• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

WARNING: Fishing expeditions


Staff member
Real Person
It has just become apparant that @Carla Diaz and @Brian Fernandez were both insincere, and posting leading questions that would incite extreme responses. There is a high chance that they were looking for evidence to build a case against either individuals, or the ministry as a whole, as being fundamentalist child abusers or something like that by prompting statements they could then take out of context and use elsewhere. The discussions they started have been removed.

Be very wary of this. This is a place to discuss what the Bible really says about things. But, it is on the open internet, and it is very easy for statements to be taken and used against you, or even against others here or the ministry as a whole by association.

Definitely continue to speak the truth. However, be wary of new members asking probing questions. And if the topic is one that is controversial, think about what your statements would look like if taken in isolation from the remainder of the thread and ensure sufficient context is given in your post itself.

Obviously nobody here would ever encourage the abuse of either children or women. On the contrary, the very purpose of a ministry like this is to support people in their marriages and childrearing, and help to prevent abuse. The fact that polygamy has a bad public reputation due to certain high-profile Mormon court cases in the USA over the years only highlights the need for ministries such as this one, just as abuse in monogamous marriages highlights the need for other marriage ministries. We're working to prevent abuse. But there will always be those who want to twist our words to pretend otherwise for their own nefarious reasons.
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@FollowingHim, your post causes me to give great thanks to those of you who sacrificially give of yourselves and time to monitor this wonderful BF forum and body of truth seekers. A hearty "THANK YOU!" to ALL moderators and Admins on this site. I'm sure at times you feel as though it's a thankless, taken-for-granted service you provide. Because I've been so scare on the forum lately I didn't get to read the above mentioned individuals' posts and leading questions. Makes me wish I had so I would have an idea of what that looked like that you've successfully identified. I trust your judgment and will leave it at that. :) Once again--THANK YOU!:)
I read some of the reactions/comments. Some get into the God never condoned polygamy nonsense.
What I see is that adding or taking away from His law causes BIG problems! Polygyny is biblical, and morally ok but when it is taught as a higher truth, or as the lds doctrine teaches it must be lived to attain exaltation or reach the highest level in the celestial kingdom, the numbers of women especially in those communities are insufficient, leading to young men that cannot marry and are then used for labor. The men with many wives and also responsibilities in the group don't have time to parent all the children properly ....and everyone suffers.
Sad indeed.
Don't know about abuse in specific cases, but it happens all the time all over the world and not just with polygamists.
Biblical Polygyny is a man’s God given right. And no one has the authority to tell a man otherwise or stop him from taking multiple wives... Not even the first wife he married in a western culture, no matter the fits she throws.