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What to do when going to church is not an option...


Real Person
I want to say up front that I am not 'anti-church', so please don't interpret what I write as being that way. It's just that so many Biblical families are not in fellowship with ANYONE, and it breaks my heart. I don't blame God, and I don't even blame the modern church.....I DO, however, blame the DEVIL that he has put fear in the hearts of people, keeping them from the blessing of fellowship with other believers.

There is nothing righteous about a building. There is also nothing righteous about a home or a living room. Most people agree that the building where people meet is not the church.

It’s funny though how 99 out of 100 individuals will emphatically nod their head and say “Right, the building is not the church.” But, then ten minutes later if you point to a religious building with a steeple on top and say, “What is that?” They’ll say, “It’s a church.”

Jesus said, “But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart….,” (Matt 15:18). Out of their mouths, all of the time people say, “We are going to CHURCH”, or “Meet me at THE CHURCH,” or “That’s a CHURCH,” – because THEY BELIEVE in their heart that it’s A CHURCH.

You might say, “C’mon, Doc, what’s the big deal, it’s just what we call it, we really know that the church is the people and not the building.” I’m not so sure about that and I’ll tell you why.

Let’s take a look at your average group of people who meet in a traditional church setting. They have services twice a week, Sundays and Wednesdays. They have a nice building they meet in. The building is outfitted with all the traditional markings. It has a sign out front with the name of the church. The sign contains a weekly, catchy, thought provoking phrase. The building has a steeple on the top. If not a steeple, then some other traditional looking top to make it look like a church. Inside, the building has long benches for the audience to sit on. It has a raised platform or stage at the front. It has a nice wooden box for an orator to give speeches from. Behind the speech making box and stage, there is a big bathtub which is raised higher than the stage.

While in this building, we are to conduct ourselves in a certain manner. There is special, extra reverent conduct expected from you as you are in this large meeting room. It is frowned upon anyone to eat or drink a beverage in this meeting room. This room is considered sanctified, which is why it is called the sanctuary – which means that this room is set apart or holy. This meeting room is viewed as though God Himself were living in it.

Let’s do some experiments. Let’s remove all the pews. Let’s also remove the speech making box called the pulpit. All it is now is an empty room. How would this affect our meeting? Would it still seem like a church? Let’s say we sat on lawn chairs and the preacher stood on top of a milk crate. Would it now still be a real church?

Let’s say we took away the entire building. Let’s say a tornado picked it up and moved it to Kansas. Now remember, we all agree that this building is not the church. But what if this building were obliterated? What would be the response of the people who met inside it? More importantly, what would be the emotional response of these people? Would they say, “Our church has been destroyed?” And if this building were gone, how would it affect their fellowship and their practice of meeting together? Do we really believe that the church is really just the people?
We all agree with the concept that the church is the people and not the building – but only in concept. If you were to take away, change, mess up, or alter people’s sacred building, they won’t really feel comfortable.

People associate the building, the pews, the pulpit, the steeple, the baptistery, a pastor – all those things are necessary with “having a real church.” If you meet outside in a park, at 3:00 pm on Thursday instead of 10:45 am on Sunday, then you wouldn’t have a “real church.” If you baptized people in a lake or a river, instead of the bath tub behind the speech making stage, it would seem like the baptism was not quite as official or holy. I once baptized a man in a swimming pool because it was all that was available. Was that baptism somehow less official than being baptized in a bathtub behind a pulpit on a Sunday morning at 10:45? In Acts Chapter 8, the Ethiopian Eunuch jumped out of his chariot and was baptized in some water right along side the road. The thief on the cross next to Jesus was never baptized at all, yet he entered into paradise. Perhaps we should consider if possibly God does not care about the things we care so deeply about.

“Well, Acts chapter 8 and the thief on the cross were during Bible times. Times have changed now”, some might say. Sure, things have changed. But they have not changed for the better. Why do we think that doing things differently from scripture is all of a sudden now more correct?
When Jesus walked the earth, He met outside and taught people in the middle of tremendous disarray. There were people sitting down in the grass. There were people sitting in trees. Some people were probably on their way to the market with their livestock and saw the crowd listening to Jesus preach. They would stop to hear what Jesus was saying and had their cow or chicken there with them as they listened to the message. No one was dressed up in a formal way. When Jesus spoke, there were babies crying, people in filthy clothes, and people walking around toward the back of the crowd.

