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The Godly Marriage - New Article

That was pretty good!

I married a man raised by a man closer to my grandfather's generation. It shows!! My father in law didn't raise boys he raised MEN. My husband has done the same.

I am encouraged by the many families we know that are raising up godly young people....with old fashioned chores and morals.
Thanks guys, it was fun to write this one, not as fun as the feminism article though :)
It is a fine line, writing for the christian community, and writing for the wide non believing audience isn't the same I'm finding, I'm trying to get the balance right with the right amount of scripture "or lack of" and get them really thinking and connecting the dots.

Feel free to message me with any constructive feedback as I am always looking to improve, I have plans to write 1 article a month, and one will be on Polygamy, which I am sure the Australian public is not ready for :)
The public might handle it better then "the church."
We have neighbors that are supportive...but only maybe three out my hubby's siblings and mom (there are about 20 of 'em) are supportive.
Makes me appreciate my family. All my mom's siblings, and their kids, and my sisters....and their kids....were warm and welcoming. My dad and step mom too!

You can't win 'em all, but some will appreciate your perspective and articles. My daughter in law shared it to facebook!
I loved your article, would you say your main focus is in marriage or do you also branch off into family?
Thankyou , I am most passionate about marriage, but am finding that as time goes by I am enjoying branching out into related topics. I can really see myself researching and writing about family and social topics. Send me a topic of interest if you like and I will use it as inspiration:)
Thankyou , I am most passionate about marriage, but am finding that as time goes by I am enjoying branching out into related topics. I can really see myself researching and writing about family and social topics. Send me a topic of interest if you like and I will use it as inspiration:)
I'd love to read about biblical marriages with a significant age gap and whether its more or less or neutral to a successful marriage.

A good non marriage topic would be for the expectations of family size for traditional "non-traditional" families. I'm also curious about an in depth analysis of how mother's should introduce their children to homeschooling and what a mother should teach vs what a father should teach?

Just a couple thoughts if you get inspiration then wonderful if not then maybe someone else can direct me to a prior thread or take a shot at the topic themselves.
I'd love to read about biblical marriages with a significant age gap and whether its more or less or neutral to a successful marriage.

A good non marriage topic would be for the expectations of family size for traditional "non-traditional" families. I'm also curious about an in depth analysis of how mother's should introduce their children to homeschooling and what a mother should teach vs what a father should teach?

Just a couple thoughts if you get inspiration then wonderful if not then maybe someone else can direct me to a prior thread or take a shot at the topic themselves.
awesome thoughts, my wife and I are 19 years apart, I did research before i took that decision, sounds like another article :)
awesome thoughts, my wife and I are 19 years apart, I did research before i took that decision, sounds like another article :)
My husband and I have a bit of a head turning age gap, at 45 years between us, I'm always discovering something new from an older and wiser perspective. Luckily most people are accepting and happy for us, especially on this site ☺️
My husband and I have a bit of a head turning age gap, at 45 years between us, I'm always discovering something new from an older and wiser perspective. Luckily most people are accepting and happy for us, especially on this site ☺️
Thankfully, we are not governed by age in determining our spouse, it is completely absent as a rule in scripture, your marriage is equally as valid as any other despite social opinion :)
What would you say is/should be the determining factor for choosing a husband/wife?
My most favourite topic :) i have several pages on the site that mention this. they are in order as follows

1: both are saved
2: the man is a leader, and his authority is the word of God
3: the man believes in separation of his family from the world
4: the woman believes she was made for the man
5: the woman assumes submission to the hisband

everything and anything else, arbitrary and unimportant :)
My most favourite topic :) i have several pages on the site that mention this. they are in order as follows

1: both are saved
2: the man is a leader, and his authority is the word of God
3: the man believes in separation of his family from the world
4: the woman believes she was made for the man
5: the woman assumes submission to the hisband

everything and anything else, arbitrary and unimportant :)
And how do you believe marriage should come about? Ex. Arranged marriage? Dating? Courtship? Man asks the father for permission to marry his daughter? Man asks out the woman directly?
Ideally, man approaches the woman's covering with interest in her -- father or trusted elder-- who gives approval or disapproval conditional on the young lady's reciprocated interest (or whether her covering thinks the man is a suitable suitor).

Not every young woman has a covering so of course in those cases the man approaches her directly.

From there, if she is also interested, they speak further and agree to betrothal, and assuming that the two are on the same page and desire to marry, they eventually become married.

The key for me is honesty from the beginning about expectations in the marriage, and communicating clearly and openly. Assuming he's already married, his first woman should be aware and at some point involved as well.
I ignore examples of specific events in the bible, as they just explain what happened for those people. I think the word of God is crystal clear

the man searches for a wife
the woman says yes or no

it is 100% the choice of the individuals
Ideally, man approaches the woman's covering with interest in her -- father or trusted elder-- who gives approval or disapproval conditional on the young lady's reciprocated interest (or whether her covering thinks the man is a suitable suitor).

Not every young woman has a covering so of course in those cases the man approaches her directly.

From there, if she is also interested, they speak further and agree to betrothal, and assuming that the two are on the same page and desire to marry, they eventually become married.

The key for me is honesty from the beginning about expectations in the marriage, and communicating clearly and openly. Assuming he's already married, his first woman should be aware and at some point involved as well.
Do you two believe the father's will in marriage is necessary?

“If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭22‬:‭17‬
Do you two believe the father's will in marriage is necessary?
If your intended is still under her father’s wing, absolutely.
If she has already been living on her own and is “experienced”, it’s still not a bad idea.

It should always be a requirement, but society has not taught this to people nowadays. Islam is a bit more righteous in this.