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Tax marriage penalty

Gee, I wonder why Ludwig von Mises didn't think of that. Praise the Fed, they'd never lie about how much of that is left!
This post is interesting. And great example of problematic style of communication.

So bolded that looks like it means gold. Just say it plainly.

And amount of gold doesn't matter. Less gold means higher price in dollars per gold gram. Still able to link to gold.
So bolded that looks like it means gold. Just say it plainly.
That was the point of bold.

And amount of gold doesn't matter. Less gold means higher price in dollars per gold gram. Still able to link to gold.

Since 'small amount' is very likely VERY small amount, and much smaller that people have been led to believe (ZERO is small, too!) it might matter a very great deal.

Point is that China, Russia, BRICS are positioning for a move that will leave the fiat $$ "worth-less." (Thus, the Crack Up Boom, more than likely, as the final collapse mechanism.)
That was the point of bold.

Since 'small amount' is very likely VERY small amount, and much smaller that people have been led to believe (ZERO is small, too!) it might matter a very great deal.

Point is that China, Russia, BRICS are positioning for a move that will leave the fiat $$ "worth-less." (Thus, the Crack Up Boom, more than likely, as the final collapse mechanism.)
Idea of returning bond principal with some gold is from some official from US admistration. Possible creator of SOFR or someone conected with him. Someone who can be expected to access to real information.

And no way that Fort Knox is empty.
Idea of returning bond principal with some gold is from some official from US admistration.

If you can't trust the people who tried and failed to kill the president, but only after they tried to kill millions with the "safe and effective" Zyklon-B injection, Who CAN you trust???
Idea of returning bond principal with some gold is from some official from US admistration. Possible creator of SOFR or someone conected with him. Someone who can be expected to access to real information.

And no way that Fort Knox is empty.
That much gold being released on the market would have been impossible to ignore. Most of it is still somewhere under American control.

Why would they sell the gold anyway? Everyone has been trading their souls for valueless greenbacks for a hundred years now. Why wouldn’t you hoard the file and give away the paper? There’s just no reason to sell that gold or indication that they did.

If you can't trust the people who tried and failed to kill the president, but only after they tried to kill millions with the "safe and effective" Zyklon-B injection, Who CAN you trust???
Well, not everyone in administration is personal friend of Satan, as you think.

Some people do try to do best for their country.

And elite isn't unified blob. How hard is too accept they are cartel and humans. Not everyone thinks same.
And elite isn't unified blob. How hard is too accept they are cartel and humans. Not everyone thinks same.

How many of them spoke out and said the un-elected imposter was senile to boot?

And how many of the Trump Protection Hit Squad Detail have spoken up and said, "OK, nobody that EVER did this job is REALLY that stupid."?

Well, those that aren't dead already, or suicidal.

How many of them spoke out and said the un-elected imposter was senile to boot?

And how many of the Trump Protection Hit Squad Detail have spoken up and said, "OK, nobody that EVER did this job is REALLY that stupid."?

Well, those that aren't dead already, or suicidal.

What they say publically isn't what they say in private. Looking like a blob is only for public.
... but then why do they refuse to have an audit? It is the lack of audits which makes everyone suspicious. Maybe you're right, but they're behaving like you're wrong.
Welcome to the club of hiding gold reserves.

China does that, Russia is suspect.

Why would you publicize this number? This is direct invitation to all thiefs.
We have been sold out in so many ways, why would it be so difficult to believe this?

I can do the trust but verify thing, it’s just that we are a bit short on the verification.
Welcome to the club of hiding gold reserves.

China does that, Russia is suspect.

Why would you publicize this number? This is direct invitation to all thiefs.
They have publicised a massive number, which is an invitation to thieves. The suspicion is that they have none.

This is the exact opposite of what Russia and China are doing. China declares one number for their gold reserves but are widely suspected to actually hold a lot more than that, due to gold imports being far higher than what is declared. You are correct that there are reasons for China & Russia to hide their gold reserves, but it's irrelevant.
We have been sold out in so many ways, why would it be so difficult to believe this?

I can do the trust but verify thing, it’s just that we are a bit short on the verification.
Here’s some information on it, it seems that even when we were on the gold standard audits were not allowed.

According to this link, and it is a government link, a creditable audit was done by Congress with journalists in attendance in 1974. This is significant for several reasons.

Obviously it requires you to trust Congress and the media which none of us do, but importantly 1974 is three years after France forced Nixon to finally kill the last vestiges of the gold standard; allegedly temporarily.

There are a lot of details here that I haven’t looked into yet but apparently France demanded to exchange their dollars for gold as was allegedly their right under the Breton Woods agreement (there were two of them and I don’t know the difference).

Nixon flat out told them no. In a very French move they had sent a warship to make the demand for some reason. The speculation was that we didn’t have the gold (which I think was true in part. We didn’t have the gold to cover all the dollars that could come looking for it). This audit was done to quiet those fears.

We were supposed to go back on the limited gold standard at some unspecified point but obviously that didn’t happen.

It looks like there might have only ever been two audits of the gold depository, one during World War II and this one in ‘74. I’ll keep looking.
Here’s an alternative take and adds a third “audit” done in the Eisenhower administration.

For some reason I didn’t realize that Fort Knox is tied directly to Roosevelt’s gold confiscation of 1933. I thought it was a much older and more intrinsically American institution. It’s nothing but a pile of stolen wealth taken from Americans at gun point.

I really hate FDR.
Here’s some information on it, it seems that even when we were on the gold standard audits were not allowed.

According to this link, and it is a government link, a creditable audit was done by Congress with journalists in attendance in 1974. This is significant for several reasons.

Obviously it requires you to trust Congress and the media which none of us do, but importantly 1974 is three years after France forced Nixon to finally kill the last vestiges of the gold standard; allegedly temporarily.

There are a lot of details here that I haven’t looked into yet but apparently France demanded to exchange their dollars for gold as was allegedly their right under the Breton Woods agreement (there were two of them and I don’t know the difference).

Nixon flat out told them no. In a very French move they had sent a warship to make the demand for some reason. The speculation was that we didn’t have the gold (which I think was true in part. We didn’t have the gold to cover all the dollars that could come looking for it). This audit was done to quiet those fears.

We were supposed to go back on the limited gold standard at some unspecified point but obviously that didn’t happen.
1971 was temporary suspension, while in 1973 was forever suspension.

Issue is that there was fixed price between dollars and gold (only for US government). Since Vietnam war and Great Society programs were financed with deficits, it's highly likely money printing was involved which would push up gold price. So obvious protection is not to receive dollar (losing value), but insist on gold.

If dollar amount in circulation was raised 10x, gold price in dollars would go up about same amount, so gold would protect value.

And since US had trade deficit (imports greater than export), other countries were shipping real wealth in US, while getting paper wealth. So, off course French desired real money.


I really hate FDR.
Probably not enough.
They have publicised a massive number, which is an invitation to thieves. The suspicion is that they have none.
Regular ones aren't exactly a problem. The problem is ones supported by color revolutions and similar approaches. Such guys could make national reserves be used for payments for IMF "service" etc.

And then US was on top of world.