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So, Who's this NetWatchR guy Anyway?


Real Person
Hey there. Net here.

I am a non-denominational Christian and an amateur polygynist (i.e. currently monogamist) with 3 kids. My wife and I have been married for almost 13 years and I have failed in my responsibilities as the spiritual leader and patriarch of the family for the first 12 of that. I have repented before God and asked my wife’s forgiveness for not being who I was supposed to be. I am learning and we both a have a lot of work ahead of us. We've had our issues, but I refuse to imagine my life without her. I used to, but I now refuse to. I repent and thank God for the time we have together. All things according to His will.

Although saved since I was a kid, I have recently rededicated my life to the Lord. This came after a realization, or revelation, that a lot of what was holding me back was guilt over things that I thought made me dirty and bad, which turned out to be all made up by The Church. I think many here may understand what I mean but have butchered trying to state.

Questions went unanswered and reasons for doctrine were doctrine itself. One thing I remember in English class as a kid was that you cannot use the word you are defining when defining a word. I think the same thing goes with doctrine. You cannot use doctrine to support said doctrine (circular logic).

10 CLS
20 PRINT "It is wrong because it is a sin."
30 PRINT "It is a sin because it is wrong."
40 GOTO 10

It’s funny, and perhaps a little scary, how it started. I got tired of feeling bad, naughty, and dirty, etc. So, I began searching for any material that proved what I wanted to believe was right. Even right or wrong, the answers had to be out there. Someone had to have asks these questions before I. In the last 2000 years, I can’t be the first one to raise a hand and say, “Uh, excuse me. Where does it say….?” The answers had to be out there. It sounds a little like 2 Tim 4:3. And, in reality, maybe it was. I didn't just want answers; I didn’t want to be wrong.

2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires...

That led me to my first book, Divine Sex: Liberating Sex from Religious Tradition. It sounded exactly like the ear tickle I was looking for. Be warned, this book is rife with Heresy. However, I "knew" (Spirit led?) that a lot of what it said didn't sound right, but there was some truth hidden in the lies. I shared with my dad what I had found and he showed me some scriptures and prayed for me. (He says he prays for me every day - and I believe him). I have to praise God for my dad because I really put him on the spot talking about stuff that I would have NEVER even thought of talking with him about. He’s the guy who spanked me when I just tried going without underwear one day as a kid. This was before I knew anything about “going commando”. I was a curious kid, always worn underwear, just wanted to see what it would be like. When I was caught, I was told it was depraved, sensuous and a whole bunch of other words that a 9 year kid has no clue what you’re talking about. All I got out of it was “no underwear” = “sore bottom and yelling”. Now, here I am, 26 years later talking to the same guy (who has calmed down since then) about masturbation, polygamy, polyamory, pre-Fall nudity vs post-Fall shame, the possibility that special wording in the NT makes being gay ok (the same author had another book entitled God is not a Homophobe), etc. He didn't raise his voice once, showed me scriptures in the Bible and I KNOW he prayed for me that night like he never prayed for me before. Praise be to God for my dad.

Oh, and actually I learned another reason why we wear underwear. To protect ourselves when we zip up. Yes. The first time I went without, I learned that lesson. Not Cool! :oops:

From there I found Tom Shipley's book Resurrecting the Biblical Family and The Marriage Covenant by Joseph Herrin. These books, based on title alone, seemed to be what I really needed: Truth. What was the Truth? These opened my eyes into so many things. To really understand the Covenant aspect of marriage and how it relates to everything that God is and does, was amazing. To see the near countless examples of Polygyny throughout the Bible, with NO hint at all of a shadow of a possibility of a Thou Shall Not… It wasn't until I read these that I found out that Polygyny wasn't just a "Mormon" thing nor is it even a sin. I even enjoyed the Darger's semi-autobiographical glimpse into their life in Love Times Three. It kind of gave a practical template of how one could facilitate the actual logistics. I would even use it as an example of how we should spirituality lead in our own homes. I wish more Christians would behave this way. Mormon or not, I read how they interact together, how they play together, how they pray together and study together and said, “I want that in my house.”

