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Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boot!

Who is like God?

New Member
Dear Nathan and Biblical Family,

Please read "Our Polygamy Story" both in introductions and prayer requests to be caught up to speed. I "Who is like God?" posted them that might be an easier way to search. Who is like God? = Micah and my wife Beloved Lily = Amy.

We thought that things were going well with Alaynna, a desired candidate for a secod wife. She had not expressed disgust or even hinted that she thought that it was a superbly destructive sin. She had said that it was not for her, and that she did not think that she could ever see herself in the position, but then again that is what I said before I was motivated to make up my mind one way or the other. We had spent the last three months building a relationship with her and talking and discussing polygyny with her and she agreed at least once if not twice that it was most likely Biblical, but did preference such comments that it made her uncomfortable but that is as far as it went. She totally left out the feelings that are expressed in the letter below which was in response to us telling her that we saw her as a daughter of the Most High and as a qualified women to be a second wife and if she was at all interested in this we could perhaps begin to develop the relationship further and work out the social difficulties. Apologizing at least twice if we were to forward and had offended her. Well we obviously offended her because we were blindsided with some views that we did not think she held ... at least not so firmly by the letter below.

"Micah and Amy,

Saturday, I was so excited to see all those flowers and that super neat manikin! A
nice early birthday present from my two friends. How awesome!... until I opened the
letter that came with it. I was and still am horrified and revolted, to say the least, at
this sexual perversion whitewashed as God’s calling and blessing. I met the floor in
sorrow wanting to vomit.

Micah, the past several months I have been uncomfortable in your presence...
especially after hearing about your thoughts on polygamy. I kept telling myself I
was reading inappropriateness into your compliments and references and emails
that weren’t really there. But, then I received your letter. I was beyond sad and
angry when I saw the length and start of it. My fear became reality …a married man
claiming that he is in right standing with Christ is pursuing me as a SECOND wife!!
How atrocious! Any woman who accepts an offer as this does not see herself as God
sees her. I weep for these women.

As disgusted as I am, I believe I understand your offer to come from a perspective
of misguided care and love. But, oh! How you are SO wrong! Please, I plead with you
to open yourselves up to hearing the Holy Spirit of God. And hear me when I tell you
that I have received this letter not as caring or loving, but as thoughtless, deviant,
disgusting and lustful.

Setting aside for the moment my biblical views on this, how could you even ask
me this or offer yourself to me when I have made it clear to you both that I do not
want this type of lifestyle. My husband will be mine and mine alone. Were you
not listening to me? You obviously were not. Or are you overcome by so much
selfishness and pride that you could not hear the truth?

When have I ever given you the idea that a) I condone this lifestyle or b) that I am
interested in you? I need to make myself very clear when I say ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
And with this, you have proven yourselves as fools and easily misled. I know that
might be blunt and harsh, but I feel completely betrayed and preyed upon. I feel so
violated in my trust and our friendship. I can never again trust you, my former good
friend Amy, with information about my life.

Oh Amy… I know the answer, but still I have to ask you… Did you know about
this!? I can only assume that you did and are in full support of it, and thus, Amy,
I must tell you that I love you, but this act of pursuing me for your family in this
manner has destroyed our relationship. How you both have grieved me deeply!
And this proposal has forced me to refrain from your company. May it be clear
that my friendship with both of you is in fact severed. I don’t see how it is possible
for me to ever be comfortable in your presence again Micah. And Amy, I’m just at
a loss for words… I am crushed that you, my friend, would be so cruel. To ask me
to participate in this kind of a relationship makes me feel as though neither of you

have any idea who I really am. I am so very grieved that you have brought this upon

Micah your letter mentions the good Lord many times, and how you believe God
called you to practice this “blessing.” Where does Scripture call this lifestyle
a “blessing”? Yes, men of faith in the Scriptures have practiced such a lifestyle –
this I will not deny. But it is important to recognize that godly men sometimes
do very stupid things that God tolerates. I remember you saying to me that you
view a marriage as “better” with multiple wives. I believe God when He displayed
perfection in humanity before the fall in the Garden of Eden. He created Adam and
Eve. He did not then create Eve#2 for Adam. This is “perfection” for marriage: one
(1) man and one (1) woman.