Was it considered a church meeting when Jesus would preach to the crowds? Of course it was! The church meetings throughout the New Testament include meetings outside, meetings around a fire, meetings in homes, and meetings in buildings. Paul was in a church meeting one time, and while he was teaching, a young man was sitting in a window sill. Imagine if during the next Sunday morning service somebody decided they couldn’t hear as well from the back so they climbed up and sat in the nearest window sill? Someone would probably call security.
Here’s the point. The building is not holy. But we believe it is. If you meet in a park, meet in a home, meet in a fancy Catholic building in Rome, meet in a tree house, it’s all the same. Jesus said that “Where two or more are gathered together, there I am in the midst.” Do we really believe that? C’mon, do we REALLY believe that?

Let’s test it out. Could you meet with one other person, just one, on a Tuesday night in a park? You would read the Bible together, pray together, share hearts, worship God, and touch the Lord together. Would you consider that church? Be honest now… would you still feel like you have to cover your God base by going to the official church meeting on Sunday morning? Would you still feel like you have to dress up, sit on a pew, and listen to a sermon in order to feel like you’ve been in church?

Our actions sometime betray our right Biblical concepts. Our religiousity runs deep. It’s all we’ve known, it’s all we’ve seen, it’s all we’ve been taught. It’s what we’ve believed for a long time now…even though it is unbiblical. What about all the other things you maybe unaware of that you believe and practice…. that may be unbiblical? The Holy Spirit will help you. But it sometimes takes tremendous honesty and courage to grow.

Why did the New Testament Christians meet in homes? It is certainly not that a house is more righteous than a building. Once you see and understand the essence of body life and what church really is, you will see that THERE IS NO NEED FOR A BUILDING. In fact, it can hinder and get in the way. Also, once your eyes are opened, you will stop associating “being fed” with that of listening to a message once a week. The New Testament Christians were not “fed” by a three point sermon once a week by a paid professional.

What is the point of meeting together anyway? What is the essence of the church meeting? The purpose is to touch the Lord, to encounter Jesus, to be built up in faith, and to edify one another. When this happens, He feeds us. He edifies the church. We are built up and encouraged and He is blessed. The essence and point of the church meeting is more easily accomplished as we keep it simple and don’t include all the extras and unnecessary practices.

Many times in Christianity we use words or phrases which are not found in scripture. Phrases like “give your heart to Jesus, make a commitment to Christ, once saved always saved, lose your salvation, our church body, or the body of Christ here” – none of these phrases are found in the Bible.

Many times the idea behind such phrases was originally founded in scripture. But over time, we add to their meaning. Over long periods of time we create man made doctrines, and then we assume they are Biblical. Assuming that certain things are true without questioning them gets us into a lot of trouble in the church. Over time our words and phrases get packaged, re-packaged, and then packaged again. Many times the arguments and discussions we are having are not Biblical themselves. In other words, we are often asking the wrong questions. Or, the dilemmas we are trying to solve are based on assumptions that are in error themselves. Almost always, words and phrases we use that are not found in scripture are not scriptural ideas.

Huge ships are turned by very small rudders. Sometimes even the smallest error in our language (which reflects our thinking and our heart) can manifest itself with huge and consistent patterns of unbiblical practices in our lives. If you will learn to seek the Lord and examine the scriptures with no biases or assumptions, it will open a whole new world to you.

I would like to introduce to you another phrase not found in the Bible. Scripture never uses the words “go to church.” And it doesn’t use that phrase for a good reason. You cannot go to something you are. The early Christians understood this. But we don’t. Our lack of understanding in this area has caused severe and widespread damage. “But it’s just words,” you might say. If I said that God was a female, would you have a problem with those words? I would too. The words we use express what we really believe, and we live according to how we believe. Let’s look at the absurdity of our practice of “going to church” and how it negatively affects our lives.

