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Seeking and reasoning with my bride.

Jonathan, it's great to see somebody willing to just state the truth bluntly and accurately. This issue is so twisted by our modern feminist culture.

What's the role of the husband? To love and protect, even to death. What's the role of the wife? To obey. Very simple.

Many women don't like the idea of obeying so they argue against the natural and biblical order of things. But they completely ignore that the husband's duties are actually far GREATER in marriage. Obedience is a small price to pay for complete devoted protection and provision.

Feminism on the other hand only values a woman if she is independent and making a living outside the home, if she is obedient and relies on her husband's provision she is presumed to be being oppressed - but actually she is receiving the greater good. Feminism only values a woman if she is being a man. God values women as women.

None of that says a woman must be in the home. That is however up to her husband. Proverbs 31 clearly shows that it is good for a woman to pursue various ventures, but note that these are in that passage all aimed towards the support of her family. A loving husband will allow and encourage her to fulfil whatever role God has designed her to fulfil in life, and every woman's skills are different. Where we differ from the feminists is that we recognise these differences and value women wherever they work, including in the home.
Women are called to be keepers of the home. The bible clearly states, that this is a womens role. Titus 2:5 to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands that the word of Godmay not be blasphemed.

The Jezebel spirit cant win, when a husbands declares obedience and puts his foot down in the hme. Peace and love to you all.
Regarding individual spending money, we have this philosophy. Hubby and I both work. Our desire is for a SW to stay at home and care for the home and its inhabitants. Not because we want to be cared for, but because it is/will be her desire to do so. As far as money goes, we agreed at the outset of our relationship that we were all equal when it came to spending money. So the plan has always been that we would all receive equal "allowances" that are ours to do with as we please. We believe that a homemaker's job is every bit as important as an "out of the home" career, so we believe that each adult member of the family should have equal spending money.
