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what is your greatest need in a relationship

cbv3123 said:
Ok I want to do an experiment, in one word try to some up your greatest need in a relationship. I need as many people [ male and female] to reply. Just to let you know I am researching the differences between the logic of men and women for school project. Corey's word is respect my word is love.

From responding and reading the other's post, I'm thinking that not only would you have to research the differences between logic of men and women, but also the backgrounds of men and women. It seems to me that women who have been abused or mistreated choose trust and honesty as important. The men coming from a Biblical background see respect as important. I guess it also depends on what kind of family each was brought up in to. A Christian loving family or dysfunctional. Just some added thoughts to your original question.

Makes sense, Michelle. There's an interesting study in itself -- how abuse in one's background skews the "normal" set of priorities.

That might even be of huge importance to PM, as many times a new / additional wife has come from the background of a previous, less-than-ideal relationship.
To love and to be loved back. Love is impossible with only one. I think it is the same reason why God needs us.
CecilW said:
I'm male: Respect. :) Sorry it's true. Lots of other things are necessary -- love, honest, trust, -- but without respect? Unworkable.

respect and love are commanded, but trust is earned. and when earned, should be given freely and with a big shovel :)