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The flaw of independence?

You can do your own research to find a comprehensive list, but I'll just start with Exodus 21:10, which says, "he shall not diminish her meat, her covering and her cohabitation." [CVOT] This is the dictate that lists what a man may not diminish with a 1st wife when taking another wife. 'Meat' stands for daily necessities such as food, clothing, housing; 'cohabitation' is also translated accurately as 'due benevolence' but additionally refers to general physical affection as well as sexual satisfaction; and 'covering' stands for everything else men do to protect and provide structure and organization for the life of any woman under one's charge. All three categories are realms of being women cannot provide for themselves. They can only pretend that they can provide them for themselves, but as Samuel has wisely said above, if any 'single' woman is honest with herself, she remains dependent on men even when single -- she just spreads out the dependence over a host of other men but does so in a way that maximizes its invisibility; the purpose of this, quite frankly, especially in the age of feminism, is to escape from the burden of gratitude.

I know you view yourself as generous, and it's certainly laudable that you feel obligated toward your parents and enjoy taking care of others and other dogs as well -- but what remains missing in this equation is tangible expression of gratitude for all those invisible men who prop up your supposedly-independent existence. As @Old Paths Gardener brilliantly described in her post above, this is one of the main purposes for submission. Submitting and being a helpmeet is a large portion of what each individual woman does to reciprocate with men in general in recognition of the degree to which women are dependent on men. If you ever grok this, you will recognize how generally selflessly giving most men are.

And perhaps they need to carry guns that have been invented, manufactured, assembled, sold and shipped by women . . .

I'm going to respond when I get home from work tonight, not ignoring you. You're not getting out of this so easily :)
I have a question before I start down this rabbit hole next lol weren't men cursed with hard labor just as women painful child birth? Men building the world is a given, they were both blessed and cursed with the ability to do so. I'm to be thankful that men are doing what they're designed to do or should I be thankful that i'm allowed to participate in such things that men created?
You know I love you, right, @LovesDogs?

I had to say that first.

Because I really do wish you had the ability to step outside yourself and attempt to be objective about the way you present things. One of the characteristics that runs through a lot of what you write about men, about relationships, etc., is a clear sense of entitlement. Men were cursed with having to live by the sweat of their brow, and you just feel entitled to the fruits of their labors. Right? I keep wondering, will there ever be a point in your various discussions when you just say, hey, you're right, I should actually be profoundly grateful for what men provide for me?

Let me ask a complementary question: given that women were cursed with both (a) the requirement of submission, and (b) the burden of painful pregnancies and everything associated with it. Does that mean men can feel entitled to impregnate any of you any time they desire? Should men have the freedom to, without tangible acknowledgment of gratitude, continuously avail themselves of relieving their sexual desires and creating progeny with the women in their lives?

I guess I just assumed it was all part of what we were intended to do.

Please forgive me for this, but I find this statement on your part to be disingenuous. You couldn't possibly believe that, as a woman, you are expected or intended to be pregnant. When was the last time you were pregnant?

See, you just assume that you can either partially or fully avoid being fruitful and multiplying, but just imagine the uproar that would ensue if men collectively stood back and refused to protect women: what would happen if, when women were being assaulted . . . raped . . . thrown from a car during a vehicle accident . . . stuck in a burning apartment, every man in the vicinity just stood by and allowed those scenarios to unfold without intervening?
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We are the weaker vessel. We were literally not designed or created to live 'headless'. Covering IS advice and leadership, but I believe it's more than that. I am sure I will not be able to explain this in a way that does it justice, but I do live it out.
When we are left to ourselves, we are never fully able to understand what submission is, and also the headship order. I chose to put myself under the covering / leadership / headship of a man because I knew I could not fully grow as a believer if I were left to myself and headless. There's a sticky situation right there .... we are free to choose, so that means we are free to "pick and choose". We can put ourselves under the headship of a man that suits our personal beliefs and desires regardless of whether or not those line up with the Truth. We can also put ourselves under the headship of a godly man and then choose to come out from under his headship when we do not agree with him. That defeats the entire purpose. I know there is obvious right and wrong, and I'm sure we could come up with all sorts of what if scenarios where this could be a bad thing. I'm not talking about what ifs.
Well, again, this is very hard to explain so maybe a brother has a better / clearer way of saying it. I just know that a lot of the damage caused within fellowships / the Body of Yeshua can be traced back to headless women. These women may or may not be married ... I mean, just because they are married does not mean they have a head; they can choose to usurp their head. Whatever the case, these are dangerous women.
There is safety within the headship order, and there are many reasons why the Father has put it in place.
Wonder if I could possibly find one that would slap me across the face every time I open my big mouth for a month straight?

