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Rise of the MOMunes

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
I’ve always thought that an interesting scenario for Isaiah 4:1 was a women’s bible study that came to the understanding that they belonged under headship.
A commune that decides that they need headship? That’s intriguing.
After reading the article it does set set up two obvious questions: Why wouldn't women see these same benefits in a poly situation? Why aren't families more interested in patriarchal multigenerational family dwellings to conserve wealth and mutual support?

Almost like Yah knew what He was doing!! 🤪
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You're more optimistic than my response... LOL. My first thought was 'festering barrel of feral females...'
We have a couple of single moms next store.
It’s more of an estrogen bonfire than it is an estrogen sea.
Single mothers get a worse rap than they deserve. I did very well with a single mother. Obviously I am a paragon of manhood and not many men are capable of the incredible feats of masculinity that I am. I could be better but false modesty has been a persistent problem in my life for decades now but that should give the rest of you men some hope, I’m not perfect either and look what I’ve done.

Now no one is holding you up to the admittedly unreasonable standard, after all, I’m, well, me and the rest of you are, well, you.

However; as a gift to those of you who are at least struggling to be more, I have shown that a single mother is in fact not so tainted by her past that she is beyond redemption and devoid of hope or value. Certainly any woman would make any changes necessary in order to be with me but even you more, what’s a polite word, normal men can probably husband a woman who’s not an underage, homeschool virgin who’s never met a man other than her father who himself is very non-intimidating.

You know what, scratch that, she needs to be an under age homeschool virgin orphan who was raised in a convent and didn’t know men existed until you rescued her in a forest from a very cranky squirrel (female squirrel obviously, the proprieties must be observed) and then whisked her away to a remote mountain top cabin where you spend the rest of your life convincing her that you’re on the metric standard but all other men are on the imperial.

Single mothers be damned! Only I am man enough to tame one of those dragons! The rest of you run for your lives! I’ll face the peril! I’ll protect you from the scary ladies. You’re welcome. I’m sorry for expecting too much of you. Clearly you deserve perfection anyway, I mean look at you, you’re flawless yourself and God would never ask you to take on a difficult or dangerous mission. You’re Jody! You get to ride in Cadillacs, not hump with a pack! Single mothers are yucky, icky, bad, phooey! Get away from those sinless boys you harlots! One day Rapunzel is going to come rescue them and they’ll read Song of Solomon to each other through tin cans connected with a string pulled between their houses. It will be perfect.
"one of her closest friends...separated from her husband around the same that she got divorced" This is the red flag.

"she doesn’t feel regret – and neither do her friends. “In many ways, I’m living my best life,” she says. “I can be more selfish. The kids are young enough to have taken it in their stride. And we’re being as kind to each other as we can.”
She adds: “I think there’s far too much pressure put on women, or couples in general, to feel like they’ve ‘failed’ if their marriage doesn’t work out. “I’m spending more quality time by myself, and more time with my friends, than I ever used to. And we’re about to book a girls’ holiday to Spain!” https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/divorce-is-contagious-heres-why_uk_5dce7840e4b0d2e79f8a9e0e
I'd say a single mother needs a good man too!
Get the whole story and you might real quick decide....there but for the grace of God go I.

I think @The Revolting Man is hilarious....but seriously...I feel super blessed to have a formerly single mom on our "home team."
Single mothers get a worse rap than they deserve. I did very well with a single mother.

In all seriousness, I have wondered if this might be so. If given the right leader they could shine.

But most men's experience contradicts that. And half of men can't manage to keep a the non-single mother around if she's not a virgin.
In all seriousness, I have wondered if this might be so. If given the right leader they could shine.

But most men's experience contradicts that. And half of men can't manage to keep a the non-single mother around if she's not a virgin.
Not all single mothers are created equal.

Seriously, it blows my mind how people can be so needy and thankful when you provide for them, but 2-4 weeks down the road and all they can see is their wants and rights.
In all seriousness, I have wondered if this might be so. If given the right leader they could shine.

But most men's experience contradicts that. And half of men can't manage to keep a the non-single mother around if she's not a virgin.
Like I said, obviously I’m not expecting regular men to be me. But it is possible to husband a single mother, at least for those three or four Uber-mensches in the world.
In all seriousness, I have wondered if this might be so. If given the right leader they could shine.

But most men's experience contradicts that. And half of men can't manage to keep a the non-single mother around if she's not a virgin.
There seems to be a slant both within the church and outside that women are the main problem, but from my observations we have a man problem.

Even Solomon noted it.

The fact is a woman's purpose function and design is to be a help to a man who is the image and likeness of YAH God in obedience to him alone.

If a man is not even aspiring to that, then the woman cannot fulfill what she was created for.

The potential for women to be a perfect woman is intrinsic within all women, however, that is not possible if a man is not being a God made man.
There seems to be a slant both within the church and outside that women are the main problem, but from my observations we have a man problem.

Even Solomon noted it.

The fact is a woman's purpose function and design is to be a help to a man who is the image and likeness of YAH God in obedience to him alone.

If a man is not even aspiring to that, then the woman cannot fulfill what she was created for.

The potential for women to be a perfect woman is intrinsic within all women, however, that is not possible if a man is not being a God made man.
This idea comes up often. Who sinned first or more is a fruitless conversation. Both husbands and wives are given their respective commands and neither command is contingent on the actions of the other. A wife of an unbelieving husband is still commanded to submit to her husband and in this way convert him. Husbands must love and care for their unsubmissive disrespectful wives. Jesus was the Perfect man and people rebel and reject his rule everyday. There is no reason to believe a man could ever be good enough that his wife would not be inclined to be rebellious/irreverent because the nature of mankind is to be rebellious.

On the other hand, as fellow heirs of grace, we should do all we can to make following God as easy as possible for our brothers and sisters. In that vein a man trying to be like Christ will make it easier for his wife to do her part and vice versa. But our sin is on us individually. Thank God for His mercy and forgiveness of sins.
There seems to be a slant both within the church and outside that women are the main problem, but from my observations we have a man problem.
The slant within the church is to entirely blame men for all women's bad behavior.

Both are a problem. Men are the first problem, for their refusal to restrict women. But women are still culpable for their behavior. A marriage to the right man doesn't magically fix a bad woman. They are still the overwhelming culprits in blowing up marriages. Every indication is, given enough sin in her life, she'll be unable to pair bond and highly likely to blow up her relationship; no matter how 'good' the man is.

The divorce rate in the church is only marginally better than the world. Unless you're Amish or similar where the community actually enforces the rules against divorce.