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The church showed this video last week during the service

Paul not the apostle

Real Person
and I thought it was distasteful, innappropriate, insensitive, and disrespectful and ignores the fact that we have had two divorces in our church in the past two years. (50 people per week) This video was used to promote the start of a new church program. Guess what that new program is? The role of a Godly biblically based man. No, I am not joking.


I did talk with the 4 leaders of the church about it. They seemed to think that I am overreacting. I told them they are underreacting and THAT is the real problem. They did not know better on their own. Ask the wives, husbands, and children of the divorced homes if it is funny. Maybe I do need a break. Where I grew up if you gave a gift that helped someone do their job, it was a good gift. If you gave them something that was just for show and you paid money for it, you were ridiculed. Flowers were picked on the way back to the house, not purchased, you idiot. Besides, gifts like jewelry and flowers are given because the giver is wanting something. I do give my wife flowers, but I do laugh every time I do. "Here honey, these represent our love, dead two days ago and nobody wants to admit it. Let's put them on the table and watch the bugs get to them."

Anyway, so when do we as brothers stand up and say something when it is wrong. I feel like lately I would never sit down in church. That is the biblical question, how do I go on without always being a massive pain in the butt, or how do I just sit back without saying anything?
Paul not the apostle said:
Anyway, so when do we as brothers stand up and say something when it is wrong. I feel like lately I would never sit down in church. That is the biblical question, how do I go on without always being a massive pain in the butt, or how do I just sit back without saying anything?

I guess it has to do with our individual temperment. Personally, I don't want to invest the time in a congregation or with a teacher that I am continually at odds with.
Nah, you're overreacting, PntA -- they're just teaching the lesson their master demands: :evil:

A 'good husband' takes orders from the real head of that house, just like the spirit that rules over both such a church and such a house demands. Trouble is, it's not His.

(This is where I recommend J.W. Stivers' Eros Made Sacred again.. It's helpful to know what we battle against:

http://web.archive.org/web/200503141011 ... eface.html )

Eros Made Sacred

i have read that work many times. I do enjoy it. i do find the last portion somewhat disturbing, but it does not nullify the whole work. the man and women in biblical law is my personal favorite, especially the section on head covering and women remaining silent in church.
Re: Eros Made Sacred

Paul not the apostle said:
i have read that work many times. I do enjoy it. i do find the last portion somewhat disturbing, but it does not nullify the whole work. the man and women in biblical law is my personal favorite, especially the section on head covering and women remaining silent in church.

I think Tom Shipley's book is one of the very best available, Paul. They are quite different in outlook and intent, obviously - and (so far as I know), Man and Woman in Biblical Law is not available on-line.

And, "last portion". I had to confirm again to make sure, but, yeah - the 'disturbing' part is the heart of his argument. :shock: Sadly, the situation that you are seeing is exactly what reminded me of this book, and why. There's an old saying that I recall a Bible teacher with a military background using when it comes to warfare - physical, and spiritual. "If you're taking flak, it's probably because you're over the target."


Mark and anyone else, Shiley's book was available online. That is where I got it. I can send a pdf file if you want.

Thanks Lissa and Paul. I am very familiar with Tom's website, but had not checked out the book page for a while (I have about five copies here, which I loan out. :) ) When new comments get added, they come to those who subscribe as emails, so I haven't actually had to go there recently to read most updates.

I heartily second the motion to get and read the .pdf file (and then support Tom's work as well); it is truly superb scholarship.

