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West Texas

I am from Brewster County myself but don't live out there anymore. Not sure about others. Lots of Texas people on deck though
Theres quite a few near Austin and DFW, that still a whole state away lol.

I make the trek across Texas every weekend either going to Louisiana or down to the Mexico border to see my kids or for business,
Live between San Antonio and Austin. Not exact west Texas but I can see it from here.

Recently drove from San Antonio to El Paso and it was the longest day of my life. Almost 600 miles of nothing with no major towns. At least there were mountains and desert to look at.
Live between San Antonio and Austin. Not exact west Texas but I can see it from here.

Recently drove from San Antonio to El Paso and it was the longest day of my life. Almost 600 miles of nothing with no major towns. At least there were mountains and desert to look at.
So you drove through my old neighborhood plus or minus.
Guess why I don't live there anymore
Live between San Antonio and Austin. Not exact west Texas but I can see it from here.

Recently drove from San Antonio to El Paso and it was the longest day of my life. Almost 600 miles of nothing with no major towns. At least there were mountains and desert to look at.
I pass through there often, I wouldn’t mind meeting for lunch if you have time one day.
We are desperately trying to leave this area lol
I still have a chunk of family ranch out there in my name but I don't live there.
The list of reasons why is fairly long
My wife and I are the resident Austinites. @cnystrom was living here, but they moved out to California.
Er...there has to be some significant motivating factor to moving to California in this age.

Trying to imagine a circumstance where I would consider it and the only thing that comes to mind is a cartoon character with its eyes bugging a foot out of their head at giant sacks of gold.
San Angelo is my home and travel the four hours there almost weekly.
I think my family was from San Angelo. My grandfather left after WW2 so I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask my uncle. I know they lived in a small community called Sanco that was right outside the town.
I think my family was from San Angelo. My grandfather left after WW2 so I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask my uncle. I know they lived in a small community called Sanco that was right outside the town.
Had to check the map to be sure but I know I have passed it in the dim past. Apparently between San Angelo and Sweetwater.
Thanks! I’ve never been there, just heard family stories.

What I remember is just a sign. Maybe buildings. The net tells us current population 30.
As a kid from an area that is quite desolate everyone is a long way away and shopping etc even further, I saw a Lot of signs for former towns or towns that were just a few houses near a church and maybe a gas station convenience store.

A place along those lines lines want to visit is a former town in Oklahoma where my father in law lived as a child. He and his brother and mother were taken in by his great uncle after his family was in a bad car accident that hospitalized he and his brother for several weeks and killed his father.
What is interesting to me is that his great uncle was the head of a group of farmers and a church elder who all got together and built a commercial kitchen with a small commercial #10 canning setup so they could take surplus from their crops and create a food bank for the poor in the town which apparently were a significant number as they apparently started this project a bit before the depression and it ran through the 50s.
The town later essentially cleared out but intact was purchased by a rich guy and is now used occasionally as a movie set.

My wife and I enjoy exploring ghost towns and ruins etc. We also have a now less practical but long term notion of buying buildings that are slated for destruction and moving them to our land and creating an odd ersatz village of our own. Visited a little historical park just last weekend where they had done that in fact. The boy had a big time. Tonnes of fun.