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Spring Retreat 2009


Real Person
Just starting a thread for the retreat.....IT WAS AWESOME!

Tom Shipley did a great job teaching on Friday and Saturday.

I would like to hear from others on their reactions, and I will add comments as we go along.

Whew! It has been a busy couple of days getting back into the swing of things! I didn't know I was in so much demand.

It is also a blessing to see SO MUCH ACTIVITY on the board in the past several days! WOW!

Regarding the retreat: where do I start? Friday night was an opportunity for the various families to meet and greet, some for the first time, some to reconnect after a long while.

I agree with welltan....the food was great!@

But.........the food from the Word was awesome as well. Here we were in a remote, rustic setting (I think we were so far in the mountains they had to pump sunshine to us), gathered together from nine states (!). There were several plural families present, with several seeker families, and a number of singles.

Tom Shiplely (author of Man and Woman in Biblical Law), shared with those gathered. He spoke with a heart of humility, yet without fear. He challenged us to look beyond the issue of plural marriage, and see the bigger picture, and that was cultural change. He shared his vision of challenging the greater society and modern church culture to turn back to Biblical roots of conduct.

There were several question and answer sessions, including men only and women only sessions. This gave the seekers a chance to ask questions (some real good ones were asked!) without fear or judgement.

All in all, we spent a lot of time in fellowship with one another, enjoy the remote setting, and even putting up with the rain, rain, rain!

Lots and lots of kids too....but what would you expect? :D

I am sure that there are others with testimonies, thoughts and comments.....jump on board here!
