
  • Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
There is a lot of theology in this forum, which is mostly good, if not a little tendentious of each persons convictions. But I have a greater interest in day-to-day living in a poly family. There is no dearth of Bible exegesis’s on this vast sea of data bits, and I can locate it any time I have the itch. But there is a real scarcity of practical, hands on information.

I have a lot of questions, and I would be so appreciative if you would put the sermons and Biblical exegiseses in one post, and how you dealt each or any of the following of the questions in another. You might even write of solutions to problems I haven’t even asked.

A few questions to start.

The spouses family:
How do you introduce yourself to your spouse(s) parents?
If your spouse had children from a previous marriage, how do you introduce yourself to them?
How do you handle crisis’s in your spouse(s) family, such as death and illness?
How do you celebrate your spouse’s family traditions, such as Easter, Christmas, birthdays, Passover?

How do you legally protect your spouse(s) in case of your death or disability?
How do you handle cash/credit card/check purchases?
What about the “ex-“?
How are your beneficiaries handled in insurance papers?
How do you conduct family devotions at home and in public?
What happens when a spouse leaves? How is property settled?

As you can see, questions, questions, questions.



Real Person
Jan 17, 2008
West Michigan
Zip Code
I will answer those that we have experienced.

I have not met Randy’s parents yet. One knows of my existence and relationship. The other does not.

Randy and T have three children. I know two of them fairly well. They are all grown and so their attitudes towards me have little effect day to day. However, their reactions have hurt both T and Randy. One is ambivalent. One has disowned them and the one who doesn’t know me is the most accepting of the three.

Crises in the families are handled with as much sensitivity as we can find. Last Christmas, T’s mother became hospitalized. During that time, there was a lot of family around so I tried to just fade into the background as a supportive friend. I wasn’t always successful, but the good thing is that God knows what is in my heart and I have learned a lot. There have been a few times when I have been needed to help T with a situation with her mom or her grandkids. When that happens it is truly about having all the hands available to accomplish a mission.

We have celebrated holidays together. I felt like an outsider much of the time because it was all with their family, but I believe that is something that will wear off as we grow together and create our own traditions.

Randy has a life insurance policy for each of us so that we will both be taken care of in the event of his death. We are still transitioning in this area. Since T and I will be handling the finances for the next year we are both set up to handle the bills that are ours. Meaning the bills at T’s house are her job and the ones at my house are my job. We will consult with each other about stuff that is out of the ordinary, but the budget is set and that will be our guideline.

We consult each other about removing money from our joint account. Our goal is for each of us to have a set amount of money that is ours to spend as we choose (as long as it isn’t sinful) and beyond that we need to discuss the availability of funds. There may be a balance in the checking account but it is likely that it is earmarked for some upcoming expense. We all know this and we all agree to work together at this.

Right now we are all living separate so our devotions are individual. We each attend church as regularly as possible. We are all responsible for spending time with the Lord every day.

I hope that we will never have to handle a spouse leaving but if it did I would assume that we would all try to handle it in as adult a way as possible. For instance if I were to leave now, I don’t have a lot invested in the family (just my heart) so I would expect to take only what I arrived with. If, however, we were to buy a house then I would expect that my investment in the house would be returned to me in some way.

As far as ex- people go, I don’t really know about that. I bet there are others who are more qualified to answer that than I am.

Sweet Lissa


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
Hello Lissa!

I appreciate your input. It is exactly the sort of reply I was hoping for. There is a curious unwillingness in the community to talk of living issues, and I guess I understand it for the most part, but it gets vexing when I look for ways to serve my family, and can’t find any mentoring when it comes to those issues. What I am finding mostly on the poly sites is either way too much “bedroom” detail, or deep, scholarly discussions on the meaning of a single word in scripture. There has to be a middle ground out here in the vast ocean of binary digits.

I know how you feel with the family crisis issue. Second wife’s father is in an assisted living facility now, but he is getting very old and very frail. I have known her family for many years, and have a good relationship with her father and children, but they are still in the dark about our relationship. I think that the children may have their suspicions, but have chosen to not question the relationship very closely, though.