Seriously though, thank you for the suggestion and explanation. This is something i'll look into, I also think if done correctly it could be very useful.
I see what you mean by picking and choosing based on our own liking and how that can become dangerous but if you fully trust that the man had your best interest at heart then shouldn't that eliminate some of those issues?
You know I love you, right, @LovesDogs?

I had to say that first.

Because I really do wish you had the ability to step outside yourself and attempt to be objective about the way you present things. One of the characteristics that runs through a lot of what you write about men, about relationships, etc., is a clear sense of entitlement. Men were cursed with having to live by the sweat of their brow, and you just feel entitled to the fruits of their labors. Right? I keep wondering, will there ever be a point in your various discussions when you just say, hey, you're right, I should actually be profoundly grateful for what men provide for me?

Let me ask a complementary question: given that women were cursed with both (a) the requirement of submission, and (b) the burden of painful pregnancies and everything associated with it. Does that mean men can feel entitled to impregnate any of you any time they desire? Should men have the freedom to, without tangible acknowledgment of gratitude, continuously avail themselves of relieving their sexual desires and creating progeny with the women in their lives?

Please forgive me for this, but I find this statement on your part to be disingenuous. You couldn't possibly believe that, as a woman, you are expected or intended to be pregnant. When was the last time you were pregnant?

See, you just assume that you can either partially or fully avoid being fruitful and multiplying, but just imagine the uproar that would ensue if men collectively stood back and refused to protect women: what would happen if, when women were being assaulted . . . raped . . . thrown from a car during a vehicle accident . . . stuck in a burning apartment, every man in the vicinity just stood by and allowed those scenarios to unfold without intervening?
Because I really do wish you had the ability to step outside yourself and attempt to be objective about the way you present things. One of the characteristics that runs through a lot of what you write about men, about relationships, etc., is a clear sense of entitlement.
But I don't necessarily feel entitled so it's a bit confusing to me why I come across that way? What am I doing specifically that gives that impression so I can explain my true intentions or reflect and try to improve.
Men were cursed with having to live by the sweat of their brow, and you just feel entitled to the fruits of their labors. Right? I keep wondering, will there ever be a point in your various discussions when you just say, hey, you're right, I should actually be profoundly grateful for what men provide for me?
I think it's just something that exist due to the way we were designed and has naturally evolved into what it is today. Seems sort of contradictory of me because I have absolutely no issue praising for dad for how hard he's worked his entire life. I just didn't realize it was a point of contention, I didn't realize it needed to be said to all men. You may very well be right though, now that i'm thinking about it, I do sort of feel entitled to the small amount of things I have but I also feel thankful, blessed and even annoyed at times because I worked hard for them. Maybe i'm forgetful of where those opportunities came from?
Please forgive me for this, but I find this statement on your part to be disingenuous. You couldn't possibly believe that, as a woman, you are expected or intended to be pregnant. When was the last time you were pregnant?
It's ok! I won't be offended of you questioning me, like i've said before i'm prepared for the consequences that my big mouth brings on.

I actually do think women are expected and intended to be pregnant, me not participating in that doesn't change that it was intended in our design. It just makes me a hypocrite.

My pregnancy comment was in line with the statement about men's progression in the world. I don't really make it a point to praise either men or women for doing what they were designed to do.

However that once again may be hypocritical of me because I do praise my own father and mother, I also praised my grandmother.
See, you just assume that you can either partially or fully avoid being fruitful and multiplying, but just imagine the uproar that would ensue if men collectively stood back and refused to protect women: what would happen if, when women were being assaulted . . . raped . . . thrown from a car during a vehicle accident . . . stuck in a burning apartment, every man in the vicinity just stood by and allowed those scenarios to unfold without intervening?
Going to dumb this down for myself- What you're saying is if I can half-ass what i'm designed to do as a woman then why can't men?
But, some men do stand back and allow those things happen, not only allow them happen but actively participate in causing it to happen in the first place. If men were doing what they were supposed to do as a whole, women wouldn't be in such situations to begin with typically. I am thankful for the ones who protect others but that doesn't solve the root of the problem.

You know I love you, right, @LovesDogs?

I had to say that first.
I do and I appreciate it and even if i'm argumentative I am grateful to you and others for opening my eyes to such things.
I see what you mean by picking and choosing based on our own liking -- and how that can become dangerous -- but if you fully trust that the man had your best interest at heart, then shouldn't that eliminate some of those issues?
I think I hear the sound of one hand clapping -- or is it the future echo of the final nails being driven into a coffin?