The word church in the Bible is the Greek word ekklesia. Ekklesia means “the called out ones.” If you further study the word, you will observe some interesting meanings. The word also has with it the meanings of a family, a people, an assembly, or a council. It even has the idea of a modern town hall meeting for deliberation.

We could substitute the word “family” for the word “church”. The church is a people. A family is a people.

Let’s say that after a long day at work, you were heading home to eat supper and then retire for the evening. And, you were going to do this inside your house with your spouse and children. Would you say, “I’m going to family?” No you would not. You would say, “I’m going to be with my family.”

Erroneously, church has become a function that we do on Sunday morning. Church has become an event instead of it being who we are. The word church has lost its meaning of family; the word has lost the meaning of us being a people. Going to church has become a weekly activity that we do. We’ve taken a word that defines who we are, a word that identifies us, and we’ve lessened it to an hour and a half episode that we do once a week. After the weekly church event, we then all go home to our individual lives. It’s like going to the theatre, or going to school, going to work, or going to the grocery store. “We’re going to church!”

Look at it this way. If you are something, you are that thing everyday and you do what you are everyday. Are you a man? Then you never stop being one. Are you a woman? Then you never stop being a woman.

If you have kids then you are a parent. Do you ever stop being a parent? No. If you go to school, go to work, or you are at home, you are always a parent. You don’t stop being a parent because of where you are or what activity you are doing.

And here’s the point: As a parent you should always be actively parenting. You should be praying for your kids while at work. You should be planning things for them, thinking about their needs even when you are not with them. When you are at work, you are working to provide for their needs, when you are home with them, you are actively engaged with them and interacting with them. If you are a parent, you are always a parent and you do at least some sort of parenting activity daily!

Same with the church! If we are the church, you never stop being the church. You cannot be the church on Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and then not be the church Tuesday at 10:45 a.m.

When we call the building a church or say that “we are going to church” we are taking away from the fact that “church” is our identity, not something we “go to”. When something is our identity, we are that thing all of the time. When we “go to something”, we are only participating in that activity while we are there.

When we say “we are going to church”, we are practicing the exact error that is really in our hearts. We have made something we are, into a weekly event. We’ve made the word “church” into an impersonal, shallow, intellectual, 2 hour a week activity.

Erroneously, we have our life at work. We have our life at home. We have our life of activities. We have our life with our church. We have our life with our friends. It is all become separate and compartmentalized.

If God has saved you and you belong to Jesus Christ, then your new identity as a person is now with the church.

The church, corporately, is now who you are, and you are to live the reality that you are the church 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
We think growth as a Christian is learning more about the Lord, instead of knowing Him as a person. I can read a book all day long aboutwho my wife is, but until I share her heart, and until I spend plenty of relationship time with her, I will not know her. Learning more information only teaches you about something. Experience is where true growth occurs.

In our day and time we know very little of intimacy. We know very little of how to be joined in heart and be truly knit together as a people of God, yet deep down, we all long for it. We have traded the intimacy of true church life for the falseness of an institution.

We are a living and breathing temple of living stones who encompass the true and living God. We are alive! Corporately, we are the very Bride of Christ. We are filled with the Holy Spirit, within and without. How offensive it is to call us a dead pile of brick and mortar! How it tells and exposes our lack of revelation of who we are, to say things like, “time to go to church.” If we are not using New Testament language, it is because we lack revelation to some degree. If our beliefs are in error, our practice and what we live are in error as well.
i cannot imagine the possibility of this message being stated better than you have stated it.
That was awesome. Definitely gives me something to mull over while I'm soaking in the bath tub. :geek:

And when I come back from my soak, I may have another question. :ugeek:

Simply stated, YOU ROCK!! :D I have never seen it laid out better, and I am grateful to God for your taking the time to teach us. Well done, sir.
Perhaps I missed something... :?

Jesus, Peter, and Paul all went to the temple on a regular basis. The NT says so.

Haggai has God verbally chastising His people for failure to build a physical temple for Him. Said that He would take pleasure and be glorified in it. He never changes. Said their prosperity woes stemmed from failure to do so. I didn't say it, He did.