When the inevitable occurs, I am not sure how I am going to comport myself. First wife is almost as well known to second wife’s family as I am, and perhaps if we can find a house sitter, and the three of us can journey there together to keep up the appearance as very good friends to her family and old congregation. I’ll just have to wait this one out and see what develops

It has been a little easier for us as Messianic believers to keep the family holy days separate from our birth family’s celebrations. While my parents were still living, I was able to indulge them by being there for Christmas etc., leaving us free to celebrate the feasts as family. Seconds children, though, were raised in the Messianic community, though they aren’t in it now, so they may show up some time for Pesach or Sukkot, and then the relationship may become a little clearer to them. I have decided to let Second handle that aspect of our relationship, and I’ll just play a more supportive role. She is going to travel over T’giving and Christmas to spend time with him and her family.

We all live in the same house, and we pretty much share everything. Second has taken two bedrooms with an adjoining bath to make herself a little suite, and I am still in the master bedroom with first. I have a smaller bedroom that is now a meditation room/writing workshop/computer lab, but I am going to convert it to my own bedroom as we get more settled into our new home. Two houses would probably make leaving either bedroom in the morning a little less tense, but we are determined to work this one out. It still feels a little awkward.

My age and health history sort of put life insurance out of the question, so any legacy I leave to my family will have to be the ones that accrue from the land. I have a will made out which is also signed and attested to by first wife that places the property in both their names at my death. But there are still a lot of legal issues to work out.

First wife has medical and retirement benefits from her years in the newspaper business, and so she is as well taken care of as one can be in these uncertain times.

Second wife was in dire straights when we became a family, and came in with little more than an aging car, two dogs, two late student loans, and an angry relationship with her bank. So my main thrust when she came in was to build her up again. We pretty much carried her for a couple of years while she got her teaching credentials. We felt that teaching was one of those careers where she could still get vested in a retirement plan and have the necessary health insurance even though she is middle aged.

I found a bank that would accept her as a customer without looking too closely at her recent past, and for her sake, I need her to manage her money, and still contribute to the family at a very high level. She is penny-wise and pound foolish, so she doesn’t squander money on non-essentals, and accepts my leadership in major purchases, so thus far, it hasn’t been an issue.

First wife is very exacting and is very responsible. She has become the treasurer of the family. In her zeal to make sure all contribute equally, she has become a little autocratic at times, but when it gets overbearing, a gentle reminder that we are building a family here is all she needs to back down. It has been a problem from time to time to keep second wife from looking resentfully at first wife as her mother.

Again, thank you for your response.

~ rusty


Jul 28, 2008
Bellingham Washington. On elm street.
Zip Code
From all of us that have yet to live the lifestyle thank you for shareing a cross section of your life. I have found it very enlightening.


Hi all,

I haven't responded to these questions myself because I don't feel qualified, seeing as how I have one wife. However, many of these questions could easily apply in a one-wife family as well, so I'm curious. For those living in multiple-wife families, is there so much persecution or adverse reactions that silence and secrecy is generally required to live polygyny successfully? I only ask because if I were to take another wife, I'm convinced I personally would be unable to deal with them on different levels as far as friends and family are concerned.

I wouldn't shout it from the rooftop, but neither would I intentionally avoid situations or people where questions might arise. If anyone wants to know something, they only need ask. I would introduce my wives just as I would introduce my daughters: "This is my wife, Pam" (pause for hand shaking and introductions), "and this is my wife, XYZ" (pause for quizzical looks and more hand shaking), "and this is my daughter, Elianna", etc. I wouldn't make it a big deal but I wouldn't avoid being direct either.

When my wife and I stopped celebrating Easter and Christmas just before my first daughter was born, we notified all our friends and families of our decision and explained our reasons in a detailed letter. Many family members were offended because they misunderstood our desire to avoid these pagan influences as somehow condemning them of sin. From what I read in these forums and the people I've talked with, it seems to me that patriarchy and polygyny requires a certain kind of mindset to "go against the grain", as it were. None of us seem to be afraid to stand up for what we believe in, and we all place our trust in God and in His Word above all other things in our lives.

So I guess what I'm asking is if some of those currently living in polygynous marriages could clarify some of the issues and problems they've run into in this regard. I realize each situation is different, and the marital dynamics cover the whole spectrum as each new wife (and by extension, new family members) are added to the mix. Has anyone just tried being up front about their beliefs? Just curious how things turned out.

Love in Him,


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
You ask a very direct question, and I’ll try and be direct in my reply.

My second wife was better-dealed by her ex husband. We had known the couple and their children for years before, so we stayed in touch over the years. S___ is bright and industrious, but devoted her life to her husband and children, so when he broke faith with her, she had many problems entering the job market.