I have not expressed my views on truth very strongly with either of you previously
for one main reason: both of you are quite strongly opinionated, and more often
than not, closed off to others’ opinions. On this topic, I believed you to have already
decided your stand, and thus, you were only sharing your thoughts to enlighten me
and others with your “wisdom”. But this view on polygamy must be re-evaluated
in humility, inviting the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the name of Jesus Christ. All evil
must be cast out, and you must seek godly council rather than looking to books and
obscure authors telling you what you want to hear.

I am concerned the enemy has a hook around you and am lead to believe you are
overcome by an evil spirit and not thinking clearly. I am concerned that you have
allowed pride to get comfortable. Amy, I am concerned that you have given your
husband license to lust and call it righteous – this is not a blessing of God. I beseech
you to submit to God and resist the enemy.

I am pained at the decision you are forcing me to make. We were such very good
friends. Please know this brings me many tears and great pain. Please humble

“A righteous man falls seven times and seven times he gets back up.”

To God be the glory and power and dominion forever.

Alaynna 8/31/10

PS. The early birthday gift will be coming back to you."

:( For some reason I am thinking the early birthday gift some how aggravated the situation. :(

We promptly followed up the letter apologizing for our "foolish and rash actions" See the email below.

"I am so so so sorry that we hurt you. I had no intentions of making you become so disgusted or repulsed by us. Honestly we had no idea that you were so vehemently against the idea. We thought you were interested in knowing more about it biblically and thought that you had agreed that it had support. We had thought you might not be interested in the lifestyle for yourself but wanted to let you know that we valued you as a godly woman. The letter was never intended to pressure you nor to make you feel uncomfortable or revolted.
We never meant to prey upon you in any way. I’m so sorry you were uncomfortable with Micah’s previous actions, I wish you were able to tell me. He in no way meant to be inappropriate. He is not lustful Alaynna, he truly sees you as Christ sees you and doesn’t lust after you but instead values you as a woman of God. The letter’s intended purpose was to tell you we saw another option when you might not have considered it. We thought that you might not be interested in a polygamous relationship but we had no idea you would have such a strong reaction. We still wanted to be friends even if you weren’t interested. We were being upfront and not deceitful in being interested. That does not mean that you and Micah couldn’t remain just friends nor did it mean that we expected you to have feelings for Micah. It had come to a point where Micah could develop feelings for you and we were not wanting to betray our friendship by developing these feelings in secret instead we thought Micah could approach you with the idea and you could either be interested in it or deny it and he would know more on which way to proceed. Micah is embarrassed that you think of us that way and that you thought he was inappropriate and will immediately be more aloof in future contacts and I will go to great lengths to make you not feel uncomfortable again. I am so sad that our actions have caused such a severe hurt and we apologize for our actions that led to your grief and horror.
I had no intentions of being cruel, in any way. I truly think of polygamy as a natural extension of marriage and have never thought of it as disgusting; I’m so so sorry I didn’t understand your position on it. I should have been more sensitive and thoughtful. Please forgive us. I had no idea you found the lifestyle repulsive or deviant.
We will re-evaluate our view on polygyny once again as our insensitivity has affected you so.
Please, please reconsider severing our friendship. I didn’t mean to betray you. I never once thought I was betraying you or I never would have done it. I value you as a friend immensely. I am so sorry for hurting you.
Please keep the birthday gift as it was my idea totally separate from the letter. I thought it would be perfect for your booth and it was an early birthday present so that you could have it at the fairs.
Please let me call you and also express how sorry I am for not being more aware of your feelings and of your viewpoint on this subject. I really really don’t want to loose you as a friend and I want to make amends for the betrayal you feel..
If you are not willing to let me call you perhaps we could find a mediator to try and better understand each other and hopefully save our friendship."

