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General What instruments do you play?

A few tunes on the violin and I'm learning to play the Hurdy Gurdy.
A few tunes on the violin and I'm learning to play the Hurdy Gurdy.
Nice! I have really enjoyed playing violin, I really don't know if I'm any good, but I have a lot of fun!
The Hurdy Gurdy is a cool instrument, I haven't had a chance to examine one up close though.
I play trombone. I used to play in my church orchestra, until they realized that I was serious about polygamy, and I got booted out. :( In a previous life, I played a Sousaphone (tuba that is used in marching bands). I can play guitar and some piano. I had a couple gospel music songs I learned to play, but it has been a while since I had time to play, and I forgot much of what I learned. Recently, I started working on a simple song by Kari Jobe, called "I Am Not Alone", but I've been too busy to master it. That song is in a funky key, but it is very nice. I would like to master it one day and be able to perform while singing the background vocal on it. For the most part, the recent move we underwent, took so much time away, it wasn't feasible. Now that we are settled in, I am going to have to pick it back up.
I’m so way late to this party lol

Started on piano a bit... rocked bass guitar for a bit... needed more strings then started jamming guitar .... hopped over to beat on the drum set for a while ...
Acoustic guitar has always been my gig. Love to sing and songwriter with my gitfiddle!

Forgive my late intrusion to your jam session here brother @AmbassadorforChrist !
Bagpipes (badly, as very out of practice). Accordian (badly, as only just started to teach myself). But I can sing acceptably.

Some years ago, when I was preaching at a local church, I requested a song that the pianist said they were uncomfortable with. On a sudden whim of inspiration, I said I'd play it for them.
It was atrociously bad. I knew it would be a disaster, I haven't played the piano really since I was a child, and I never managed to get the hang of it even then. The tune was virtually unrecognisable, everybody struggled to sing to it, and the whole church really didn't know quite what to say, they were so embarrassed at the whole thing.
Then I called up the children for their children's talk. I had long been concerned about their quietness during worship, many were very shy and probably worried they were bad singers. I enthusiastically asked them what they thought of my piano playing. They didn't really know what to say... I said it was atrocious, and they agreed. Then I said, "am I embarrassed about it?" They had to admit I didn't seem that embarrassed. I explained that I was worshipping God, and I really didn't care what everyone else thought of it, I was playing for Him. It doesn't matter if you think you're a bad singer, or musician, or whatever. Just throw yourself into it anyway, forget everyone else, sing to God.
Next song the children joined in far more enthusiastically than I'd ever heard them sing before!
Bagpipes (badly, as very out of practice). Accordian (badly, as only just started to teach myself). But I can sing acceptably.

Some years ago, when I was preaching at a local church, I requested a song that the pianist said they were uncomfortable with. On a sudden whim of inspiration, I said I'd play it for them.
It was atrociously bad. I knew it would be a disaster, I haven't played the piano really since I was a child, and I never managed to get the hang of it even then. The tune was virtually unrecognisable, everybody struggled to sing to it, and the whole church really didn't know quite what to say, they were so embarrassed at the whole thing.
Then I called up the children for their children's talk. I had long been concerned about their quietness during worship, many were very shy and probably worried they were bad singers. I enthusiastically asked them what they thought of my piano playing. They didn't really know what to say... I said it was atrocious, and they agreed. Then I said, "am I embarrassed about it?" They had to admit I didn't seem that embarrassed. I explained that I was worshipping God, and I really didn't care what everyone else thought of it, I was playing for Him. It doesn't matter if you think you're a bad singer, or musician, or whatever. Just throw yourself into it anyway, forget everyone else, sing to God.
Next song the children joined in far more enthusiastically than I'd ever heard them sing before!

I love this story @FollowingHim! Thanks for sharing. :)

Before there was such a thing as recorded music, more people learned to sing and play instruments. Before there were recordings playing on the radio, done in a studio, perfected before it was released for folks to compare their skill to, more people played and learned to sing. I think especially young people learned to say "I can't ______" about their abilities once they were comparing their skill with that of the professional musicians.
I can play accordion pretty well, but I can remember when I couldn't play Mary had a little lamb. If I had quit because I wasn't as good as a professional, I would have never acquired the level of proficiency I now have. Playing when I'm relaxed is as easy as singing or whistling, and the instrument is almost just an extension of my brain. I think about the sounds, and my fingers know what to do. But you have to start somewhere, and then keep working at improving.

My folks liked a quote. "That which you persist in doing becomes easier, not that the nature of the task is changed but that your ability to do it is increased"

And I agree, it is worship when we are playing from the heart for Him.

I like hearing people sing or play ....even imperfectly. I don't mind hearing "mistakes" at all! I get just a bit frustrated though with folks that are too worried about messing up to try, or who are so sure they are awful they won't sing at all.
It's like they don't trust or believe me when I say I want to hear them sing.
Can't make 'em I guess. :cool::rolleyes:
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I have always loved to sing. Some of my fondness memories of my family are when we were riding in a car singing some hymn or popular song. My mother always made lovely harmony and my dad had a tender bass voice to ground it all. I sang in choirs all thru my school years, including college. I tried to learn the piano but never was passionate about practicing it so had to give that dream up due to lack of motivation. :)

One of the most moving moments in my life was the first time I heard a full symphony tune up before a concert. It was a glorious mixture of sounds that came together into a lovely song. I was privileged to be apart of the youth choir that was to sing with them at Disney World. I love to sing but have always been jealous of those who can make music with an instrument. So keep at it everyone!
I love to sing but have always been jealous of those who can make music with an instrument. So keep at it everyone!
Well Julie, I have some family members that cannot carry a tune in a bucket! ;)
They might be jealous of the "instrument" you were blessed with. I think it is awesome that you use your voice and "make a joyful noise. " :)

A symphony tuning up or playing would be something! I once got to hear some big choruses perform at a sweet adeline competition. When you thought it was as loud and ringing as it could be....it wasn't, because 100 ladies singing in four part harmony can REALLY belt it out!
It was memorable.
My lovely wife always tells me and anyone else that I play the guitar better than I can sing. I always am in doubt if that says something about my playing or singing capabilities... Maybe she means to say I better shouldn’t do either of them but if I really would insist she then prefers the playing? :cool:
My lovely wife always tells me and anyone else that I play the guitar better than I can sing. I always am in doubt if that says something about my playing or singing capabilities... Maybe she means to say I better shouldn’t do either of them but if I really would insist she then prefers the playing? :cool:
You are a great singer:)
You know vocal coaches are out there making videos on YouTube about how to improve your singing voice. If you don't mind singing a few bars of goo goo goo goo, or Mommy made me mash my M&Ms, you might check it out!
Before there was such a thing as recorded music, more people learned to sing and play instruments. Before there were recordings playing on the radio, done in a studio, perfected before it was released for folks to compare their skill to, more people played and learned to sing. I think especially young people learned to say "I can't ______" about their abilities once they were comparing their skill with that of the professional musicians.
Excellent observation. not sure I ever connected that, but so true.