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Preferably in practice, but also in theory, how do you secure a second wife from a modern day thinking father?

There is a lot of good counsel and wisdom here.
One thing that might help is to look at the limits to a man's authority, and the biblical laws about slaves. Runaway slaves were not to be returned.
Then too, even with kings in Israel, what YHWH authorized them to do, they could do with His authority and blessing! Going beyond what He authorized was stepping over the line and such a king was judged for the abuse of his position. Even in America today we recognize the limits of authority given law enforcement officers, and at times (not nearly enough these days) hold them accountable for going beyond the scope of their authority.
Men are authorized by YHWH to provide for and protect their wives and daughters, and to example a godly man to their sons, TEACHING THEM YHWH's LAW. In the sad cases of sexual abuse and incest involving fathers, they themselves are often ignorant of His law that says "marrying" a woman and her daughter is wickedness and a capital crime for all involved. Then too, we as a culture have lost track of what "marriage" was biblically, and most now think it requires a priest, judge, and or certificate to be a "marriage." We have truly inherited lies that don't profit.
It is a foolish man who thinks he can exercise Yah given authority over a woman without staying within what He authorized.

All that said, reaping what you sow is very real, and judging others should be done by the book, and carefully.
The chains of religious dogma are more binding then prison bars.
A catholic acquaintance has recently broken fellowship with our family because my husband has another woman living with us, who he is commited to, who is commited to him. ....yet she has "unmarried" friends living together, and doesn't judge their choice as sin worthy of breaking fellowship.

I would recommend reading through the excellent reference here, Marriage from the Bible Alone, for a clarifying overview of relevant Bible verses on marriage.

Here is a link.

Then when dealing with fathers professing faith in Yeshua/Jesus that have wrong beliefs, you may try doing as the bible instructs and going to them, first alone, then with witnesses to attempt to correct them. You may fail, but you might gain a brother....or future father in law! :)

A father’s permission is best practice but it’s not required for a valid one flesh relationship. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE THIS DEBATE HERE. We can resurrect the old threads or start a new one. I’m just offering an alternative answer to the question. A father’s consent is highly desirable and brings tangible benefits and maybe even blessings but it’s not a requirement.
I totally agree with this, because YHWH did not authorize men to abuse women. Their authority is limited to doing what He authorized.
Be careful though, there is a difference between a girl feeling abused (my dad is just controlling and verbally abusive.....while she is being rebellious and disrespectful) and one actually being abused. A girl that is just critical of her father and willful will not treat her husband any better if he is "controlling"....as in not a pushover who bends to her will.
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A girl that is just critical of her father and willful will not treat her husband any better if he is "controlling"....as in not a pushover who bends to her will.
Excellent comment! That's a good starting point for a man considering a woman as a prospective wife; see how she regards her father. I heard a woman say she would ask her mother because her father had already said No to something she wanted to do. Something like that is very revealing about the family structure and how the woman would regard a future husband.