mark C questioned whether God is truly calling you to be a nurse. He was a bit blunt and rude about it, but didn't break any forum rules. I didn't like his posts much either, but if we deleted every post that someone else didn't like this forum would be rather bare of content.

I think you'd be far better off reading @Bartato's post above and thinking about that, than complaining about moderation.
Is being a "future Nurse" a higher calling than being a father? Especially to more than one future wife but not likely mother?
Goodness, Mark, do you ever stop? Some of us were in less than ideal situations when we took the vaccine; we weighed the options and made a decision based on the information and experiences we had at the time. If by chance it's proven we were wrong, why not just pray for us? Even so, pray for us now. What's the purpose of constantly speaking down to others? Also, there are more ways to be a father and a mother than physically producing children. Either way, if the Lord wants something done, it will be done.
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I'm just trying not to follow or learn from Women as a Man as Shaul aka Paul advises against in 1 Timothy 2
You free to do as you wish, but is this forum a church setting? Was Paul saying never to learn from a woman EVER, in ANY setting? Are women to be silent at ALL times, or just in a church setting? Can no woman have an opinion ever?

I listen to 3 women all the time, who give me advice and I feel like I can make better informed decisions because of it.

I have news for you. If you join the US military, you will have women in authority over you at some point in your career, and you will have to follow the orders of a woman from time to time or risk discipline under the UCMJ. Can you handle that?
I also have 3 wives, and they are included in my multitude of godly counselors. I make much better decisions with their input because they do have holy spirit and can use the scriptures well. I encourage husbands in our assembly to do so.
Goodness, Mark, do you ever stop?
Not when people's lives are being destroyed and YHVH tells us to "not keep silent," and "blow the shofar."

You are free to ignore the warning, and the situation is described in Ezekiel 33.

But I will argue when people STILL try to convince others to commit suicide.

Some of us were in less than ideal situations when we took the vaccine; we weighed the options and made a decision based on the information and experiences we had at the time.
Sorry. I was warning people, based on FACTS, since early 2020. And talked about the incontrovertible evidence that it was a lab-developed bio-weapon in March of that year.

If by chance it's proven we were wrong, why not just pray for us? Even so, pray for us now.
How do you know I am not?