It occurs to me that there are often 2 (or more) layers of meanings to words, as God uses them, and that it is absolutely ok for Him to do so. To pick one, and reject the others seems to me to miss out on the FULL blessing.

Some of us believe that this concept applies to the term "Sabbath", for instance. There is one layer -- a day of the week that God set aside as a perpetual "date night & day" for us with Him. We find no place in scripture where He discontinued it, so we joyfully set it aside ourselves (however/whenever we understand it to occur). There is another layer, extensively discussed in Hebrews, where we are to enter into a perpetual rest, sabbath, from our own works, and rely instead on the finished work of Christ.

I know many good well-meaning Christians who have latched onto one or the other of those layers, and said that it is ALL about that layer, denying the other's validity. I also know a very few who think in terms of onions, and truly revel in BOTH layers. It seems to me that the latter group receives greater blessing from the concepts.

It seems logical that the same may well apply to the concept of church or temple. God's intention since the fall has ALWAYS been to get His Spirit back into mankind, reunited with man's spirit, living perpetually in and making a temple of his corporeal body. That is indeed a layer. But I don't see anywhere that He told us to STOP making special, consecrated places for the corporate worship and instruction of larger groups at once as well. That would seem to be another layer, and a very ancient one.

Abraham and Jacob built alters in various places. Doesn't say that they tore 'em down and de-consecrated the ground when they moved on. I consider it more likely that they left those alters, and when others stopped by they would say, "Oh. Abraham has been here. See? There's the alter to His God." I've heard it said that Adam maintained an alter at the entrance to the Garden after his expulsion, and periodically offered sacrifices there, but don't know the provenance of the story. Might be ancient and apocryphal; might be from a modern vision; might me made up out of whole cloth; might even be Biblical but from some other portion than the first chapters of Genesis; but sounds reasonable regardless, so maybe so.

I've visited a "church" in Papua New Guinea, where the only structure was a roof over the podium, so the speaker's Bible wouldn't get wet. Hundreds of mostly illiterate people (sitting around and taking turns reading is NOT an option), show up rain or shine and sit on the grass, determined to not miss a word from God! Are not they, too, a church? And are they not having church?

If a handkerchief, apron, or shirt sleeve can be imbued with healing power by proximity to a practicing Christian (Peter, Paul in ancient times; Curry Blake, Pete Cabreza and others today), then cannot a place become "holy ground", whatever term you use for it, when used repeatedly, often, and exclusively for the worship of Almighty God (without judgment as to worship styles, etc. which are still recognizable as "worship")?

Further, while I agree that many have taken the concept of "reverence" too far, making children unwelcome, etc., is there anything wrong about showing a heart of extra respect for "holy ground", as opposed to, say, a football stadium? Didn't God Himself tell Moses to act differently in the presence of Divinity and on holy ground (shoe removal)? Do YOU act differently since you yourself have become "holy ground", with the Spirit of God dwelling continually within you?


I agree that there are wrong concepts practiced and deeply held about the physical building, and our relationship to it. Since having received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit this past summer, it pains me deeply to hear God's people sing, "Come, Holy Spirit, I ne-e-e-e-ed You." I keep wanting to jump up and shout, "Oh, HUSH! He's HERE! Has been ever since I walked in the door. Isn't He perpetually living in you as well? Then line up and let's FIX that!"

(DOUBT that it would go over in the body with whom I most frequently worship. *sigh* They already think I'm nuts! "PM? You've gotta be kidding! And now he sits at the piano during the worship service and speaks in tongues! Really! You can see him doing it! See?! There he goes again! Hands raised and everything! Right while the Elder is praying!" :eek: :shock: :lol: )

Bottom line for me? I LOVED Doc's article. Best description of that layer I've ever heard, um, read. And last Sabbath, two other believers and I and their children met at a park, enjoyed pizza and grape juice and fellowship while their children played and stopped by to listen or talk for a moment from time to time. We were a church AND we had church, both. I was blessed. A few weeks ago, I was in a service in northern Minnesota, where people were getting healed. Lot of worshipping went on, as did some instruction. People sat, and stood, and laid on the floor. Many tears were shed. A band was involved. There was a podium, and chairs were in rows. Some retired to the fellowship hall to take care of noisy children, but more discussion and teaching and worship soon took place there as well. We both were and had church that morning.

