mystic: I agree, and I'll pass that on to the guy that owns that site.
TOMK: I tried Chrome and it works for me; this appears to be an Android issue (so far). I'll be interested to see if Chrome works on your end.
Both Chrome and Firefox make the "%20" substitution for the space and process the request properly. For the record, so does iOS.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have uploaded an alternate version to another link. So there. It's not exactly the same version that Brian put on his site, because he tweaked mine a bit for the better, but
this is the original and it's 99%+ the same document. Let me know if this link works in Android, and TOMK and Jim, I'd still be interested to know if you can get Brian's file open in a different browser.
NB - Disregard the website I loaded this to. It's a pet project that I work on in odd moments which are pretty rare these days. Puts a whole new spin on "work in progress". Maybe someday....
DISCLAIMER: I think I mentioned this elsewhere, but this is a piece originally written to a friend who is himself sort of a sarcastic, snarky, punster of a guy, and I was really irritated by the overall lameness of the piece I was refuting, so if it times I come across as self-indulgent, snarky, or self-righteous, just give me a break. It wasn't really written for general publication, and I wouldn't write it the same way today, anyway. I was in a mood, and I was writing to a guy that would appreciate the tone—"speaking his language", so to speak. And sometimes it's just fun to rant. I've shared this with some BF'ers because I think among friends and sympathetic readers it's a useful review of all the various arguments and counter-arguments, but I wouldn't advise that you share this with anyone you're trying to persuade to change their thinking, it's just not the right attitude. Take the arguments and put them in your words. And of course, let me know if you see anything you disagree with.