I don't believe I can possibly articulate exactly why this is the case, but something about this post of yours has almost completely convinced me that you're not engaging in these discussions in good faith. You're smart enough to consistently pivot away from one lost argument after another into new questions that change the direction of discussions you yourself started (occasionally [strategically?] peppering your responses with the intermittent reinforcement of assertions that you understand what is being said), so it strains credulity that you haven't paid enough attention to the various responses you've received to be able to comprehend the main thrust of what @Old Paths Gardener was graciously communicating to you: women need covering at least partially because they're prone to making foolish choices, sometimes to the point of being dangerous to self and others. If you see what she means, then how can whether or not a woman trusts that a man has her best interests at heart eliminate that danger, given, in the case of a woman pretending to not need covering, that she's prone to error in her choice of leadership?

Young woman concludes she has innate wisdom of the ages and can make her own choices.
Young woman rejects covering of her father, which includes rejecting his leadership example.
Woman therefore accepts marriage proposal from a man without benefit of father's wisdom.
Woman ends up making poor choice re: man's leadership potential.
Woman nonetheless trusts her poor choice, because she doesn't want to admit being wrong.
Woman convinces herself that pretending she made a good choice will solve problems.
Woman rides and/or drives this situation into eventual disaster.
Woman then finds anyone but herself to blame.
Woman ends up alone but concludes she still doesn't need male covering.
Woman remains dependent on a male-sustained world but believes she's independent.
Rinse and repeat.

Is the following somehow related to the issue of poor picking?
Wonder if I could possibly find one that would slap me across the face every time I open my big mouth for a month straight?
Or are you obliquely disclosing something you've personally experienced?

If so, I pray you have properly dealt with the slapper and gotten whatever help you need to transcend going through that kind of horror. But your choice to begin your response with that does make some other red flags go off for me, especially as it relates to the frequency with which you paint men, marriage and patriarchy with broad brushes. Men are not the only ones who commit violence against their partners, children or parents. Statistically, women are significantly more likely to initiate physical violence in domestic disturbances, and overwhelmingly more likely to initiate verbal and emotional abuse. Boys are predominantly raised with the admonition of, "Don't hit the girl," but that doesn't mean they're always successful resisting the temptation to strike back against incessant verbal, emotional and physical abuse from a woman. They will, of course, be condemned for crossing that line, but that doesn't change who bears the ethical responsibility for what ends up transpiring.

So, if you're hinting that in the past you've been slapped across the face by someone for a month straight, perhaps you shouldn't just hint about it, because otherwise it just smacks of pejorative innuendo -- and if your reason for asking all your questions is to lead up to getting support for having been mistreated, I'll return to my first assertion: I pray you've properly dealt with the slapper. If you're an innocent victim, this is a police matter, and you deserved to be rescued even more than the dogs you've rescued, but you also need some professional help. Dancing around the issue by posing questions here that you don't even appear to want the answers to isn't going to help you much in the long run. We're not a rescue shelter; we're a support system for others who want to explore biblical truths about polygyny and patriarchy. Trying to get transformative counsel from our lot is more likely to lead to more dangerous harm than any likelihood it has to provide you transcendence.

Going to dumb this down for myself- What you're saying is if I can half-ass what i'm designed to do as a woman then why can't men?

That's pretty close, but you're not all the way there. You're not even half-assing it. You aren't bearing any children, you're elevating the needs of dogs over the needs of humans, you think you're doing the world a favor by being giving to some people in your life, and you're only toying with the idea of becoming submissive and feminine, and then you pretty much negate even your desire to half-ass it by saying something like the following . . .
But, some men do stand back and allow those things happen, not only allow them happen but actively participate in causing it to happen in the first place. If men were doing what they were supposed to do as a whole, women wouldn't be in such situations to begin with typically. I am thankful for the ones who protect others but that doesn't solve the root of the problem.
Some men are bad, so we can still blame all your problems on men, because all men aren't doing what you believe they should do, and therefore women are stuck in a world that doesn't live up to their expectations.

Some men are bad, but most men actually would step up in all of the scenarios I mentioned, whereas almost all women would just sit back and watch -- or maybe film them on their smartphones.

Some men are bad, but why don't you just note that some women are also bad -- and that maybe the bad men and the bad women even themselves out? I'm not saying that's the case, but why do you never mention bad women?