And after finding out that several people in our small town know already including our Fathers, our Pastor of our Old Church Rich Hay (Who is also the Godfather of our son) the elders of the same church, Alaynna's family (all of them though this is more assumed but with her strong reaction there is little doubt) and I am sure that countless others as from past experiences the community there is not so great about keeping there mouth shut; except for when the disagree with polygyny, but have no Biblical grounds to back themselves up and dare not to go toe to toe with us in a logical argument. We received the letter below and out quite shaken by it ... no amount of expecting really compares to experiencing. Here is the letter.

"Dear Micah and Amy,

We were so relieved at your expression of sorrow and regret at the loss of Alaynna’s friendship
over your unwise pursuit of polygamy. We hope this means your reconsideration will lead you
to recant and abandon this lifestyle.

If you sincerely want to begin the reconciliation process with Alaynna, the leadership of OBF,
and your fathers, we ask you to attend a meeting for this purpose after church this Sunday (9-5-
10). Hopefully, they will all be there.

This is not going to be a theological argument on polygamy. It’s not about trying to get you to
change your view. It is about repairing the damage to those mentioned above because you hold
and acted on these views. We are all deeply affected and shocked and are asking you to recant
the practice and pursuit your views as unwise and destructive.

When anyone holds an obscure theological position that damages and severs their
most significant relationships…it doesn’t matter how “right” it might be, it is forbidden
biblically. That is the whole argument Paul makes in I Cor. 8 about meat sacrificed to idols.

Polygamy is not the issue. Holding any biblical belief that may be lawful, but proves to be
destructive is prohibited.

Simply put, we are calling on you to confess, recant and desist all pursuit of this exceedingly
destructive and perverse view. No justification. No excuses. No long drawn out discussions.
Either yes or no.

As you consider, please remember that Paul said, he wished everyone was single, unmarried,
in order to pursue ministry. Celibacy is the biblical ideal. If one wife is a distraction how much
more would multiple wives be?

It appears you have nearly destroyed all ministry opportunities to pursue more wives…the
opposite of clear biblical teaching.

May God’s grace, mercy and peace be to you. May His Holy Spirit enlighten, convince and lead
you in all humility to submit to God ordained spiritual council.

In Christ’s love - for the church and leadership of Olympic Bible Fellowship,

Pastor Rich Hay"

We are still a little shell shocked not that he wants to talk to us but that he has already elevated to the the second to last discipline structure of the church and although we thought that we had a relationship with him he has totally skipped the meeting with us in private. We are quite aggravated by the fact that although we discussed this issue, polygyny, (and mentioned that we thought it would be great to practice) with both he and his wife extensively and by his own mouth he said that it was biblical but that it should not be practiced because the government says it is illegal and then the next visit not more then two weeks we discussed the versus that say to honor, respect, and (Peter) submit to the governing authorities and again from their own mouth they agreed that there was definitely a time when that was not necessary to obey the authorities and furthermore they pointed out that if you choose to disobey the government authorities then mainly the verses say that you should be prepared to suffer the consequences from such authorities. The discussion was quite lengthy and the point was made that you can honor and respect and even submit (if you look at the Greek word) and still be respectfully disobeying and especially disagreeing. In the end we commented that a lot of people, Christians, hide behind these verses instead of standing and even acting on what they know is right and Biblical.

To make a long story short we are a little at a loss on where to proceed next. We are sorry that we caused a severance in the body and that Alaynna feels that we have personally attacked and injured her. (We were convicted that we should not continue to become such good friends with Alaynna without at least making sure she understood where we were standing. Honesty is of course a betrayal.) We understand that our actions were a bit rash and are grievously sorrowful that they have caused so much "pain and horror", but we are not sure what we can do about the demands listed in the letter partially because they are unclear.

