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Statistics on Religion in America


Some of you might find this interesting. A series of statistics on religion in America and what has changed in the past 20 years. Overall the news is not really that great but I find this type of information fascinating nonetheless.
Barna Research
You might ask yourself... why do I care. Well, I've been working on a little side project with some calculations from the census and when I add in the church attendance calculations I have some approximate numbers with regard to how many females in each census age bracket 18+ are potentially eligible. It's quite fascinating really. :)
I've been meaning to do the same calculations for our national census data. I got a quote for what it would cost to get the detailed data in the form I want months ago but have been putting it off, the published stats just don't give enough detail to work this out robustly. Will report here when I finally get around to it!
You can pull out the numbers for those who are incarcerated. :) I need to find the stats on how many incarcerated are married versus not married so that I can pull them out of my current numbers as well.
chris said:
You might ask yourself... why do I care. Well, I've been working on a little side project with some calculations from the census and when I add in the church attendance calculations I have some approximate numbers with regard to how many females in each census age bracket 18+ are potentially eligible. It's quite fascinating really. :)

very fascinating...except you did not share your fascinating results with us!

Sooooo.....how many eligible females are there for each eligible male? (and could you define eligible...obviously church attendance factored into the equation)
I guess I did imply that I would post such numbers...
If you prefer regular church attenders, using Barna's church attendance of 44% female attendance vs 36% male attendance... some rough calculations suggest that if every church going single female married a churchgoing single male there would still be 7.2 million women 18+ (this include single 80 year olds) who would remain single.
Quick snapshot:
Age 18-29 : ~600k
Age 30-49 : ~850k
Age 50-64 : ~1.7 million
65+ : ~4 million
I need someone to spot check my calculations though because something bothers me about the numbers but can't track down what. I'll bring my spreadsheet to the retreat and get a second set of eyes to review. If we find a flaw I'll post an update.
If we look at total available for each gender including non-church and church going under the assumption all available men would marry, then we don't see a surplus of women until the mid-40's age bracket. That said, not all men and women choose or want to marry. I don't have a good stat to factor out those people... if you find one let me know and I'll provide an update.
I'll be keen to have a look over those figures with you Chris, sounds interesting, I'll see you there.