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Weird cravings


Real Person
I'm sure this has been a thread before (I may have even started it) :eek: but it’s 1:30 am right now, and I’m sitting in bed craving the smell of my lemon scented bleach cleaner! I’m 39 weeks pregnant and I’ve had pica (craving non food items) throughout this whole pregnancy. It’s probably linked to my iron deficiency.... but I’m curious what the weirdest craving was for all you mommies? I haven’t wanted to eat any of it, but I crave the smells of laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, lemon comet, body wash, lemon pinsol and bleach! Obviously I can’t go huff all my cleaners, so this pregnancy has REALLY been a lesson in self control. Lol

on the flip side, since most of my cravings have been non food items, I haven’t gained a huge amount of weight :cool:

What was your worst craving? And did you give into it????? Tell me so I feel better about my weirdness!
Oh bother! That must be awful not being able to have your cravings!

I crave meat like crazy the first trimester. I normally go mad for crumbed chicken. One pregnancy I craved cold KFC chicken. Not hot, had to be cold. Samuel bought some on the way home from work then stuck it in the fridge for a few hours so I could eat it lol. Not the healthiest thing in the world, I have no idea what that was about.

Mostly, I pretty much don't like food though. I have terrible morning sickness and so most food tastes like road kill. I find I can't eat the most random of things. One pregnancy it was corn chips, they were awful!
I craved Mexican my first pregnancy, Cinnamon bears, Oreos, chocolate milk and strawberry shakes my second. No food on my third really but I wanted to exercise a lot. And my 4th I just wanted to be outside. I was also quite spoiled that pregnancy cause I was living with my Grandma the last trimester and got tons of yummy food. :)

I had terrible morning sickness through all of my pregnancies during the first and second trimesters I would be cooking, turn off the heat, go be sick, come back, cook, go be sick, eat, go be sick, eat again. Lol exercise and fresh air actually helped curb my morning sickness so my last 2 were a little smoother.

@rustysdove11 sounds like you have a lemon thing going. Do you have any lemon scented anything you could sniff on that’s not chemical?

My youngest is going on nine months and trying to share her licorice drool beard with me as I type.

I had a lot of morning..... scratch that, all-day and especially evening sickness with my first. With my second I started to crave sweets, but found that taking digestive enzymes killed those cravings straight away. I remember liking minestrone soup a lot....in fact I made it and ate it so much when prego that my kids all love it, and my husband has never completely recovered from the overloads. He will still eat it, but has a habit of thinking ick and oh no everytime I make it. Lol
Our bodies do some amazing things, and sometimes we don't know the whole why if it all. I'm praying you have a peaceful and blessed natal day soon, and crave things good for nursing moms! :)
I remember 100 years ago (kidding, it was 38) when I was pregnant with my twins, the smell of cooking ground beef made me so sick to my stomach. I craved anything junk food all day everyday. Then with my second pregnancy, I craved only fruits and vegetables.

All 3 have their birthdays this week!
With my first I craved milk and cereal all the time. But could not stand thinking of eating eggs. With our second I couldn't have dairy without feeling like I was all of a sudden lactose intolerant. That baby ended up being lactose intolerant for a few years before growing out of it. With our last, I don't remember having any strong cravings one way or another. It's so interesting how each pregnancy is different. :)

Hope you have an easy and quick labor and congratulations on a soon to be little bundle of love. :)
Since you're craving the smell of lemon I would highly encourage diffusing Young Living's Lemon. It's refreshing and makes the whole house smell clean. Can you drink fresh squeezed lemonade? Could you make a lemon merange pie or lemon bars or lemon pound cake?

I distinctly remember craving fresh fruit with my 1st of six. I would go through the fruit like crazy in a week. However, if I drank orange juice I was puking immediately. My morning sickness--which seemed to last all day became so acute with my 1st that peanut butter and jelly on toast was the only thing I could keep down for weeks. It's a good thing I like PB&J!! I also remember being violently sick after eating supper at the in-laws with them insisting that I eat, and me protesting that I didn't feel like eating and didn't want to eat but gave in to "please" them. Then as we were leaving their house, I walked behind the car which my husband had already started and smell the exhaust. Oh brother--I lost the entire meal right then and there! :( I also remember that being within a mile or less of McDonalds--I wouldn't even be able to see their sign yet!--and I would get sick from the smell of their food.

The morning sickness never went away with any of the six. It always lasted through the 1st trimester. I don't particularly remember any other significant cravings with the following pregnancies--perhaps because there were no funds to buy what I really wanted so just pushed the cravings aside. I was always required to work full time, we moved every time I turned around, and because I had 6 in 9 years, I didn't have the luxury of pampering or giving in to anything. I'm praising the Lord that He mightily blessed with 6 very healthy babies and He got me through those years.

I know you're looking forward to holding that new bundle of joy with great anticipation. My prayers for a safe delivery and beautiful experience on that special day go with you!
I don't think I've craved anything super weird so far, but I have craved *everything* on the planet. For the past month or so, I've craved fruit sodas with an intensity I can't adequately describe.

Oh! Probably the time I wanted a chicken sandwich that was equal parts chicken and mayonnaise. I did give in, and it was magnificent. Mayo was EVERYWHERE. :p
I remember with my 4th pregnancy I craved jalapeños, I put them on everything! But with this one I have tried using essential oils or burning candles but they didn’t help much. My cravings are actually brand specific.... it’s just weird. You guys definitely made me feel less weird though! Lol :D