Thus far our plan of attack is to pray about it and try to get a nights sleep and pray about it some more. Then some time tomorrow compose a letter stating that we will not be available for the requested date as we have previous plans (which we do) and also stating that we feel that it is unfair to inflame such a social faux pax and immediately bring us to the second level of church discipline with very little (time) notice. We are also going to request that Rich and his wife meet with us Sept. 7th or there about as we know they will be down our way (Picking up my best friend which is their son :p). We are going camping with my father this weekend and so I will talk to him about it hopefully, he might just stick his head in the ground, and ignore the entire issue. Amy's father we will only see briefly as we are picking up a tent at the house ... I am thinking that a letter maybe written to present to him and try to tell our side of the story because I am sure what he has heard is greatly over exaggerated. Although we know that his comment which we heard from Amy's mom who is still on our side, but was excommunicated for initiating the divorce between Amy's parents, "Lisa did you know that they had intentions of practicing POLYGAMY! Polygamy, that is just horrible! MUCH much prayer is needed and I apologize for the length. Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated because well we have never been here before. :eek: :? :eek: :? :eek: :? :eek: :shock: :shock: :eek: :shock: :shock: :? :shock: :eek: :shock: :? :shock: :shock:
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Sorry guys things didn't proceed as planned. Rarely does :( Interesting relationship you have with your church, I'm curious what denomination it is? Sounds like you care a lot about these relationships that are in trouble. Also sounds like some people are going to use your obvious love for them, as a club to bludgeon you with. The problem is that all of their arguments about tearing apart fellowship and being destructive to the ministry, etc, all apply to their false viewpoints more so than your true one. If having a true viewpoint of God is bad when it causes consternation, how can they possibly want false viewpoints that bring false sense of security. Such straw and stubble will be burned away. But being right, really doesn't matter to most people. So you get to decide if you want to let them bully you about and conform to their false view, or be excommunicated/shunned/emotionally trampled and keep a right view. As far as the relationships go it's a lose/lose proposition. If you give in, you'll be bitter and unhappy. If you stand up, you feel alone and hopeless. So my advice is brace yourself for the destruction of relationships. Now prayer can of course defeat all my predictions, and I hope it does :) God can send his spirit to transform their hearts. But without such a miracle, people will be people. And in this case the mob has already started. They feel they got ya by the short hairs, because you have shown your vulnerablity to emotional pressures, by attempting to maintain the friendship after her barrage. You said you'd reconsider your viewpoint on poly and that makes them think they can break you.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Never thought that stating that we would make sure that we were standing on truth could appear to be weakness, but now that you point it out I plainly see that in many ways they think that they have us guessing.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Sorry that you are going through all this with your church and family, the problem with looking outside of the already dedicated poly community is it is so easy to mistaken 'not disgust' for interest. I hope things go better next time.

I know how difficult it is to leave a community, I have done it myself, but it is better to be true to yourself than having to lie all the time and pretend.

Good luck,
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo


I'd love to chat with you two and pray with you outside of the forums here.

I'll pm you so we can possibly get in touch.

Dr. Allen
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

I'm sending my reply to Micah privately, but I wanted to make this comment for everyone:

Here we have an awesome young couple, well grounded in the Word and in prayer, who have not acted rashly. We first started talking 6 months or so ago, and they were already considering this issue before that. They have taken their time - a short discussion with a pastor here (not the one mentioned here), a letter there - letting it be known what they saw in the Word, not just "we want to do this". They met with some success through that process - until 'theory' (or should we say 'theology') becomes 'possibility'. Then the stuff hits the fan. And now they are forced to choose between acknowledging the truth, and relationships and ministry opportunities. My heart grieves, because we all know it's a choice they shouldn't have to make, and because I was faced with a similar one, 14 years ago.

