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Study and Interpretation from any elder.

Genesis 2:17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."

Adam didn't immediately die.
Side-track: The idea that what God said didn't happen is a misunderstanding based on the English translation not fully representing the Hebrew. In Hebrew, it does not say "you will certainly die". Rather, it repeats the word for "die" twice. Youngs Literal renders it "for in the day of thine eating of it - dying thou dost die." In other words, when you eat of the fruit, the day you eat of it you will begin dying (ie become mortal), and this process will result in your eventual death. So it happened exactly as God had said.

And this has nothing to do with the issue at hand, because Adam did not lose his authority over Eve in any way as a result of this. Rather, exactly the opposite occurred - Eve is then specifically told that Adam will "rule over her". If anything, this event - the removal of his anointing if you like to put it that way - actually cemented his authority. Stressing again that "anointing" and "authority" are two very different things, because as one reduced the other increased.

But this really is a sidetrack from Herbie's actual question, and I do think it would be better discussed elsewhere. It's a bit confusing for anyone to see how to split the thread or what to call a different discussion, so @Cap, if you've got something you'd like to discuss, could you please start a thread with a clear title to discuss that?
Can we get back to Herbie's original question, which is what God is saying specifically to him through a particular bible passage? Re-read Herbie's latest post that specifically addressed this - this may not be about marriage at all, and this whole discussion may be completely off-track:
Well, whilst listening to a video on youtube late yesterday about twilight, I heard mention of a First Love and a church of Ephesus. I have long felt God was telling me something in a metaphorical sense not entirely pertaining to marriage. Well I read revelation chap 2 regarding the church the first few vereses really felt how I felt about myself.But it gave little explantion of the first love thing. well after some speculation. I feel that he is telling me that my relationship with christ has suffered that while I have focused upon the Father and his law my true relationship with christ has kind of been on the rocks in a way. I feel that he is leading me to study more of the new testament and apply it to my own life. While my wives have indeed all done great wickedness unto me, I honestly attribute it to their rebellion against God and his Law. I will try to repair my love with christ and renew it, the best that I can. But honestly, how do you make Love grow in what emotionally feels like rock. How can you soften that which has become like stone? Thank you all very much for you input and most of all your prayers. I feel God has answered them.
This is the major problem with Christians moving to follow the Law. It is very very easy to start with a simple understanding of salvation by faith through grace alone apart from the law. Then to seek to please God by following what scripture says. Then to dig deeper and deeper into scripture and uncover more and more details of what He says we are to do. Then, in digging into this and applying it to our lives, to end up neglecting the simple faith we started with, the simple relationship we had with Yeshua, and make our religion all about following a bunch of rules.

I think this is a very serious trap and one that many of us fall into at some point in our walk with God. And this could very well be what God is trying to say to Herbie.

I realised we'd gone too far when the children spent more time asking me "are we allowed to eat X" than asking simple questions about the Gospel. Since then I've been in a process of trying to refocus us also, to ensure that I model a faith and grace based understanding of the Gospel to the children, with details of the law being very clearly only additional details we personally choose to follow (or not) as a way of expressing our love for God.

Studying Torah is good - but must not in any way supplant our relationship with Yeshua Himself. I do feel that Herbie may be being told something important, and don't want that to be buried and lost in a pile of the same old authority / divorce / feminism etc debate that already has plenty of other discussions on it elsewhere.
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Side-track: The idea that what God said didn't happen is a misunderstanding based on the English translation not fully representing the Hebrew. In Hebrew, it does not say "you will certainly die". Rather, it repeats the word for "die" twice. Youngs Literal renders it "for in the day of thine eating of it - dying thou dost die." In other words, when you eat of the fruit, the day you eat of it you will begin dying (ie become mortal), and this process will result in your eventual death. So it happened exactly as God had said.

And this has nothing to do with the issue at hand, because Adam did not lose his authority over Eve in any way as a result of this. Rather, exactly the opposite occurred - Eve is then specifically told that Adam will "rule over her". If anything, this event - the removal of his anointing if you like to put it that way - actually cemented his authority. Stressing again that "anointing" and "authority" are two very different things, because as one reduced the other increased.

But this really is a sidetrack from Herbie's actual question, and I do think it would be better discussed elsewhere. It's a bit confusing for anyone to see how to split the thread or what to call a different discussion, so @Cap, if you've got something you'd like to discuss, could you please start a thread with a clear title to discuss that?

Just to be clear, I had no intentions of deviating from the subject of the thread. I made a statement in the spirit of the thread referencing 'authority' and I got questioned about. I have no interested in pursing it unless someone else wants to start a new thread.

But, since you bring it up, I am aware of the actual translation and wasn't using it in reference to 'authority' being withdrawn in this instance, but just the fact that recognizing 'authority', or any move of God, may take awhile to actually manifest, like spiritually dieing. I never intended to imply that Adam lost any 'authority' over Eve, that wasn't the point. So I understand your comments and if someone else wants to talk about this elsewhere, I may join in.