• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Prayer and Support


Real Person
Pray for us as we are beginning the process of getting to know a potential second wife. I went into our marriage fully aware, supportive and excited about being in a plural marriage. I am too old to have any more children and H wants 8 more of his own. He is a Godly man who has treated me with love, respect, honor, protection (from another potential second wife who just could not deal with jealousy issues), and Biblical leadership.

He and this potential SW are in nearly constant communication, in the "falling in love" and exciting "getting to know everything possible about each other" stage. I didn't realize I would have these thoughts of sadness or confusion on my part. I believe a lot of the battle is satan trying to sabotage what God has blessed so I keep commanding him in the name of Jesus to flee!

Another concern I have is this young lady is seeking truth, seeking God, but is from a non-Christian background. Our initial contact with her has been through our book ministry.

We are praying for her salvation, first. Then about a potential future. One thing my h and I have prayed and discussed is I feel led to be a mentor to younger women/moms and do so here and abroad on mission trips and via social media. That is my biggest role in our family as we grow--along with being his wife.

Anyways--please pray for us, for my husband to be Spirit-led, for me to be communicative when needed about my feelings (and to always, always take them to God), and for this lady to know Christ.