Their letter should become Exhibit A in a new FAQ (don't worry, I wouldn't do that without their permission and names removed) for people just coming into an understanding of plural marriage, if we want to give them have just a glimpse of what "counting the cost" will mean, if they head down this road. It makes me angry, because the price shouldn't be so high - and it' why Biblical Families exists in large measure: to hopefully make the cost less, even while it's still painfully high.

Please join us in lifting up Micah and Amy over the coming weeks as God guides them through this tough and critical time.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

I am so sorry about what you are having to deal with. Polygyny is a spiritual concept as much as a practical one. If the church actually grasped the spiritual benefit of Patriarchial Families it would have to change the entire structure of the present day church. Fear is a powerful emotion. The Enemy would like nothing better to use that fear of "change" to cripple the believers and those who are attempting to make a change in their beliefs to truth. I had to smile when I read your friends comment "Or are you overcome by so much selfishness and pride that you could not hear the truth?" The ironic thing is that from my view point that is pretty much all she is overcome by. She, sadly, does not have the ears to hear the truth.

I would encourage you to stand as strong as you can on the Truth you know and make others defend their inability to understand God's Word fully. I would also encourage you to remember that God has a purpose in all this. You most likely will not see it soon but eventually you will. God is a good God, trust in Him and keep praying for wisdom and strength. I will be praying for that "peace that surpasses all understanding" and that it will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

With hope for the future,
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

methinks the woman doth protest too much

i am so sorry about what is happening. i encourage you to read and reread the story of joseph and how he went through the grinder and Yehweh used it for good. we will be praying
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

I would like to thank all of you that are praying for this situation. May the Lord of heaven be glorified. I thought I would update you with some specific concerns that could be prayed about.

1. First off the house we are staying in now is owned by this said pastor ... so prayer for a place to live as it most likely will be needed. :D (We do have rainy day fund thank God)
2. My wife is due in December and we are planning a home birth ... so a home is kind of a must for this.
3. Healing of relationships that may have been needlessly damaged through malicious gossip or gossip in general.
4. We are camping with my family who may or may not know ... probably does ... although they have mentioned nothing of it to us.
5. Pray for peace, grace, and mercy in general and especially when talking to other people.
6. Pray that this will stop getting blown out of proportion.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

As for the house issue: is there a rental ageement or lease in place? If so then there is probably some type of laws that cover that; i.e. he may not be able to kick you out while your wife is pregnant, or he may not be able to use your personal theological belief as a reason to make you immediately move out (he should not even if there is no law). Some laws have these types of stipulations. For example, some power companies, maybe all, cannot cut power to a home if the woman inside is pregnant. Also, in some states there is a timeline that one has to be given to move out 15 days, 30 days, 60 days, etc) when being evicted.

Of course looking for a place to go would indeed be a good idea if he should use your beliefs against you. Hopefully though this pastor will be able to discern the difference between a personal difference theologically and the "civil" use of land and property.

Some are so mature enough to do that whereas others sometimes are not.

Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Micah and Amy:

I have read your post and I must say that I am terribly sorry for the way that this has all unfolded for you. I will most assuredly be praying for you today and in the days ahead as I am sure they are difficult.

In the meantime, keep looking to your Father who loves you so very much. He has a plan for you and it is a plan that is good and that will give you wholeness. I know that at the moment you probably feel very broken but the Lord can heal that brokenness that exists, of this I am convinced. There is nothing that He can't handle.

Praying for you my brother and sister! May the peace of Christ which surpasses your human understanding overshadow you!
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Micah & Amy,
My prayers are also offered up on your behalf. Those who love the Lord and His truth will always meet with opposition from those who are present, but only partially committed. It is my belief that patriarchy and polygyny is rapidly coming to the forefront as the line that separates the sheep from the goats, not necessarily the practice of polygyny, but the acceptance of the truth. Stand firm, loving and free from bitterness. Let it be that if anyone is embarassed by the truth of plural marriage, let it be the opponents. Showing love in the face of opposition leaves you and the Lord in the drivers seat. God WILL see you through this. Do not fear change, He is still in command.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Micah & Amy,

So sorry to hear all that you're facing. My prayers are with you. Though our trials lead to a good end, sometimes it takes awhile.