You seem entirely clueless about the actual root of the problem: we live in a fallen world. Yah owes us nothing but wrath, and yet He still demonstrates His Love for us -- and we're surrounded by a world, albeit a fallen and imperfect one, that is so filled with wondrous blessings that we should choke on any self-pity we have. We should in addition express gratitude for every blessing we receive from every other human being, male or female; if we did that we wouldn't have time to whine, moan (well, maybe some moaning is in order in the right context), complain or come up with theories about how the world should have been designed better for us so we won't ever be uncomfortable or inconvenienced.

You without a doubt suffer from an entitlement attitude. As I addressed above, if you're hinting that you've been repeatedly face-slapped in your past, then some bitterness and confusion is in order, but I've known kids who were regularly beat with baseball bats who still found it within themselves to be grateful for their existence. You are not owed a world better than this one, and you give a good impression of someone who has organized her life so thoroughly around self-pity and defining even your contributions to others as martyrdom for which you should be praised that it leads me to wonder if you think you could have designed a better world than Yah did.

What I'm really getting tired of, though, is this formula you repeat that consists of, "But some men are bad, so therefore all us women should be left off the hook, free to pretend that we're independent and have the right to feel perfectly entitled to the largesse of everything men have created and maintained, all while feeling just as free to complain that men aren't making our lives rosy enough or fast enough." All while discussing submission as if it's something you'll deign to do if you can negotiate the right compensatory package in exchange.

I'll just be frank: it makes it hard to be sympathetic toward you. You reserve the right to criticize men for not managing to meet your standards about how they should organize the world for your benefit, but you also feel like you should have to be convinced that you owe men gratitude, submission or even babies in return. We should all be grateful that our mothers and grandmothers weren't possessed to that degree of this type of attitude.

But, oh yes, I forgot: some men are mean to perfectly innocent and angelic women.

I look forward to reading a response from you that indicates you've taken all this to heart, but in the absence of that I won't be answering any more questions.
I don't believe I can possibly articulate exactly why this is the case, but something about this post of yours has almost completely convinced me that you're not engaging in these discussions in good faith. You're smart enough to consistently pivot away from one lost argument after another into new questions that change the direction of discussions you yourself started (occasionally [strategically?] peppering your responses with the intermittent reinforcement of assertions that you understand what is being said), so it strains credulity that you haven't paid enough attention to the various responses you've received to be able to comprehend the main thrust of what @Old Paths Gardener was graciously communicating to you: women need covering at least partially because they're prone to making foolish choices, sometimes to the point of being dangerous to self and others. If you see what she means, then how can whether or not a woman trusts that a man has her best interests at heart eliminate that danger, given, in the case of a woman pretending to not need covering, that she's prone to error in her choice of leadership?
I'm sorry but i'm very confused by this. I understood that she was saying women are prone to foolish choices. She also stated-
that we are free to choose, so that means we are free to "pick and choose". We can put ourselves under the headship of a man that suits our personal beliefs and desires regardless of whether or not those line up with the Truth. We can also put ourselves under the headship of a godly man and then choose to come out from under his headship when we do not agree with him. That defeats the entire purpose.
I took this as we are a danger to ourselves when we chose to dismiss a man as our covering just because he doesn't tell us what we want to hear. In which I responded that "if we chose a man who has our best interest at heart to begin with then wouldn't that eliminate our distrust in him even if he disagrees with us." I'm honestly not sure why what I said was so offensive?
You're smart enough to consistently pivot away from one lost argument after another into new questions that change the direction of discussions you yourself started (occasionally [strategically?] peppering your responses with the intermittent reinforcement of assertions that you understand what is being said
Are you saying i'm doing this on purpose? Because I'm not even smart enough to know what that means...that sounds like I'm making a joke but I'm not.
Or are you obliquely disclosing something you've personally experienced?

If so, I pray you have properly dealt with the slapper and gotten whatever help you need to transcend going through that kind of horror. But your choice to begin your response with that does make some other red flags go off for me, especially as it relates to the frequency with which you paint men, marriage and patriarchy with broad brushes. Men are not the only ones who commit violence against their partners, children or parents. Statistically, women are significantly more likely to initiate physical violence in domestic disturbances, and overwhelmingly more likely to initiate verbal and emotional abuse. Boys are predominantly raised with the admonition of, "Don't hit the girl," but that doesn't mean they're always successful resisting the temptation to strike back against incessant verbal, emotional and physical abuse from a woman. They will, of course, be condemned for crossing that line, but that doesn't change who bears the ethical responsibility for what ends up transpiring.
This was simply a joke directed at myself and my urge to argue too much. It was no way directed towards men.