When I found BF.org, I was blown away that there were actual real-life Christians who believed that polygyny was legit. And it was by learned choice, not family / social upbringing. And it was actually practiced, not some detached, theological acknowledgement that it could be done, but no one in their right mind would actually take it beyond the rhetorical… :shock:

Well, anyway. This is much longer than I had anticipated, so I will end it here. I am glad to be here. I am glad to see that there is a community for support. Although my wife is currently on the "Heck No, Are You Crazy" side of polygyny, I no longer feel dirty for thinking it. I no longer feel wrong for desiring it. I no longer feel shame in praying for God to bless me in such a way. If God wills it, it will be and I will be blessed that He has answered my prayers. If He does not will it, then it not be and I will still be blessed that He answered my prayers (remember, “No” is still an answer ;) ). And it will happen on His timing, not mine. I have read enough of your stories just in the past week to understand that any attempt to force or rush the situation will only lead to sorrow, heartache, and perhaps even solitude.

I'm even going to talk to my dad about being baptized. Something that I was never sure on the first time round. Now, I have no doubt.

Praise be to God. All things according to His will. All things in His time.
I am very glad that you have found us, welcome. Yes, when you pull off the blinkers of what man says and just read the Bible to see what God says, then Christianity makes a whole lot more sense. I fully agree to wait on God's timing, and both yes and no are valid answers. The important thing is to understand the truth, so you can teach others. Who knows, God might have led you to this truth not so you can live it yourself, but so you can be the support that another person needs who does start to live it. His plans are never exactly what we expect, but always wonderful. Just trust Him.
So what is the "wording" you are talking about that makes it ok to be gay (possibly). If I understood that right. I'd like to know your view & basis for it.
Perhaps I didn't word that properly. It was meant as one of the examples of heresy that particular book expressed and how the same author dedicated a whole other book on that subject. Those are not my views. By the time I reached that section of the book there was already a feeling that perhaps that book was not at all it was cracked up to be. Fortunately, my dad was there to help me. I warn against this book.
Good news. I will finally be getting baptized this coming 16th. There wasn't much of a desire to do so untill the last couple months. I'll be having it done back at my old church in my hometown. My dad and some other church elders that I grew up around will be there. I'm really excited.
Yay! :D Good for you.
Good on you. I too didn't feel the need to do that for many years, then one day at a camp had a strong feeling I was to get baptized that day, so was baptized on the spur of the moment in a freezing muddy polluted farm creek in the middle of winter. When God calls, you better answer!
So it begins...

My wife and I discussed PM a couple nights ago. It was not a planned discussion and, so, did not go well. She almost walked out. She knew I was researching this topic and I did not hide it from her; however, she perceived that as putting it in her face and leaving things for her to find. Much was discussed in that 2.5 hours. I said everything I could to comfort her. It did her no good that night, but at least those seeds of comfort are there to be built on. We will be studying the Bible together and it will be trying. The hard part is being steadfast and getting past the initial emotional and verbal rebuffing before we can actually have a conversation. Her biggest issue (and is her default response on any serious discussion regarding herself) is that now she considers herself a failure and that the last 15 years we've been together was a lie. A lot of what she said during her emotional peak wasn't making any sense and I feel the enemy was using that to guide her in her responses.

As I tried to convey in this "first contact", we have other things we need to work out before we can have a fruitful discussion on PM. I'm not sure where to start, her pick-n-choose belief system on the Bible or the necessities of true biblical patriarchy. They kind of go hand in hand.... maybe that's how I should do it, both at the same time. Even in that, I’m going to start with my duties as father and husband. That will at least show that I have things to work on and it's not all "you need to change, I’m fine". I found The Tenets of Biblical Patriarchy and will be using that as a guide and reference manual.