She disappeared for a few years following the separation, and steadily made bad decisions in job and schooling choices, so at the time she entered into our lives again, she was in serious financial trouble and had exhausted her resources with her family.

She was in serious need of rebuilding at that moment, and my first wife and I took her in. We developed a natural affinity with her, and held a quiet marriage ceremony in our home shortly afterwards.

Our congregation at that time was NOT open to the idea, and in fact, we had received veiled communications from the leadership that if in fact we were “living together”, it would cause serious problems with them.

We decided to move to a new area at that moment, and build our family elsewhere. Still, S___ has children and grand children as well as an aging and ailing father to consider, so we have decided to be vague about our relationship to her family.

A younger couple who don’t have the entanglements of prior marriages my have an easier time of it when it comes to being open with their respective families. You can make an announcement, the family can hit the roof, but probably in time, the respective families will accept the decision.

My roots are in organized religion, and my comfort zone is there as well. I am not so fond of home churches, and S___ has had some bad experiences with them as well. So if we are to have fellowship in the religious community, we need to be very cautious concerning our relationship.

I would like nothing more than to have a small church with an ordained pastor in the pulpit, who would accept us just the way we are. But that isn’t a very likely scenario, so yeah … we have to be very discrete.

My wives are now in the process of bringing yet another wife into the home, and if it should be, she will also have grown children and aging parents. So I suspect that we will just learn to live as and underground family.

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Feb 29, 2008
A mesa at 9000' in the southern Colorado Rockies
Zip Code
I have quite frankly vacillated on this topic, as to whether to post a reply or not, given my own difficult and painful situation. (And while I have requested prayer elsewhere on this site, I will preface this post with a repeat of that sincere request, for those so inclined.)

I take heed of James' warning to the double-minded man to expect nothing from the Lord as well, and thus hasten to add that while my second wife B has "departed", in violation her Covenant and I Corinthians 7, and I find myself in a battle with a State that I regard as nothing short of Satanic (details will follow for those who find such a statement incredible) -- I have no doubt that He has "all things" worked out for our good, and that He will ultimately "restore the years" that the worm has eaten.

So, take from this what you will - for advice, or for caution, or both.

I have been with my first wife L for well over thirty years now, although only for the last third after having come to a knowledge of our Savior. To a great extent, our King used B, who became my second wife almost a decade ago, and what His Word says about marriage, as part of that process. For the most part, these have been the most wonderful and blessed times of my life, and I give Him thanks for all He has done, and all He has taught us.

To be "in the world but not of it", has been a continuing challenge, however. Much of this was made more difficult, and pressing, because of issues in B's past, which led to issues of abandonment and mistrust. While I both made many mistakes and learned much over the years, any failure of covering was seen as proof that ultimately the problem was with polygyny, or my failure, rather than as something common to marriage in general, and all of us who simply "fall short". Those of us who seek to honor God and cover an additional wife or wives, in other words, should be prepared to be held to a higher standard.

I'll get to the 'hard stuff' in a subsequent addition. For now, I'll put in a few of the nuts and bolts practicum to end this post.

- If you choose to buy insurance, find policies which allow any named beneficiary, without reference to "relationship" as defined by the state. This is still possible, from life to health to property - although I expect the prince of this world to continue to seek to expand his dominion, and for these "loopholes" to ultimately be closed. (I frequently rail against licenses and socialist control over what was once private contract. I contend that almost EVERY new initiative that you see to prevent some presumed "wrong" or expand some made-up "right" will ultimately been seen to defy the Word of God if you read the fine print.)

- You can put anything you want to do in a will. For those who have concerns about "adherent contracts" I would suggest that some study of various types of trusts is worthwhile, particularly the "constitutional" or "common law" forms. These, too, will of course be more and more difficult to use as the noose is tightened in preparation for the time when no one will be able to "buy or sell" sans the Mark. Ultimately, I believe wholeheartedly that the only solution is to "come out of her" and partake not of her coming plagues...and that this is something each of us must learn to do as head of our own houses. Again, more later.

- I think each wife should have her own kitchen if at all possible. This was a great element of family harmony. In the place that I was planning for our retirement, I had planned a third (outdoor, but under cover) "common kitchen" in a gathering area between two small houses.

- Likewise, my own preference eventually adapted to a separate bedroom for each, with myself as the husband who moved between them. (A friend once pointed out to me that this is evidently what worked for Jacob, who took his "couch" to each wife's tent.) If space permits, an office for each of us (including me :) ) -- or at least a desk -- is nice as well.

