• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Statement of Focus for Biblical Families

Statement of Focus for Biblical Families

Every so often in any organization it becomes necessary to consider where you are, how you got there, and if a course correction of any magnitude is necessary. That’s where Biblical Families is right now. After prayer and deliberation, we think some changes are needed, and that the result will better serve the core mission God has given us: the support of Biblical Patriarchal families, including those families with more than one wife. Note the emphasis on “patriarchal” – while we believe that God may call a man to zero, one, or more wives, we feel certain that all His earthly sons are called to live as Men who lead and love following His own example – and this is patriarchy. We think the biggest battle we face is not over plural marriage but over the near-complete destruction of Biblical patriarchy, both in Western culture, and in the vast majority of the church. We are aware this focus is likely to make us even more of a target than plural marriage does.

We also want to point out what our focus is NOT: it is not on any particular theological position beyond the Gospel, including debate thereof. While we respect, and even enjoy, that we have folks who participate at Biblical Families from many backgrounds and traditions, it’s important that these differences do not become divisive to the core purpose God has given us: Patriarchal Biblical families and marriage. Lately, it’s become more evident that debate of these differences has become a distraction to our online forum. We have heard from more than a few folks who have left the forum (over the years and recently) over ongoing debates, particularly debates between those brothers who feel led to some form of Torah Observance / Hebrew Roots and those who do not. This is a distraction from our purpose, and when people are leaving over this, it’s time to make a correction. It is now our intention to put an end to these debates. Personal attacks and ridicule are out-of-bounds as well. This means a change in moderation goals, and some new moderators joining the team, as Samuel cannot be expected to keep an eye on everything that is posted. We would ask that those who participate regularly help in this regard: if you see anything that you think is potentially problematic, use the Report button on a post, just to highlight it (this is only visible to moderators, and they will have the final decision on what happens). Moderation is not a strict set of rules, and will necessarily evolve in practice. If not having this outlet for debate at Biblical Families is disappointing to you, we can point you to other online forums where you can discuss/debate any particular theological issue. We can’t keep our focus and be all things to all people.

We restate that our bond at Biblical Families is the bond of brotherhood in the saving grace of the Gospel of Jesus/Yeshua. We want to be clear that all those who consider themselves brothers and sisters in the Gospel are welcome to participate at Biblical Families, both online and at retreats, and in any community discussion. We’d ask you to understand the major purpose for the online forums: to be a place of learning and growth for those who God is calling to live patriarchally or to plural marriage. It is not for anyone to promote their specific theological distinctives.

Finding the line between what is OK and what is not, is something the moderators will have to do, and will need some grace for – thank you for extending it to them, just as the Father has extended it to all of us.


Not coincidently, we are happy to announce that 2 new moderators are joining the team to help in this mission. The first is not ‘new’ at all, and we are happy to have Zec (@The Revolting Man) joining to help out, as well Lance (@ABlessedMan). Both gentlemen will bring their unique point-of-view to the team, and we believe the forum will benefit from this. We want to take this opportunity to also thank our chief moderator of many years, Samuel (@FollowingHim), for his often single-handed effort in keeping the BF forum on-track. The forum as a community would be a much less valuable place without his ongoing time and attention.

Biblical Families Board and Staff
This is a lovely idea.
I look at it like this, if your standing in front of God/Christ depending on your interpretation and talking to him would he be interested in your different biblical differences that you had with a brother or sister of God/Christ or would he be interested in wether you showed love and Godly fellowship with a brother or sister in God/Christ, a strong structure and foundation needs built and grown.....Some times a hard look at the foundation is important.

The modern world is getting more spicy and more challenging what steps are needed to prepare, protect and grow a Godly community of believers in the Anarchy that is inadating are society and culture.
Let me stop you right there and rebuke a few things before there's any piling on. No, I do not believe this. And it's not what I said. But I do believe the Torah is excellent and even essential for understanding our nature and purpose and many other images God painted for us in earth, including to a great degree patriarchy. The Torah, to my limited understanding, is mostly mute about polygyny.

Let me fix that for you: "You then stated a list of names of people who you knew you had the most disagreement with, especially on the subject of the Torah." This was deliberate for the sake of emphasizing my point in that paragraph. But I should have added your name.

No. But YOU have been assuming a lot. I WANT to be challenged.

Which has it's basis in what?

By nature of your thesis you will forever be a tiny little niche, unless you conform to the image of man, unless you civilize yourself and stick to palatable doctines suitable to the modern sensitivities. Adopting egalitarianism and complementarianism would suit that purpose well.

When my eyes were opened many years ago and I began searching for truth to rebuild my worldview, this forum was a source of inspiration and revelation for me. And, as I recall, back in those days, no punches were being held. But, I was hungry, I had a zeal, and I ate it all up and searched for more, as I still do. As long as you remain in the truth, you shouldn't be afraid of being caustic to people. It says more about them than you. But, if you water down your message, if you sacrifice truth for soft feelings, your popularity should disgust you.
There is a great difference between watering down truth and limiting distraction. Nathan is right, brother. Just as a bicycle has many parts. It's all one machine, integrated. Every part is necessary. But you don't learn about gears by studying the handlebars. Or fix the tires by working on the seat.
Just so, you will learn less about Torah here than on some other platforms. And less about this focus there. So while I may throw in a mention of the rest day here, it will not be the focus of discussion. If I want to teach, argue, or investigate that, such a post needs to be initiated elsewhere, and as suggested, I can direct to that site as appropriate.
I agree it is hard to completely explore one topic without touching on others. They all indeed paint one story. But still there are separate topics, and they cannot all be unpacked simultaneously.
For clarification, Torah teachings related to polygyny, patriarchy, marriage and family are not only allowed but explicitly wanted.

What is not allowed is what has not been allowed for some time now; posts advocating for or against Torah keeping. You can definitely talk about how Torah relates to your practice or beliefs around polygyny, patriarchy, family or marriage.

You can not express the idea that Torah keeping is mandatory or forbidden; and really we should extend that prohibition to any denomination of Christianity that conforms to the Apostle’s Creed. Except for Catholics. We should definitely still make fun of Catholics…