With apologies to any who disagree, Sir BumbleBerry 'n' I are greedy! We want BOTH layers! (He just mumbled, "Leave me out of this ..." and scurried off! :lol: )
CecilW, the Temple was a place to offer sacrifices, and they were to happen in that place alone. Christ has offered the final sacrifice, and we remember that in communion, which can be held anywhere. So there is no comparison between the Temple and a church building.

Having said that, building church buildings is pragmatic. Why not have somewhere to meet? Why not have somewhere you can put up a big sign that reminds people God exists? For some a house is fine, others rent a hall, others want to build a building that will in itself be a witness to God. Each to their own I say.

I remember visiting La Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona under construction a few years ago. The Catholic architect who designed it took his inspiration from nature, particularly trees, and believed that if we were to build a building to worship God in it should be as carefully and wonderfully constructed as possible, far better than our own homes, as a witness to Him. And that building when completed will be a very prominant feature of the Barcelona skyline, and a witness to Him - in its own way.

I have also been in a tiny little stone church in Ireland, which dates from only a few hundred years AD, when Christianity first reached the country. Even the roof is stone, it's a completely unadorned little building with one door and one tiny window, you could seat 20 people in it with a tight squeeze. But it has stood for over a thousand years - who knows how many people have seen it and thought of God in that time? It certainly made me think of the dedication these early Christians had to him, to put so much effort into making such a durable building for His service, with no machinery, and to walk for days to hear Christian teaching there.

Personally I'd put my resources directly into people instead, but you can easily argue that investing in a well-designed building is investing indirectly in drawing people to Christ.
I don't think it has to be an either-or choice. The purpose of the post was to address the issue for plural families that find themselves out of fellowship with other believers.

I would hope that everyone understands that I don't consider the living room of someone's house as being any holier that a 5000 seat auditorium with multiple high definition screens and a rockin' praise band. Both are just buildings.

The church is when believers come together.

For families out of fellowship, you DO have an option....be the church in your homes.


Erroneously, church has become a function that we do on Sunday morning. Church has become an event instead of it being who we are. The word church has lost its meaning of family; the word has lost the meaning of us being a people. Going to church has become a weekly activity that we do. We’ve taken a word that defines who we are, a word that identifies us, and we’ve lessened it to an hour and a half episode that we do once a week.

It's so sad how true this is. Especially about church being an "event". It seems to be planned out as such and for a real audience as well, rather than what it should be- "Here is the Word of God. We aren't going to sugar coat it or try to make this experience more fun so you will come back."
I know this is an older post, but would like to add to it. By the way Doc, WOoOW!! Spot on! I know by most of my posts are about "words'" definitions, but if we don't see the meaning of the individual words, then how will we understand the verses they are contained in? Case in point, the Word church. No place in the Word does it tell, command, or require us to go to church. Why? The word church is defined as "a body of believers, primarily men." The word church is used 77 times in the New Testament and it is never, not even once capitalized. Why not? To not get into sentence structure and semantics, the proper noun is capitalized. For example, the Cars, which is a music group is capitalized, but the cars in a parking lot is not. Curt is a proper noun short for Curtis, but curt is defined as "blunt, almost to the point of rudeness." You get the point. The Word does tell us to not forsake the assembly, but it doesn't tell us that that is Church. The church is not where we go, it is who we are. It's like a deacon in a Church invited me to his Church. I told him I would come if hecould answer one question. If the New Testament defines the church is the body of believers, then how can I go to something I am? See how subtle changing one word of the Word can change the whole meaning of the Word? We must be very care not to change anything in It, as the Word also tells Us. Shalom.
It's so sad how true this is. Especially about church being an "event". It seems to be planned out as such and for a real audience as well, rather than what it should be- "Here is the Word of God. We aren't going to sugar coat it or try to make this experience more fun so you will come back."
Church has become a spectator sport.