- It took me too long to deal with the family. This was a source of strife (and, to the extent that some are still double-minded or even duplicitous, remains so). Years ago, I made a promise to B that I would "never deny her as my wife", and I both honored that promise and found it to be a blessing. It is also almost impossible to do, or be perceived to have done, perfectly. (I recently told a staffer at a hotel that I would introduce him shortly to my wife, B, who was in our room at the time. When I later used only her name, as opposed to saying "my wife, B", I fell short. The warning, here, I contend, is not about a specific problem - it is that we must NEVER underestimate the Adversary or his desire to "kill and destroy" our families.

- I learned to tell co-workers and friends about our relationship, and it got far easier over time, guys. It is a very different thing to tell people who profess to be "believers" from those who profess "open-mindedness"; both can be hypocrites, and both can be accepting given the proper approach. In general, I simply ask (if I do not already know) whether someone believes what the Bible says (ESPECIALLY if they claim to!) and then make it clear that my response depends on that answer. (With professing Bible-believers, at least those who believe that "iron sharpens iron", I often make it a challenge. With a straight face, I can honestly claim that I will PROVE from Scripture what God clearly says about His plan for marriage, which includes polygyny.)

- In general, however, I take the position that I will neither advertise NOR deny my marriages, and say so. (In a legal setting, I am careful to avoid "terms of art" like "wife" or even "common law wife"; English words like "helpmeet" or "Covenant" are less problematic, and even Hebrew or Greek may sometimes be appropriate. You do NOT want to "volunteer" into a system that Caesar claims control over.) B, on the other hand, has never been comfortable telling her co-workers, or introducing me as her husband. This, too, can be a difficult path to walk; the only answer I know is to do so prayerfully, continually.

- We celebrate the Biblical feasts, and have increasingly learned to avoid the pagan ones (especially Easter, of course; Christmas is obviously the most difficult, given most of our histories and the pervasive nature of the season. The irony of a pagan holiday becoming religious, and then reverting to secular paganism is a good basis for discussion in many cases, however. ;) ) Supportive or not, our families are aware of this by now.

- I do not consider divorce or separation to be a permanent option. The trying of our faith works patience, and we must learn to "wait on the Lord".

More later.


Jul 28, 2008
Bellingham Washington. On elm street.
Zip Code
Thank you for shareing. It gives me hope.

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Feb 29, 2008
A mesa at 9000' in the southern Colorado Rockies
Zip Code
This post will include the "warning" I mentioned before. Please understand if certain details are deliberately left out - I am not kidding when I state that, admit it or not, we now live in a post-Constitutional police state. And I apologize for any times I might have seemed a bit "short-tempered" when dealing with issues associated with the demise of our Republic; it is difficult to watch what is happening to a once-free people.


Several months ago, B again (as has happened in the past) decided that polygyny was "too hard" in "this society". For my part, I don't find either any place in the Word of God where He denies that the "world will hate us" for His sake, or that marriage is easy - much less, that such a claim justifies a husband to "put away" his wife, or a wife to depart from her husband. So, we disagreed, but were given guidance (two witnesses - each of us) that we were to, also as we had done during past times of difficulty, be reconciled after a time of fasting and prayer.

I have seen more than ample evidence during my walk to realize that when Yeshua talks about "casting out demons", that He is telling us the Truth. My beloved wife B was subjected to brutal and repeated rape and incest as a child; God has shown us many miracles of deliverance and healing over the years, but has also made it clear to me that this process was not yet complete. Several months ago, during a particularly stressful time (an anniversary of certain traumatic memories and stresses), she had a horrible flashback like I had not seen for a number of years, lashed out at me violently, and began to scream 'rape!', and even finally, and horribly, called 911.

(We talked, for the last time, later that night. After praying together about what had happened, she told me that she recognized that it was something demonic which had seized and terrified her. She remembered the voice that came from her throat; something neither of us had ever heard before. She never really even INTENDED to press "SEND" after hitting those three numbers. Be forewarned; the phone is programmed to dial immediately.)

It was the same as dialing "1-800-SATAN" -- and, no, I am not exaggerating or waxing sarcastic.

New Amerikan 'domestic violence statutes' in this, and ultimately many if not all, states claim that neither police nor district attorneys have "ANY" discretion once that third fateful digit is pressed: SOMEONE WILL BE ARRESTED. Ultimately B was.