She also called into question whether I should even get baptized with these beliefs in my heart. I know I can, but she did call me on talking with my dad. Since my dad is a deacon at the church and helped set it up, I will discuss this with him. I respect and wish to honor him and would not want him to be embarrassed (or at least be prepaired) if the subject comes up. Especially if/when people ask why my wife did not attend :roll: . So, in respect to him, I will be discussing it and see if that's a deal breaker for the church.

Admittedly this is a huge stress on her. We have 15 years of history with me being, me. And now, in only a few short months, I’ve become this (perceived) bible thumping, everything-according-to-the-word-of-God, polygamist. It’s a lot to take - I get it. She needs stability, but I need to build a stable base on rock, not shifting sands. Only with God’s help will that be possible.

I need your prayers for wisdom and guidance; my dad for understanding; my wife for ... everything she needs.
Advice would be good, too. Won't NOT ask for that. :)
I'll even accept a little admonishment.

P.S. The Tenets of Biblical Patriarchy was a great thread. It’s a shame that it is buried in the forums. Would/Should it be posted as a sticky somewhere? Another good thread was Feminist Ideologies.
If the church of your choice won't baptize you, I or another of us will be glad to.

On the "get real with the Bible" topic, I'd like to suggest reading together a book entitled, Why do you believe that?, available at this link. It introduces PM within the setting of the need to be a Berean and both study the Word, and accept what you find. A relatively light, quick, interesting and thought provoking read.

As to the two topics you noted, I've made a note. Thx for the suggestion.

I know how you feel and what you are going through. I had a very similar experience with my wife after I had a transformation like yours. I have studied the bible on this subject intensively for over a year but no scripture that I put in front of my wife has made any difference that I can see. She has refused to study the bible with me at all. She ended up leaving me several months ago saying "as long as you believe that polygamy is okay, I will never live with you." I tell you all that not to be discouraging but to warn you that you are in for the fight of your life. Stay the course, do not forsake the Truth, stand firm in your belief. My prayers will be with you brother.

Thank you for your prayers. I can see them working already. Last night she was a little aloof but cordial, as was I. When she went to bed, I laid down behind her and just held her. Nothing said. Just laid there. After a few minutes, I got up, got ready and left for work.

The next morning, she texted me a Good Morning and some other info just as she usually does. Good sign. When she got home after work and saw that I had just woken up, she too lay beside me in bed (this time facing each other) and we just held each other for a few minutes. I asked her if she was ok, she said yes and then just laid there... Until the kids started yelling at each other in the living room, so it was nice for awhile. :)

Looks like things have stabilized. The seeds have been planted. They are there. We'll be able to put the PM issue to the side for now, as I originally planned, and begin concentrating on each of us being the biblical husband and wife we are supposed to be. PM is an advanced concept that needs a firm foundation in God first and foremost.

I've read Why Do You Believe That and The Great Omission by Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr. Both are really good books. I like B.A.'s (clever pen name BTW) usage of polygamy to learn how to "kick the sacred cow" of various beliefs within the Church and why it is so important to do so. Pilkington's view is how polygyny could/should be used to help and protect the modern day "widows and orphans". Although it is more of a collection of commentaries, it's done well and with a pull-no-punches veracity.

For our current needs right now (and because PM isn't a main topic), I've bought two other books: The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace and The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott. I'm previewing The Excellent Wife first to make sure I agree with what's in it before offering it to her. I'm not going to demand she read it but, show her that I have one for me, too. Even if she refuses at first, I believe that leading by example, seeing the positive changes in me and God softening her heart, she'll start up on it.

I have allowed things to go in the wrong direction for over a decade and that needs to be corrected. It can only happen with God's help and a willing heart. As has been told me before, and I'm learning it, PM should not be the goal, but the blessing; for whether PM is in our future or not, it all has to be for His glory. Even in our currently monogamous situation, our relationship has to glorify God and be an example to others.

