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Regarding Licenses

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Hey Mark what is "recission"?

Normally I'd refer to Black's Law Dictionary, Marichu. This one, howevever, comes from an online (uslegal.com) source:

A recission of a contract is the destruction or annulling of a contract. A contract cannot be rescinded in part, a whole recission of the contract must be made. In order to have a recission, both parties to the contract must be placed in the position they occupied before the contract was made. Courts have held that a party may rescind a contract for fraud, incapacity, duress, undue influence, material breach in performance of a promise, or mistake, among other grounds.

Recission is different from revocation, or remedies for breach. (But it does bear a LOT of similarity to the concept of a husband disavowing a vow of his wife or daughter, and the fact that the common law incorporated that Biblical principle in contract law. :!: )

IMHO, in order for a covenant of marriage to exist in accord with God's provision, rather than man's, it is important that the parties to such a contract be a man and woman before God, rather than as servants of "another master". Either there should never be a marriage license (in effect, asking permission from that false prince), or it should be "as if there never was".

Essentially, it is a question of jurisdiction. (Choose this day Whom you will serve.)

(Unfortunately, any "deal with the Devil" is usually easier to get INTO than out of. Thankfully, we have a Kinsman-Redeemer Who has already paid the price of our transgression.)
when the can of worms is opened, you go fishing.....
docburkhart said:
On the one hand, whats going on in California actually opens up opportunities for us in the plural marriage movement. But at what price?
I hope you have a Florida fishing license... or do we have a God-given right to all the fish we can catch? We don't want to confuse the "state" though - better call it practicing "aquatic population control". Maybe fish, unlike marriage, belong to Ceasar? I'm sure he thinks so.
According to Cesar, Big Brother or Beastie; the air, airwaves, land, water and all that is in it belongs to it. It legally calls itself "The Sovereign" . I learned that from a surveyor fiend of mine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereignty
Imagine that an artificial body or entity that claims all that lives in it! Recently I found out that even if we live in other nations we are required to file tax returns and pay taxes to here. That is strange.. Does that mean beastie claims us as his property? I always wondered about that.. Well, in Cuba the government tells it's citizens that they and their children belong to it... I guess beastie is really blunt there.. lol In reality, all belongs to God, he is the Sovereign one and he is the highest power, not the man made governments.. Just don't tell that to any government unless you want to be a martyr. lol
Just a thought on sovereignty...
Does that mean beastie claims us as his property? I always wondered about that..

I contend that the answer is "absolutely", Oscar. (And wish that it was only a joke.)

While the details make a long story, and involve multiple levels of deception, legal precedents, and fraud, what has struck me about the Big Lie is that the more I learn about what has been done to a formerly-free people, and the more I learn about Torah and what Our Savior taught about it - the more clear it becomes. From Joshua 24 ("choose this day Whom you will serve") to the fact that no one can serve two masters, to EVERYTHING that Yeshua taught about Caesar, slavery, and taxes -
we have a choice, and the prince of this world is an amazing deceiver.

You will ultimately find that almost everything that subjects one "to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution" -- to quote Jefferson and the Declaration on this day that serves now more as a reminder to what has been lost -- is supposedly "voluntary". It really is - in so far as it marks a choice between Caesar and God - and Who we choose to serve.

Once you "volunteer" -- or FAIL to object! -- the court will "presume" that you are a "US citizen" ("subject to the jurisdiction thereof" as per the 14th Amendment language which established an inferior, second-class status; essentially 'private law'), and thus belong to Caesar. And, just like the infamous Roach Motel - it's far easier to "check in" than to ever check out!

There are some great law-oriented books on the subject. The Red Amendment by L. B. Bork is very good (and describes the 14th Amendment piece of the story). Dr. Gene Schroeder's Constitution: Fact or Fiction is another. (I've got some notes for a book of my own as well, but it's still a ways off...)

I have actually used what I call 'The China Argument' (in China, families are currently restricted to one child; you need special permission to have more).

Soon there will be no more cousins in China... :( I love cousins!!
If I knew then what I know now I would not have gotten a state license when we got married 31 years ago. But sadly most assemblies are so drunk on the current world view that they think you are living in sin if you don't have a permission slip from our pagan government . The same government that allows full term abortion, divorce for any reason and sodomite domestic partners. Would 2 homosexuals with a state license and a reprobate minister and 2 deluded witnesses be more married than a man and a woman with her fathers permission without a license? The small home assembly we were involved in would not accept our daughter and her husband as being married without the state license, and saying their vows before 2 witnesses and Elohim. I would like to know where a man can say a vow and not be heard by Yahuah ? Does not family members count as witnesses ? I finally had to tell the other 2 men that since the were not the father of the young woman involved they could not dictate the terms of her marriage. All of this could have been avoided if everyone accepted scripture over culture. State licenses came into universal use during the 1920's as a means to stop marriage between whites and other races . The minister and 2 witnesses has its origins with the council of Trent. There are some good reasons to not get a license . I recommend going to the web site WWW. mercyseat.net for some interesting reading on this subject. Shalom, Brian
Brian said:
If I knew then what I know now I would not have gotten a state license when we got married 31 years ago. But sadly most assemblies are so drunk on the current world view that they think you are living in sin if you don't have a permission slip from our pagan government . The same government that allows full term abortion, divorce for any reason and sodomite domestic partners. Would 2 homosexuals with a state license and a reprobate minister and 2 deluded witnesses be more married than a man and a woman with her fathers permission without a license? The small home assembly we were involved in would not accept our daughter and her husband as being married without the state license, and saying their vows before 2 witnesses and Elohim. I would like to know where a man can say a vow and not be heard by Yahuah ? Does not family members count as witnesses ? I finally had to tell the other 2 men that since the were not the father of the young woman involved they could not dictate the terms of her marriage. All of this could have been avoided if everyone accepted scripture over culture. State licenses came into universal use during the 1920's as a means to stop marriage between whites and other races . The minister and 2 witnesses has its origins with the council of Trent. There are some good reasons to not get a license . I recommend going to the web site WWW. mercyseat.net for some interesting reading on this subject. Shalom, Brian

Hello Brian,

It seems that things have gone far astray from the original marriage covenant.
I recommend going to the web site WWW. mercyseat.net for some interesting reading on this subject.

An actual link would be appreciated, Brian. I've seen you reference the site a couple of times, but haven't been able to find anything like what you're referencing. (If it's audio, it's not obvious, and there's no search function.)

There are some other places on the web with such information as well. If I can find some of the ones I have in hard copy at some point, I'll try to post a link.
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