It is clear that your letter caused Alaynna to be faced with only two choices. To take her stand with Truth and the Spirit of Truth (whether she agreed to the proposal or not), or to take her stand with the Lie and the father of lies (which takes various forms) and confirm it. There was nothing wrong with your letter, and putting her in such a position is nothing to apologize for. The Lord in the Bible has given the same choice to mankind, and wants that choice to be clear and wants to know where each of us stands on it. Will it be Life or Death? Truth or Lie?

I am sorry about the lost friendship, but that was not your doing but her choice. She had a choice in responding to you. She took the hardest stance she could take, though she didn't have to. In the same way, every family member or community or church member has the same choice, to seek to know the truth or submit to gossip (another form of the lie) , to stand with you or against you. This is truly how the Lord separates the sheep and the goats. A true sheep, even if they are still in process of learning Truth, will be more open and unbound to the lies as far as I've seen.

Praying especially for the housing and birth...

God bless you and yours.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Micah & Amy,

Our prayers are with you while you are going through this painful and shocking experience. We received a letter from our dear friend that we thought would be a great addition to our family with almost the same hurtful words that your friend wrote to you. We have known this friend for over twenty years and never thought such a harsh response would ever fall from her lips. This experience has really opened up our eyes. Though loosing a friend is very painful my husband amazed me by his strength and willingness to stand on his beliefs and convictions. I'm so proud of him. When experiences like this happen I find comfort that him and I bond more and more and our love for our Heavenly Father increases knowing He is the one that is in control.

Blessings & Prayers sending your way,
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Micah & Amy - this bit is what made me see red -
My husband will be mine and mine alone. Were you
not listening to me? You obviously were not. Or are you overcome by so much
selfishness and pride that you could not hear the truth?
The irony of this statement! I feel very much for your situation, and hope deeply that you treat this as the speedbump it is, and not a stop sign in your travel towards biblical marriage and the promised land. As a non-practicing believer in biblical marriage, I so want things to work out for you trailblazers. ylop
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

I know that I am a mess after this emotional roller coaster ride, but by this recent email I do feel like we have been played the fool and a phone call like Dr. K. A. suggested would have been and would be the best way to address this issue. I know that there is more then just miscommunication because there are hurt feelings that caused the miscommunication in the first place.

Please pray as I have stayed home from work in order to set up a meeting today. The devil should not be allowed to play us against each other any longer.

This is the response letter that I recieved this morning.
Dear Micah and Amy,
Sorry I was under the impression you were in a hurry to reconcile this situation with Alaynna as Amy's response sounded extremely distressed. I was in reconciliation mode not punishment mode as Matt 18 would suggest. We were not on the way to announcing it to the church and excommunication but to discover your heart felt response to the event. Apparently I misread Amy's email and tried to respond to your need for reconciliation as quickly as possible. Alaynna will not be communicating with either of you without a mediator as she is not ready to address either of you alone as she feels her trust has been violated.

Also sorry we will not be able to meet til the evening of Saturday the 18th in Sequim or Sunday the 26th after church with Tom and me at minimum. I have been asked, and it pains me to do this, but please do not attend OBF church services until this is resolved since there are several sensitivities to be considered. Hope you understand.

In sorrow and deep regret,
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

The local church is not going to bend or adapt. The local pastor may smile but he/she still has a retirement plan and salary to protect. Many on this forum have experienced such persecution. The rental house is a complication but God can provide. Hopefully you are excited about where God is leading.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Being asked to not attend until resolved is a huge flag that unless you repent, you are being excommunicated. Just the reality of the situation. So, my advice despite my very limited experience with such things is to cut your losses and step away. Arguing the situation will be futile and cause further damage and can ultimately only go one of two ways: you bend and compromise your standings and end up resenting them all anyway, or they publicly boot you and things become worse.