His will, His wisdom, His time.

FYI: Have not talked to my dad yet. That's #1 on my list when I get home tomorrow morning.
Another good pair of his 'n' hers books are Light His Fire & Light Her Fire by Ellen Kreidman. Used to be available as a very worthwhile and interesting audio series as well.

I'd also recommend the books Wild At Heart, for men, and Captivating for women, by Eldredge.
Talked to my dad today about getting baptized. No problem there. He confirmed that the purpose of baptism is the public declaration of my relationship with Him as my Lord and Savior. As far as my concurrent belief in PM, well, that's something that “diligent study of scripture will show me the correct path”. I tried to explain that diligent study of scripture did do that, but he wasn’t convinced.

He admits that he has not studied it as I have, so is unable to really discuss it in detail. Where I looked at it from the angle of "is it ok?", his brief look into it many, many, many, many (too many?) years ago was from the typical "confirmation of wrongness". Since I will be down there next weekend, I asked him to look into it more thoroughly so that we could discuss it in detail while I’m there. I even shipped off a copy of Why Do You Believe That? to him. It should get there before I do. He even gave me homework: Romans 7 and 12.

Overall, she seems to have calmed down quite a bit, but still a little emotional when the subject comes up. She hasn't talked to anyone about it, which I'm glad, but for a completely different reason than why she doesn’t. She doesn't want to talk to anyone because she's embarrassed, I don't want her to get any bad advice. "Leave him. He's obviously already got someone in mind. If he's not doin' her already, he will." BTW: No, I don't.

Thanks, Cecil, for those other suggestions. I'll look into it, but I don't want to overload either one of us. Especially her at this time. I’m not even sure she will be willing to read the first one. If she does, then I’ll expand her library. Anyway, I have work to do, books to read and prayers to pray. For now, things seem to be simmering at an acceptable level.

God Bless.

Good news. Thx for the update.
NetWatchR said:
For now, things seem to be simmering at an acceptable level.

Boy, was I wrong! Turns out we only went from Defcon 1 to Defcon 2. Last few days have been interesting. Won't go into too much detail but there was more crying and strained discussions. We really have calmed down now. I'd say Defcon 4. We talked a lot more last night about some of the underlying issues (everything non-poly) and I showed her that book, The Excellent Wife. She's always had fear issues and I know that the enemy has been playing on fears in all of this like a 300-year old, out of tune, pipe organ. Lots of noise that doesn't make sense.

I didn't force the book on her, but did suggest she read the chapter on fear. I also asked that she not throw it away or burn it so I wouldn’t have to buy a new one when she finally decided to read it. We hugged, I went to work. This morning I get home and things are better. I could already see a slight difference in the way she was acting. Later she told me she read the chapter on fear and then started back at the beginning of the book. yay!

Long story short, we did a lot more talking and restated our positions. She acknowledges that she needs to work on being more submissive and limit her extracurricular activities, but doesn't agree with everything in the book. I didn't argue in so far as she is still a work in progress. I restated my need to work on being more of the spiritual leader and she responded with some ideas on how I could better achieve that :). She reaffirmed that she is totally against PM. I simply reworded it back to her that she is currently against it. That got me an :roll: which is not such a bad thing considering how she responded just a couple days earlier.

Anyway, current crisis dealt with. Looks like we’ll continue to be married for awhile longer. Meanwhile, we keep heading in the direction of Truth step by step, prayer by prayer, verse by verse. I'll know I’m halfway there when I can at least get her to simply admit that polygyny isn't a sin. She's still in that irrational, this is what I’ve always been taught, it's just wrong, "everyone knows that", fingers in the ears "la-la-la-la", phase.

My dad will be interesting. I look forward to that this weekend.
And let's not forget, I’m getting baptized. :D
And my wife decided she will be there to support me. Progress!
