• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

General What manner of Men…..

I used to think that way too, especially since that is how our household is set up but over the years, I have come across a few men who just don't have a gift for finance and their wife does. So, in those cases it is better that it is a joint effort, with of course the husband making final decisions.
Yes indeed, and that applies in many different aspects of married life. Recognition of the gifts and abilities of each is going to benefit the household, but responsibility for the outcomes rests with the husband.
Living frugally really is the foundation to wealth too. We bought a $30,000 double wide trailer on two acres. It has never been “big enough” or even had “air conditioning” but it’s paid off! It has been a huge blessing and source of confidence for me that if, God forbid, I got injured and couldn’t work that my family wouldn’t be out in the street at the end of the month.
Just paid off the car today, now two cars that I hold title on. Mortgage free on the home I live in and close to paying off a rental. A lot to be said for the kind of freedom that allows one to have.
Just paid off the car today, now two cars that I hold title on. Mortgage free on the home I live in and close to paying off a rental. A lot to be said for the kind of freedom that allows one to have.
There really is. Now I have to start building something. Or exploring something, an adventure that other people want to be a part of.
There really is. Now I have to start building something. Or exploring something, an adventure that other people want to be a part of.
Well, you are a moderator here! That's a pretty big deal! Focus on driving this endeavor forward, or whatever drives you. You will always excel at whatever your passion is. You know that at some point down the road, the current leadership will want to step aside, and you may be next in line. I will tell you, I would not have known about Dr. William Luck, if I had not seen you mention him on one of your YouTube videos. Continue to build this movement, because you seem to be doing well here.
Righteousness certainly counts a lot toward polygyny working well.. but how would you explain secular men with large solid poly families?
Rather curious about that as well
Just paid off the car today, now two cars that I hold title on. Mortgage free on the home I live in and close to paying off a rental. A lot to be said for the kind of freedom that allows one to have.
Excellent and congrats