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Sir BumbleBerry Going Bonkers


Real Person
(To the tune of "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" ... ) ;)

I'm forever going bonkers,
Slowly going bonkers here.
I need fresh air, sunlight on my hair,
Veggies inside, and my sweet wife so fair!
I'm going bonkers; hope that it is for my good.
I'm forever going bonkers, just to heal up my poor foot!

Thaaaaat's RIGHT, folks! 3rd day in the hospital for my third visit since August due to diabetic related complications of the pedal extremities. FUBAR!!! ("Foot up but actually recovering." And you thought it meant? :lol: )

PTL! At least this time, I'm at a community hospital in rural GA with blessings. My Sweet Pussycat is right here to swiftly kick other extremities if I am non-compliant. :eek: And the staff here are more interested in helping with healing than they are with playing golf. :roll: Doing things (so far looking and sounding very wise) that the busy, busy staff at my previous "resort" (I am, after all getting "waited on hand and foot" between IVs and Physical Therapy) apparently didn't quite think of. :(

But I do still request and crave your prayers for TOTAL healing. Above all I want an absolutely pure, healthy life, tied into and intimate with our God -- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost -- in body, mind, and soul/spirit. And thus to be of service through Him to family and y'all.

Thank you :D

PS: Sir BumbleBerry von Leitfoote fears he will have to trade in his lollipop walking stick for a carrot stick. He, too, is kicking my extremities -- mostly ankles. :cry:

As a former sergeant when I saw the word FUBAR :eek: from your post, I thought oh, boy, what's going on. Is Sir BumbleBerry trying to take Cecil away? Is Cindy holding down the fort in her blue and white camouflage (yes, I know this is a come-back, but I'm old enough to repeat myself from time-to-time)?

I'll be praying for total healing for you.

Cecil and Cindy,

My heart and prayers go out to you at this time! Prayers for His Peace & Comfort that surpasses all understanding, and passes my understanding most of the time too! :lol: Although I do seem to be getting better/growing in the Lord & being tapped into His presence & His will more lately.

So bunker down for a bit and rest when ya can. Take & follow doctors orders that are wise & healthy for you to follow, as I'm sure Ms.Cindy/or your Ms.PussyCat as you lovingly refer to her, will help you with things! You may be down for a bit, but remember your "not down & out for the count just yet!" ;) And of course lollipops taste better than an old carrot stick, but come on now Cecil, which one's better for ya?! I say we can have both in moderation, just be wise & balanced! :D Okay Okay, that's the end of my caring lecture, don't mean to bug! Take care & hang in there man! Keep on Keepin on with Yeshua, family & friends.

Warm Wishes for Yeshua's Provisions, Healing & Joy!
Faithful Servant :)

P.S. BTW, it was really nice to connect with you the other day Cindy! Thanks much for taking the time to contact me and offer up such kind, wise & caring advice for road trips to B.F. Retreats, etc. I look forward to getting to know you better in the future. Enjoy taking care of that man that Yeshua's blessed ya with girl. :)
well, so much for inviting you to the hootenanny :(

seriously, i pray that you get this all sorted out and come out kicking a.............aaahhh....ALLIGATORS :D
Hi everyone,

I just spoke with Cindy a little bit ago and she said that Cecil needed to be taken to a Hospital in FL to have the infection in his foot reopened and cleaned out and looked at. It is looking like it is spreading even with large dose's of antibiotic. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel today to FL. Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end with this infection.

Thankfully not quite that far! We just went to Gainsville, GA -- about 45 minutes down the road.

And the Doctor's conclusion is that it doesn't look as bad as feared, and doesn't need radical intervention just yet. There's a bitmore time for prayer and antibiotics and good wound care to do their work.

Nonetheless, your prayers ARE requested. Although I get to sleep at home, I'm still at the hospital a good share of each day, and the whole mess is responding sloooowwly. Some of that there NASCAR Holy Spirit Speed Healing would be greatly appreciated! :D
oops! my bad. What can I say I'm a Floridian. lol

I am so glad too hear the good report, Cecil!


So very sorry that you're still going through all of these issues! :? I will for sure pray for a speedy recovery, but Yeshua may not have a "Nascar time frame in mind," Bummer! Hang in there, & hang onto Yeshua along the way, even if His timing seems to be at turtle's pace & hard to deal with! :lol: Remember; He's never early or late, but He is always on time! Sometimes just in the nick of time, before we lose our minds!!!! ;) Take care & God Bless.

Warm Wishes,
F.S. :)
lol you and me both bro! Hey Cecil my bro I am prayin for ya bro! You might be smarter and more articulate, but I pray better!lol j/k. Prayn that you get well soon!
lutherangirl said:

As a former sergeant when I saw the word FUBAR :eek: from your post, I thought oh, boy, what's going on. Is Sir BumbleBerry trying to take Cecil away? Is Cindy holding down the fort in her blue and white camouflage (yes, I know this is a come-back, but I'm old enough to repeat myself from time-to-time)?

I'll be praying for total healing for you.

Revgill87123 said:
lol you and me both bro! Hey Cecil my bro I am prayin for ya bro! You might be smarter and more articulate, but I pray better!lol j/k. Prayn that you get well soon!
lutherangirl said:

As a former sergeant when I saw the word FUBAR :eek: from your post, I thought oh, boy, what's going on. Is Sir BumbleBerry trying to take Cecil away? Is Cindy holding down the fort in her blue and white camouflage (yes, I know this is a come-back, but I'm old enough to repeat myself from time-to-time)?

