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General Where Can I Get Polygyny Related Images?

Patrick Lauser

Hello all!

Something I've come up against multiple times is finding polygyny themed images that are public domain and such for use online.

I've tried search terms like "polygamy", "solomon", "solomon wives", and even "mormon" :( on sites like pixabay.com, archive.org, and flickr, but I'm finding pretty much nothing.

Any kinds of images would be nice, as long as it can be connected to polygyny and for free use. :)

I don't know because most poly ppl are pretty private and don't share pix. I only share pix of myself with trusted people and would NEVER share pix of the family or anything that could be used to locate us. I made some mistakes in the past and we had a crazy guy try to 'rescue' me from my family. Won't do that again!
"Free to use" is a slippery thing. Personal use? Repost with commentary? Remix into other media? Resell commercially? Depends on where you are, and IANAL.

But so this isn't a completely useless post, if you are on Twitter type polygamy (or #polygamy, it will yield different results) into the search. Then select the Photos tab.

Beware, you may not like everything you get. :)

There is probably an equivalent for other social media.
I'm pretty much looking for completely free, public domain stuff like you get on Pixabay, Pexels, and such. I'm thinking I'll probably make some images myself, probably of the more symbolic kind.

I've found this so far:

(It has a lot higher resolution options.)

The results on Twitter never really had anything to do with polygamy/polygyny in the actual images in the photos tab, except for an infographic on its legal status around the world, and one family wanting to promote polygyny, but I'm not sure if I should use their picture, and it isn't the best anyway.