But that is not the worst. The Almighty State, since it has Replaced God, will also immediately impose a "no contact" order on what was once a Covenant over which they had no Biblical Authority. I have had no communication with my wife since that day.

There are two places in the Bible which witness to the time when our Savior said, "What God has joined together, let man not rend asunder." The State no longer even pays lip service to honoring God's Word. A single phone call suffices to destroy a family today. No "certificate of divorce" necessary -- just three digits on a phone.

During the weeks after B's arrest, I attempted, as the "protected party" (protected from my helpmeet, not from Evil, of course) to have that order modified by "the court". The DA objected, although no reasoning was offered. During this time, the Fall Feasts of Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and eventually Sukkot (Tabernacles) came and went. The same day that I received the good news that charges against her were to be dropped, I was arrested late at night, and taken -- for the first time EVER in my entire 50-plus years of life -- to jail, charged with FELONY "harassment". I was not even allowed to read the warrant.

Take a seat, please. The charge (remember, SOMEBODY's goin' down on "DV" in the new Almighty State) is email harassment. It seems that she told the police we had "broken up", but that I had persisted in sending lots of emails, most of which quoted Scripture. No hint of violence - EVER - and, of course, these exchanges were voluntary, in that most of them constituted two-way conversations. The last real telephone conversation we ever had was also one of forgiveness and repentance -where she and I agreed to pray together every single day (with consent, for a time) while we sought His guidance, just as I Corinthians 7:5 says.

As many here know, I once did a daily radio show, focusing on Constitutional and economic issues from a Biblical/Messianic perspective. I frequently discussed stories that had to do with warnings about where we were headed - dishonest weights and measures, and a system based on debt, that would inevitably lead to a Greater Depression and dollar collapse, the surveillance State, and increasing control over aspects of our lives that were once unquestionably simply "unConstitutional". Even those 501-c(3) churches. But if I had ever suggested that a husband (regardless of whether he had one helpmeet or several - but I don't think anyone believes that a GAY partner would be subjected to criminal persecution today! ) would be arrested for felony emailing -- people would have thought I was putting them on.

And, no -- there is no licensing involved here. Big Brother will claim you for a phone call now -- even one you didn't make yourself.

Based on my once personal and private emails to her, the "intensity with which you hold these beliefs" and the desire to "prolong the relationship" were cited by the judge in the only hearing so far as evidence of "domestic abuse". Yes, those are quotes. Once, people who believed the Bible would have called those same types of letters evidence of a husband who believed in keeping promises.

My purpose here is to inform, not to alarm. We are to "fear not", but also to be "wise as serpents". Yeshua long ago warned us that we would be "hated" for His sake.

Those of you who believe God, rather than man, take note. To honor a Covenant, and to persist in believing that "so long as we both shall live" means what YOU both thought it meant, is now a crime. "No contact" is "permanent". And you won't even be allowed to ask her what happened.

Trust in Him,



New Member
Oct 30, 2008
I am sorry to hear of your ordeal. I have a close acquaintence who ran into it when he took his daughter into the emergency room for injuries she recieved in a fall. One social worker decided it was child abuse without any medical evidence to substantiate the claim.

It took my friend months before he could live with his family again, even with the best legal help available. Finally, when they got the welfare people off of his back and all charges dismissed, he still had to flee the State to keep the child protective people from harassing him.

I hope things work out peacefully for you, and may God return what the locust has stolen ...

~ rusty


Aug 23, 2008

I have also had problems with this government. Four major. Now remember I am just a farmer and did not start any of these things they came to me, I didn't have a clue what was going on. The first was with the Secret Service which was within minutes of a conflict. The second time, I still don't know why nobody was harmed. I really can't discuss this one. The third one. Elected officals wanted part of my farm for their own personal use. They changed the law, stole my property and then changed the law back. This all happened within a month. Which amounted to a little over $98,000.00, there was no attorney fees because they changed the law and I don't believe in them. The forth one. They were going to put me in jail because I wouldn't take their oath. But through all of this I relied on God and he prevailed. I give all the glory to him. The money I lost, he has seen that I have been blessed many times over. Nobody said it was going to be easy here, but keep your faith and pray he will prevail, maybe not now be in the end. I will be praying for you. Always remember Job.


Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Feb 29, 2008
A mesa at 9000' in the southern Colorado Rockies
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Thank you, Dairyfarmer; your kind words are a great comfort. I just re-read the Book of Job again a week or so ago as well. Throughout all of this I know that God is in control, that He chastens those He loves, and that there is clearly a lot He still wants us to learn.




rusty_armor said:
Our congregation at that time was NOT open to the idea, and in fact, we had received veiled communications from the leadership that if in fact we were “living together”, it would cause serious problems with them.

My roots are in organized religion, and my comfort zone is there as well. I am not so fond of home churches, and S___ has had some bad experiences with them as well. So if we are to have fellowship in the religious community, we need to be very cautious concerning our relationship.
I can certainly understand your concerns. In my case, God has really blessed us with a strong network of close friends that all study Scripture together, so even though none of us are polygynous, we all understand and accept what the Bible teaches about marriage. My best friend Mark (my armor bearer, so to speak) and I went to discuss some things with the pastor of our church a few years ago and the subject of adultery came up. After six hours of discussion on the matter, we were both basically told to stop studying our Bibles. Unbelievable. That was the best they could do to refute what Scripture says.

We all need other believers to fellowship with, to pray for one another, to help us in our walk and to hold us accountable for our actions. I depend on my closest friends to keep me on track when I need my moral compass checked, and we all rely on one another like family. None of us are “religious” by any means, but we love God and His Word and we work together to constantly draw ourselves closer to Him. In my opinion, this is where most “churches” drop the ball. God made us in His image, desiring fellowship and communion. It’s unfortunate that there are so few resources for Scriptural polygynous families today. I will, of course, be in prayer for you and your family.

Blessings in Him,


New Member
Nov 17, 2008
Zip Code
Mark - Sorry to hear what happened to you. I have been a victim of the Government as well.

I have had CPS come through my home a total of four times. Once when my sons leg was broken (I wasn't present when it happened). Twice concerning lice - that my daughter caught at my ex wifes house. And personally this is the one that really ticks me off, my daughter was molested by my ex's husband - they wanted to make sure I hadn't done it too. My wife made the 911 mistake several years ago and thankfully she has learned. She had a problem that has been remedied since.

On the subject of this thread I think most of the questions are one that are on a per person basis - dealing with family anyway. I know in the case of my inlaws with my wife it's pretty cut and dry - we wouldn't tell them. I know her father and he couldn't deal with it. Our children would be pretty accepting and would adjust - while happily giving their opinion on how they'd like to relate to others in a new family. I'd like to think in my lifetime that the laws in the US will allow me to live this lifestyle openly without fear of legal persecution which is anyone's guess. I know the government fears it because of how little it's prosecuted - pretty sure they don't want the ACLU getting it before the supreme court. But if it became legalized then that would take care of the insurances and the wills etc.


Real Person
Feb 12, 2008
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I appreciate the recent posts. I think it should go without saying that we must be wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves, especially as it relates to this topic.

I would still like to hear from some of the "long-timers" regarding the questions that this thread started with, especially as it relates to meeting the provisional needs of a plural family within the context of an opposing culture. I would especially like to hear how you dealt with issues like life insurance, health insurance, wills, power of attorney, etc.

Eventually, it would be great if we could combine some of these ideas into a 'how-to' manual on practical plural living.....

...."Practical Plural Living: A Guide for Marriage, Family and Day to Day Life"...I already have a title! :lol: :lol:



New Member
Oct 30, 2008
docburkhart said:
...."Practical Plural Living: A Guide for Marriage, Family and Day to Day Life"...I already have a title!


Oh mercy, doc.

I am going to steal that idea. I just know it.



Real Person
Jan 17, 2008
West Michigan
Zip Code
We are already compiling notes for a practical resource for poly families.

We just recently got life insurance to protect me. We had to go to an outside source apart from Randy's job. We are both essentially covered equally. Since she is the legal wife, she would receive any widow benefits from Social Security and other sources.

For us, T is covered under Randy's work health policy and I am covered under my own. If we ever get to a place where I don't have a job then we will find a major medical plan to cover me for emergencies. Fortunately, I am really healthy. Auto insurace requires that his name be on my car. To do that I would have to refinance it and that is impossible because it is upside down. So we will have separate car insurance until such time as we can all be on all the cars together.

Power of attorney wasn't hard, at least I don't think it was. He filled out one for each of us so that we can take care of bills while he is absent. I accidentally got T's and I would assume that she'll get mine.

We have three names on our checking account. We have a family plan of cell phones. When other things come up, we deal with them.

Any more questions, just ask. I can't think of anything more to write at the moment.

Sweet Lissa