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Training a broken child ?


Real Person
Hello all, I know most of you don't know me (I'm Rustys wife) ...... I tend to hide in the shadows. But I read much of what you all say and I feel like this is a safe place to ask some rather personal questions.

I have a beautiful son who is almost 8 years old. When he was 3 he was molested by my now ex husband. When this happened my son suffered some very serious psychological damage..... For a long time if Any one but me tried calling his name he'd fall into a fetal position on the floor and cry hysterically until I came. Gods brought him a long way and healed both of us far more than any one thought possible. My son has started to exhibit some troubling behavior, he's turning into a bully when he thinks I'm not looking, and has been..... Inappropriate with himself and his sister. My new husband and I pray with him every day, I have battled this behavior for several years to no avail. I feel so far out of my depth as a parent!!! Schoolastically he's pretty far behind, yet I know he's super intelligent. He also talks like a baby ( which we don't allow) and sucks his thumb. I've tried taking him to consolers but it doesn't seem to have done anything. Does anyone know how to help a child like him ? He was such a tender hearted boy before everything happened. How do I help my son ?

If anything I'd like to ask for prayer, God is really the only one who could heal such wounds.
Re: Training a broken child ?

I'm so sorry, as a parent that's the stuff of nightmares. First off it's no failing on the part of a parent to admit they aren't equipped to handle that kind of situation alone. Now, you said you've tried counselors, and I'm curious as to what type? Like were they church counselors, child trauma specialists, or what kind? We adopted our daughter when she was nine and she saw a number of counselors and psychiatrists over the years. We learned that they are certainly not all created equal. Perhaps it's a matter of finding the right specialist (I would highly recommend a child abuse trauma specialist) that clicks with your son. Realize that healing is an ongoing process as well, my mom was abused as a child and while she is in a pretty good place now it's taken her many years of therapy to get to this place. Your son will be ahead of the game though because he's still so young, whereas she didn't start till adult hood.
Re: Training a broken child ?

Thank you very much for your encouragement and advice UG! God has been with us strongly as we've come together as a family and I know He will continue to guide us! Healing and wholeness are part of His plan I'm sure! :)


Audrey's Hubby
Re: Training a broken child ?

Dear rustysdove11,
While I've never been in your place with a child that needs help in this manner- I think that this might be helpful. We listen to a lot of Derek Prince's teachings and the one that have really blessed my life are his teachings on deliverance and how to recognize and expel demons. I realize that this is not really a topic that is widely talked about, or smiled upon in most churches. And I used to be one of those people that thought all that supernatural stuff throughout the Bible must have somehow ended once the last words were written in the New Testament, (although I was supernaturally saved from drowning - cognitive dissonance for sure.) But I've been freed of my own afflicting spirit and now am fully convinced that demons are still out and about today afflicting who they will. I was relieved of a spirit of depression that nearly ruined me except that I held onto Psalm 27:13 "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living." Even in the worst of it, (and it was bad!) I tried to just hold onto that the Lord couldn't have created me just to be saved from drowning to live a life of this suffering. That I would be relieved while I was alive, if I could just hold on. He gave my husband, Slumberfreeze, the answer when Slumber was freed from a demon that was afflicting him. He was listening to a radio show where they were talking about deliverance from demons and Slumber wanted freedom and took what they were saying to heart and received relief and helped me find the same freedom from depression. When I was in high school my parents tried having me go through therapists to be relieved but it didn't help. The only thing that helped was having someone use the authority of Jesus Christ to tell the demon of depression that was afflicting me that by Jesus' blood it had no authority and to get out. I think this might be helpful because while neither of the things that had us bound were what you are describing, demons come in all variety and there is a possibility that deliverance might be what can help. Now, I am really trying to be delicate with a difficult topic, but in the things that we've learned while studying deliverance it seems that demons can move through those with authority. I used to wonder why children with alcoholic fathers would go down the same road because they've seen the misery that they're father put them through - why do the same? Because demons kind of have like territory rights to those that are under the authority of the one they are afflicting, fathers sins impacting their children so to speak. So whatever might have afflicted your ex husband to doing what he did to your poor son, might be lingering around your son pushing to him make similar footsteps. Lord help me, I don't mean to offend! So those are my thoughts on the subject and could direct you to some Derek Prince teachings, if you'd like. They are easily found on YouTube. But really, it's as easy as calling out what it is that you think is afflicting the person, and if you can't name it, try to be as specific as possible in naming what it does and the behavior it exhibits and then saying by Jesus' power, authority and blood it has no rights to be there and cast it out.

God Bless!
Re: Training a broken child ?

My apologies though, I didn't even notice while using Tapatalk on my phone that this was the ladies section.
Re: Training a broken child ?

Awe, UntoldGlory you robbed me of chastising you! :) I rarely read Bib Fam on Tapa talk so don't even know how they show the thread placement. I will have to look into that. (Rusty, I am giving you a pass since it is your wife. :) )

I agree with Rainy, it is something to definitely look into if you are willing. I know I would be a completely different person if God hadn't delivered me of several demonic holds when I was in my 20's. I also would recommend fasting for a period of time and pray for direction of who to talk with, what to do, etc. It doesn't need to be total no food fasting but pick something that you can fast from and feel the loss of. You probably have already done this but wanted to suggest it just in case you hadn't. My prayers and thoughts are with your son and family. I think you are handling it amazingly. Blessings.
Re: Training a broken child ?

Thank you for your comments... My sister and I tried fasting and praying over him pretty soon after everything first happened. It was a horrible experience, my sister got really sick and both of our kids went insane! I have often thought of doing it again but on a longer and more intense scale. A demonic remnant has always been on the back of my mind, if only for the strong evil presence that was around when my ex lived with us.... It left when my father kicked my ex out. To answer your question untoldglory, I have taken him to a Christian psychologist but had to stop because I couldn't afford it.

I really believe in the power of prayer, God can heal all wounds. The hardest thing I've ever done is forgive my ex, something that wouldn't have been possible without my Heavenly Father. Please keep my son in your prayers.
Re: Training a broken child ?

rustysdove11 said:
Thank you for your comments... My sister and I tried fasting and praying over him pretty soon after everything first happened. It was a horrible experience, my sister got really sick and both of our kids went insane! I have often thought of doing it again but on a longer and more intense scale. A demonic remnant has always been on the back of my mind, if only for the strong evil presence that was around when my ex lived with us.... It left when my father kicked my ex out. To answer your question untoldglory, I have taken him to a Christian psychologist but had to stop because I couldn't afford it.

I really believe in the power of prayer, God can heal all wounds. The hardest thing I've ever done is forgive my ex, something that wouldn't have been possible without my Heavenly Father. Please keep my son in your prayers.
You might be interested in researching Don Dickerman Ministries.
Re: Training a broken child ?

Rustysdove, how are things going with your son?
Re: Training a broken child ?

He's been doing a bit better. He's going to see a child development specialist next month and (God willing) they'll refer him to a child trauma specialist. It's been a lot hoops to jump through bit if we can get the referral than our insurance will pay for his sessions. He's been doing a lot better ever sense we started homeschooling, but he still has a long way to go. Thank you so much for your prayers, it's only by Gods grace that we've made this far.
Re: Training a broken child ?

Really glad to hear that progress is being made. Praying you get the referral you need. Hang in there!