I'll be praying for total healing for you.



Hello, I know that you quoted me about Cecil's use of FUBAR, but I'm not a a "bro", I'm a "sis". It's kinda confusing, because both my husband and I were in the Air Force. That handsome man in our picture is my wonderful husband that I met in the Air Force. We were both sergeants before getting out. I was kinda like a "Private Benjamin" type staring Glodie Hawn. I was constantly getting in trouble in basic training, I was so out of my element. The government took my body but never my soul. Rambling on....and on.... anyhow, Cecil, I'm praying that you will have complete and total healing. If I didn't let the government take my soul, you don't let this illness take yours.

Also, Rev, I like all the work your doing with the kids in your area. Getting them together and stuff. A very great mission indeed! I agree with you about Cecil being so articulate.

lol I apologise I was doin like 6 things at once. I seen the pic out of the corner of my eye. I will make sure I look at the name next time.
Also thanks we try to cover an array of things at once bible drive, youth missions, Homeless ministeries, gang ministeries, ect. I am like always trying to multi-task arrg! Just wears me out hopefully more people will volunteer out here soon! I think once we get our website going we will be able to networka lil better. Any who how ya feelin Mr Cecil?
lutherangirl said:
Revgill87123 said:
lol you and me both bro! Hey Cecil my bro I am prayin for ya bro! You might be smarter and more articulate, but I pray better!lol j/k. Prayn that you get well soon!
lutherangirl said:

As a former sergeant when I saw the word FUBAR :eek: from your post, I thought oh, boy, what's going on. Is Sir BumbleBerry trying to take Cecil away? Is Cindy holding down the fort in her blue and white camouflage (yes, I know this is a come-back, but I'm old enough to repeat myself from time-to-time)?

I'll be praying for total healing for you.



Hello, I know that you quoted me about Cecil's use of FUBAR, but I'm not a a "bro", I'm a "sis". It's kinda confusing, because both my husband and I were in the Air Force. That handsome man in our picture is my wonderful husband that I met in the Air Force. We were both sergeants before getting out. I was kinda like a "Private Benjamin" type staring Glodie Hawn. I was constantly getting in trouble in basic training, I was so out of my element. The government took my body but never my soul. Rambling on....and on.... anyhow, Cecil, I'm praying that you will have complete and total healing. If I didn't let the government take my soul, you don't let this illness take yours.

Also, Rev, I like all the work your doing with the kids in your area. Getting them together and stuff. A very great mission indeed! I agree with you about Cecil being so articulate.

Revgill87123 said:
Any who how ya feelin Mr Cecil?
yeah, inquiring minds want to know :D
Feeling pretty good. Walked 2 miles yesterday on instructions from my physical therapist. This morning was told that it is looking mighty good. Current Dr's orders are for this treatment regime of physical therapy and antibiotics to run through this Thursday, 2/11, though that MAY be extended by a bit.

So the question is: What is doing the trick? Is it the abnormally high doses of super-heavy-duty antibiotics they're infusing on a daily basis? Or the MannaTech products my cousin sent? The threat of negative PH Kangen water that Curtis keeps talking about soaking the foot in? The prayer for Divine Healing I'm learning to pray from reading about John G Lake (again courtesy of Curtis)? The serious physical therapy at this surprisingly good rural hospital? Or the high quality TLC I've been receiving from my Mrs Pussycat?

Personally, I vote for all of the above. We've got a Dr here who's a bit astounded. HE thought sure there would be an operation needed of the "foot reduction" variety. *shudder*
So you'll be able to join in on our hokie pokie and barn dance competitions we're having in two weeks?

Seriously though, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well in your recovery. May Yahuweh continue to bless you.
awesome, cece,
if you stop the walking part of the therapy anytime soon i am going to make a little backpack for sir bumbleberry so that he can ride behind you and kick your rump for a couple of miles each day. he wanted to use his little lance to urge you on, but i told him that we can't lose any of your red fluid at this point. :D
we are really glad that you are doing better. losing weight by cutting parts off is just sooo wrong ;)
Mr Cecil's pussycat will be following him, kicking him in the rump. She might be exhausted from the last 2 1/2 weeks. But.. i think she still has enough energy for that!!! Just for having to worry about him losing part of his foot, she would like to take him out to the woodshed!

I promised to love him in health and in sickness, if God is testing me out on this , well i think he can stop now!Or maybe it's Cecil testing me to see if i really meant my vows...hmmmm

Cecil's pussycat , :D
you go, girl!
I am just glad to hear every thing is good!
Wanted to post an update on Cecil's foot problems. I received a call this morning from Cindy saying that after several weeks of doing well with his foot infection it looks like it is back. The doctors have decided to open the wound again and clean it out and take a good look at what is going on. The worst case senario is that Cecil will have to lose a few toes eventually. The best case is that they clean the infected area well and then the last wave of antibiotics will do the job.

Please send your prayers to Cecil (and Cindy) for the surgery to go well and that the doctors will have wisdom. I know Cecil is believing for TOTAL healing however God wants to do it! He will be in surgery today, early afternoon.

Cecil & Cindy,

I pray that our Healer and Redeemer hold you in His loving arms today to give you peace and speedy healing and recovery. Please keep us posted on how the surgery went.