If we're speaking domestic violence statistics, women are just as likely as men to be the aggressor.

While I do appreciate your advice on how to improve how I come across and things to consider. I also think you may sometimes let your own patriarchal insecurities cloud or influence my responses into meaning something that they don't.
That's pretty close, but you're not all the way there. You're not even half-assing it. You aren't bearing any children, you're elevating the needs of dogs over the needs of humans, you think you're doing the world a favor by being giving to some people in your life, and you're only toying with the idea of becoming submissive and feminine, and then you pretty much negate even your desire to half-ass it by saying something like the following . . .
I would like to put out there that I can't have children of my own but I did raise two children that aren't mine. I'm more of a mother to them than their own mother ever was. There are plenty of ways to fulfil your calling as a woman, you don't necessarily need to have children of your own to do what you were designed to do. I wouldn't consider that half-assing it but for argument sake I was using myself as an example.
you're elevating the needs of dogs over the needs of humans
We're all guilty of this to one degree or another. We all do things in our lives that elevate the needs of specific things over the needs of others. For God sake we're arguing on a forum right now instead of helping humans at this very moment.
you think you're doing the world a favor by being giving to some people in your life
I don't think or care what the world thinks. I was concerned about how being married would effect how I care for those people, you act like I brought it up because I need random people on the internet that i've never met to praise me for it when in fact I wanted to know how to balance things in my life and what other people's experiences have been with it. I'm not even near foolish enough to think i'm the only person in the world to ever take care of their family. I was seeking advice from people who could relate to my situation.

Once again, you take things I say and twist them then i'm expected to defend myself over something that you misunderstood to begin with.
and you're only toying with the idea of becoming submissive and feminine,
I'm already feminine. If you mean "toying" as in gathering information about being submissive then you're probably right. It was something I was interested in and i'm here gaining information just like I thought everyone else was doing? It often feels like asking a man a question on here or challenging someone's opinion is an absolute destruction of their egos.
Some men are bad, so we can still blame all your problems on men, because all men aren't doing what you believe they should do, and therefore women are stuck in a world that doesn't live up to their expectations.

Some men are bad, but most men actually would step up in all of the scenarios I mentioned, whereas almost all women would just sit back and watch -- or maybe film them on their smartphones.

Some men are bad, but why don't you just note that some women are also bad -- and that maybe the bad men and the bad women even themselves out? I'm not saying that's the case, but why do you never mention bad women?
I do mention women. I've mentioned our passive- aggressive nature, i've mentioned our tendency to be catty towards one another, i've mentioned that I think women should look to their husband as the leader, especially in a relationship involving multiple wives because I think men make better decisions than women. I even acknowledged in my above post that having a male covering would be a good idea.

I think I say things that don't express enough gratitude for men which is a point of contention for you personally, so you point this out to me by using examples. Then when I respond to those examples in a manner that you don't like, you accuse me of harping on men. I would have never even brought half of it up if you hadn't asked.
You seem entirely clueless about the actual root of the problem: we live in a fallen world. Yah owes us nothing but wrath, and yet He still demonstrates His Love for us -- and we're surrounded by a world, albeit a fallen and imperfect one, that is so filled with wondrous blessings that we should choke on any self-pity we have. We should in addition express gratitude for every blessing we receive from every other human being, male or female; if we did that we wouldn't have time to whine, moan (well, maybe some moaning is in order in the right context), complain or come up with theories about how the world should have been designed better for us so we won't ever be uncomfortable or inconvenienced.
I agree with you. When I referenced the root of the problem, I meant that if everyone lived according to the Bible, then men wouldn't have to spend their time protecting everyone and everything from ourselves.
You without a doubt suffer from an entitlement attitude. As I addressed above, if you're hinting that you've been repeatedly face-slapped in your past, then some bitterness and confusion is in order, but I've known kids who were regularly beat with baseball bats who still found it within themselves to be grateful for their existence. You are not owed a world better than this one, and you give a good impression of someone who has organized her life so thoroughly around self-pity and defining even your contributions to others as martyrdom for which you should be praised that it leads me to wonder if you think you could have designed a better world than Yah did.
I've never once said I wasn't grateful for my existence, I thank God every day for my life and for my family. I think i'm just not grateful to humans as much as you'd like me to be because I also see the bad in them as well. I don't think i'm owed a better world but i'm not going to ignore the negative just for the sake of being grateful. Maybe that's something I need to work on, I don't know? But I feel like i'm just being realistic.
What I'm really getting tired of, though, is this formula you repeat that consists of, "But some men are bad, so therefore all us women should be left off the hook, free to pretend that we're independent and have the right to feel perfectly entitled to the largesse of everything men have created and maintained, all while feeling just as free to complain that men aren't making our lives rosy enough or fast enough." All while discussing submission as if it's something you'll deign to do if you can negotiate the right compensatory package in exchange.
"Let women off the hook?" No but men rule the world, they set the rules, they set the standards, with that-comes responsibility. Then we're supposed to be thankful when we had absolutely no choice as women to be what we are today because it's been dictated throughout history by men.
All while discussing submission as if it's something you'll deign to do if you can negotiate the right compensatory package in exchange.
I'm asking advice and seeking information, like I stated before I thought this was a discussion forum?

