Ah... ok. So the Kaba is not an idol, it's a temple. Obviously this isn't going to help me very much, because:
1) While Mohammed and literally every muslim ever may honestly believe that this is the house of the God of Abraham... it's not.
2) If I'm going to assume it's all an honest mistake, then I have to assume that someone identifying himself as Gabriel fed Mohammed all these lies.
3) So while you may say that the can be no "Allah who asserts that he has no son" I must say "Really? Because I have his address..."
4) Clearly the being who spoke with Mohammed was not Gabriel, but was willing to answer to the name Gabriel.
5) Therefore is it a stretch to say that the one who gets his mail at mecca is not the true Allah but most certainly does business under that fictitious name?
6) I say it directly follows that it is so. Further, the being that answers that mail is a demon, or a corporation of demons.
7) Which I believe is clearly shown by the entire history of literally everything that has ever been associated with that prophet, that site, and that religion.
8) Salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of God has always been anathema to that prophet, that site, and that religion. From it's very founding. 'Nuff said
Since I KNOW that Mohammed's Gabriel is a demon, does it seem likely that to follow that his commandment that animals should be slaughtered facing mecca in the name of Allah is a harmless to those who do it? Of course not. It is a demon that invites me to this feast. I would not expect to be sitting down with Yeshua if I accept.
20No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God. And I do not want you to be participants with demons.
21You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot partake in the table of the Lord and the table of demons too.
22Are we trying to provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He?
That last part though. Are we trying to provoke the Lord to jealousy? If I eat meat offered to an idol, and that would annoy Him; by what rationale would He not be annoyed at me partaking in meat offered to the being that kills Jews, Kills Christians, and forbids the worship of Jesus?
Zeus is fairly tame compared to the Allah of Mecca.