I'll just be frank: it makes it hard to be sympathetic toward you. You reserve the right to criticize men for not managing to meet your standards about how they should organize the world for your benefit, but you also feel like you should have to be convinced that you owe men gratitude, submission or even babies in return. We should all be grateful that our mothers and grandmothers weren't possessed to that degree of this type of attitude.

But, oh yes, I forgot: some men are mean to perfectly innocent and angelic women.

I look forward to reading a response from you that indicates you've taken all this to heart, but in the absence of that I won't be answering any more questions.
I'll just be frank: it makes it hard to be sympathetic toward you. You reserve the right to criticize men for not managing to meet your standards about how they should organize the world for your benefit, but you also feel like you should have to be convinced that you owe men gratitude, submission or even babies in return. We should all be grateful that our mothers and grandmothers weren't possessed to that degree of this type of attitude.
Because people should treat women and children better, everyone doesn't live in the US. The way people are treated in other countries is absolutely awful. Forgive me for not being happy that the world is not to my standard when people suffer because of the actions, ignorance and control of others. I'd be more concerned about why you think the world does benefit so many people the way it is?
We should all be grateful that our mothers and grandmothers weren't possessed to that degree of this type of attitude.
Well it's not exactly like they had a choice...
I look forward to reading a response from you that indicates you've taken all this to heart, but in the absence of that I won't be answering any more questions.
Don't threaten me with a good time.
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Lol thank you, there really has been some wonderful responses and I appreciate it more than ya'll know, thanks everyone ❤️

Oh my goodness, that's something I can relate to so much. I just love my house being calm, relaxed and peaceful. I love being able to come home to my dogs and bunny and just relax. I love my family so much but they're so dang loud lol

Goodness isn't that the truth! Sometimes if we go unchecked for too long we don't realize just how dumb our own thoughts can become. For instance like starting a dog ranch in the middle of the desert ;)

I have to plead ignorance on the male "covering" subject. I don't really know what it is and why it's necessary? I'm completely open to it, just ignorant. I appreciate the suggestion! However I don't know who i'd ask if I did decide it was a good idea. No one in my family is very religious and they already think i'm weird for wearing a partial veil and praying every day, wouldn't feel very comfortable asking them.

I sure hope so, I think at times i've felt that change and desire become stronger however I fall right back into my everyday routine and become comfortable again.

I think I found the solution to both of our problems. Lets be Sisterwives- maybe our Knight and shining armor will come riding in on a large dog Rescue bus and whisk us off to the desert where we can spend our days thanking God for our dog ranch :cool:
You joke but I've thought before that women should start doing this, finding a sister wife and establishing a dynamic while they pick their husband. I bet it wouldn't take long.
I think I found the solution to both of our problems. Lets be Sisterwives- maybe our Knight and shining armor will come riding in on a large dog Rescue bus and whisk us off to the desert where we can spend our days thanking God for our dog ranch :cool:
[tone: loving, not rude. I realize I can sometimes come off as rude because I'm prone to be blunt.]
I wasn't going to respond to this, but since @The Revolting Man brought it up specifically, I just want to say that I am not a 'dog rescue' person and have zero desire for a 'dog ranch'. I have a few small dogs in the house because I live alone in the country and I really, really, really appreciate them letting me know when someone is pulling in my driveway. I have a livestock guardian dog with the livestock - she's my girl!!! The BEST guardian dog ever. But, no interest in rescuing dogs, living on a dog ranch, or even a "knight in shining armor" [I'm not good at fairy tales]. I just want the Father's will and do my best to not add in my own ideas because His will might be totally different than what I have in mind.

And ... living with another woman with the hopes of someday finding mister right ... no way, no thanks. [Zec - it seems like you disagree with that? I'll have to be sure to follow that conversation. It seems to me it could be a disaster, especially for mister right. Sounds like they'd be a gang looking for prey?! Maybe I'm seeing it wrong.] Single women living together for practical reasons ... maybe. [Practical: shared expense and responsibility load? Safety in numbers? I really can't think of many practical reasons!!!] It would take a very specific kind of woman for me to actually live with, so I just don't see that as an option.

[tone: loving, not rude. I realize I can sometimes come off as rude because I'm prone to be blunt.]
I wasn't going to respond to this, but since @The Revolting Man brought it up specifically, I just want to say that I am not a 'dog rescue' person and have zero desire for a 'dog ranch'. I have a few small dogs in the house because I live alone in the country and I really, really, really appreciate them letting me know when someone is pulling in my driveway. I have a livestock guardian dog with the livestock - she's my girl!!! The BEST guardian dog ever. But, no interest in rescuing dogs, living on a dog ranch, or even a "knight in shining armor" [I'm not good at fairy tales]. I just want the Father's will and do my best to not add in my own ideas because His will might be totally different than what I have in mind.

And ... living with another woman with the hopes of someday finding mister right ... no way, no thanks. [Zec - it seems like you disagree with that? I'll have to be sure to follow that conversation. It seems to me it could be a disaster, especially for mister right. Sounds like they'd be a gang looking for prey?! Maybe I'm seeing it wrong.] Single women living together for practical reasons ... maybe. [Practical: shared expense and responsibility load? Safety in numbers? I really can't think of many practical reasons!!!] It would take a very specific kind of woman for me to actually live with, so I just don't see that as an option.

I don't think you're being rude, it was rude of me to put that on you, I didn't realize how rude I was to you until Keith pointed it out. I was just all into having fun and joking around, didn't mean any offense by it, I apologize. What type of dog is the livestock one you have?
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You joke but I've thought before that women should start doing this, finding a sister wife and establishing a dynamic while they pick their husband. I bet it wouldn't take long.
Oh I wasn't joking about that part, I think it's a great idea. It would be so much easier to do it that way in my opinion because the sister wife/friend bond would already be established. I had this discussion with my best friend not too long ago, she said she would be open to it if she wasn't dating someone already. Problem is we don't like the same type of men unfortunately, she has horrible taste in men. She would rather date an attractive guy that needs to be fixed, I don't understand that, never will.

However I do agree with @Old Paths Gardener about living with another woman before then, that may be a little weird but can't exactly pinpoint why.
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I don't think you're being rude, it was rude of me to put that on you, I didn't realize how rude I was to you until Keith pointed it out. I was just all into having fun and joking around, didn't mean any offense by it, I apologize. What type of dog is the livestock one you have?
I honestly didn't take your original comments as rude; I took them along with some of the other things you've said more as a sign that something is not quite right [but, hopefully that's why you're here? These brothers seem to have a lot of wisdom on the subject of the role of a godly woman]. Keith and others seemed to do a good job attempting to help, so I just left it. No need for you to apologize to me. :)

My LGD is mostly Great Pyrenees with a little Anatolian thrown in. It's truly a shame we never found a mate for her. She's simply the best ... and so proud to show us her catches! She places dead predators in a specific spot where we are sure to see them, and stands right next to them like a trophy when we enter the barn yard. And she's absolutely wonderful with the grandchildren.
I am curious how you perceive and define yourself as feminine?
I don't know if this a good enough answer, so please let me know and i'll try again.

Along time ago I stopped feeling the need to be a man's equal, I stopped putting pressure on myself to think and change who I am in order to compete with men. I realized I wasn't doing myself or anyone else any favors by giving up my softer qualities to appease the world's idea of what a woman should be. I would consider those softer/feminine traits being our natural desire to be lead and cared for by men. Tending to be emotional and to lead with our heart, being caring, being helpful, being caregivers in general and accepting our submissive nature. Sounds odd coming from me because apparently i'm completely against submission but i'm actually not, I think submission is beautiful and admire women who can do it and do it well, I'm just not personally on that level yet however do think it's an important part of our femininity.
I honestly didn't take your original comments as rude; I took them along with some of the other things you've said more as a sign that something is not quite right [but, hopefully that's why you're here? These brothers seem to have a lot of wisdom on the subject of the role of a godly woman]. Keith and others seemed to do a good job attempting to help, so I just left it. No need for you to apologize to me. :)

My LGD is mostly Great Pyrenees with a little Anatolian thrown in. It's truly a shame we never found a mate for her. She's simply the best ... and so proud to show us her catches! She places dead predators in a specific spot where we are sure to see them, and stands right next to them like a trophy when we enter the barn yard. And she's absolutely wonderful with the grandchildren.
I honestly didn't take your original comments as rude; I took them along with some of the other things you've said more as a sign that something is not quite right
Thank you :)

You don't have to respond to this part obviously, just wanted to put it out there in general.

I'm still unsure of the "not quite right" comment, I seem to be getting that a lot so I have no doubt that something i'm doing is causing concern, I just don't know what it is. I feel like a lot of things I say are taken out of context and that could be completely my fault because I do not express myself well at times. However if any of it is in reference to my "slapping" comment i'd like to clear that up. Looking back I guess I can see why some people thought it was more than what it was but where i'm from we always just joke about stuff like that. We'll literally just say "don't make me punch you in the face" " don't make me slap you" sounds brutal but it's just a way of saying "leave me alone" no one ever actually hits anyone, it's not an actual threat- just a figure of speech. I tend to type how I speak and not really consider how it can come across at times. I definitely did not think a self deprecating joke about having a big mouth was going to incite such a strong response or else I wouldn't have made it.

Aww, I've always wanted a Great Pyrenees, i've heard they are wonderful dogs. She's proud of her kills? Bless her heart, that's adorable. I'm curious what she looks like with those two mixes? Does she look more like Great Pyrenes?

Speaking of that we literally just rescued an Anatolian Shepard that was lost and reunited him with his owners. This dog was lost for months and traveled half way across the state looking for his owners. They're so intelligent, he would walk the railroad tracks instead of the roads, he would watch for cars before crossing the road when running from us. They're such smart dogs, I never realized.
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I think submission is beautiful and admire women who can do it and do it well, I'm just not personally on that level yet however do think it's an important part of our femininity.
I agree, submission to my husband makes my life better. For some, it comes naturally. For me, it took realizations and trust over time that 1) everything was going to be okay, 2) I’m going to be okay and 3) I wasn’t going to be led off a cliff.
And submission is an important part of femininity in my eyes. It forced me to soften the areas of my heart that wanted to have control and I am not in control. God directs my path and He’s provided a great man to be my authority on earth through my husband. Seeking to please my husband is a way I am bringing glory to God. I don’t always get it right and that’s okay as long as I keep moving forward.
Oh I wasn't joking about that part, I think it's a great idea. It would be so much easier to do it that way in my opinion because the sister wife/friend bond would already be established. I had this discussion with my best friend not too long ago, she said she would be open to it if she wasn't dating someone already. Problem is we don't like the same type of men unfortunately, she has horrible taste in men.

However I do agree with @Old Paths Gardener about living with another woman before then, that may be a little weird but can't exactly pinpoint why.
There would be far more interested men if women come as together in package.

Today I have seen pool on Twitter with two options:
1) One 9
2) Two 8s

Second option won.
There would be far more interested men if women come as together in package.

Today I have seen pool on Twitter with two options:
1) One 9
2) Two 8s

Second option won.
Given that most of us don't fall into the top 10% of high value men, the more realistic poll might ask, which would you prefer:
  1. One 6; or
  2. One 5 and one 3
Y’all are talking some extremely amateur numbers, kids.

Go to Isaiah 4:1 where 7 women approach one guy with the request for covering.
I see this as a woman’s Bible study that comes to the realization that they are out of sync with the Designer of the universe and decide to do something about it.

Let’s pump those numbers up!
Lol thank you, there really has been some wonderful responses and I appreciate it more than ya'll know, thanks everyone ❤️

Oh my goodness, that's something I can relate to so much. I just love my house being calm, relaxed and peaceful. I love being able to come home to my dogs and bunny and just relax. I love my family so much but they're so dang loud lol

Goodness isn't that the truth! Sometimes if we go unchecked for too long we don't realize just how dumb our own thoughts can become. For instance like starting a dog ranch in the middle of the desert ;)

I have to plead ignorance on the male "covering" subject. I don't really know what it is and why it's necessary? I'm completely open to it, just ignorant. I appreciate the suggestion! However I don't know who i'd ask if I did decide it was a good idea. No one in my family is very religious and they already think i'm weird for wearing a partial veil and praying every day, wouldn't feel very comfortable asking them.

I sure hope so, I think at times i've felt that change and desire become stronger however I fall right back into my everyday routine and become comfortable again.

I think I found the solution to both of our problems. Lets be Sisterwives- maybe our Knight and shining armor will come riding in on a large dog Rescue bus and whisk us off to the desert where we can spend our days thanking God for our dog ranch :cool:
As far as learning about covering, has anyone recommended @PeteR s book to you on that subject matter? Excellent! But then I did help with the editing...😁