I just think in that situation, I would walk away and begin attending church elsewhere if not just doing church at home. This very well could be God opening a door to move you somewhere else anyway so be praying about that. We moved quite a few months ago for various reasons including the need for one of our children to be in a safer situation and though it was a move purely on faith, things are far different for us here and in a good way... so do not discount that this may be the cloud moving for you and your family. Keep praying about it.

Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

Welltan and Becca could be right on the nose. But I'm a naive gullible sort, and the letter from the pastor might just be what it says and can be taken at face value. He certainly isn't promising there won't be a parting of the ways in the future, he's just explaining his actions thus far. They could be true reasons, or he could be trying to cover his butt. Lets be silly and suppose he's really sincere and honest (it does occasionally happen). It's hard to make that leap with tone of first letter, but if we grant people leeway, sometimes we can find reconciliation, albeit rarely. Whereas, if we keep the wound fresh that was inflicted, intentionally or not, then how can there be restoration of the relationship? Obviously Alaynna is seen by the church as the victim here. So not attending a service, where this girl may be frightened, alone, paranoid, makes sense. The assumption is that you are being asked to stay away because your the bad guys. But often from people in leadership they have to coddle the weak. From that point of view, it completely makes sense that Alaynna needs the support of the church family, whereas you obviously have shown yourselves to be mature christians, knowledgeable in the word, filled in the spirit. You can patiently wait till the situation is resolved. He says he's been asked to do this, and he regrets it. Again benefit of the doubt :) Send him a warm response, thanking him for clarifying his position, talk about that you appreciate and respect this must be difficult for him also, etc. Just make sure you come across as humble, but sure that your in God's bosom. Then he'll have to make the choice to set himself against you, or ask for your pity and that you leave peacefully, or (most unlikely) accede to your position. I've had lots of pastors know they are in the wrong and still ask me to leave their church :) Peeps like their milk.
Re: Who is like God? & Beloved Lily about to recieve the boo

First off I would like to thank all of you for all of your prayers. Standing against a life time mentor is not something I ever really imagined myself doing. Also I realized that I never posted the letter up here, that I sent to Alaynna so here it is: (Here middle name is Faye :) )

Precious Faith,

What a beautiful and perfect name. It is well suited for the pretty and innocent little girl it was bestowed upon who has grown into a women who is graceful and gorgeous. A bold and independent women who has throughout the trials of her life proven to all, that she regards her faith in the Savior Jesus Christ as most precious. Through her faith she trusts in her Savior to bring all that she desires and needs in life to her at the perfect time and in the perfect way to cause her to be stretched enough in each stage of life to grow closer to her Savior who she loves so dearly. Indeed; Alaynna in my opinion the name adorns the women you are, and are becoming, perfectly. I wish that all men could see you as our Father in heaven does and treat you with the love and service that you deserve; with the love and service our Savior Jesus Christ bestows upon us.
Alaynna, valued daughter of the King of kings, I am available to you if you would tread upon such a path. Please, let me expound on that bold and perhaps rash statement. When Amy and I first discovered the truth of polygyny from the Bible I was excited to tell anyone about the laws of the Lord that had been hidden from me and really had very little intentions for someday practicing polygyny. However, the Lord had different plans for me and after having long discussions with the Lord on this topic and ideas surrounding this topic I came to the realization that I may have been given this knowledge for the very reason that the Lord intended me to practice such a blessing. Shortly after that Amy and I, accepted the fact that I may someday take another wife with the qualifier that the Lord would have to bring us such a qualified candidate. So in summary, I suppose what I am saying is that you are a qualified candidate if you are willing or at all interested in pursuing this type of relationship with me.
I really enjoy hanging out with you as friend and I know that Amy does as well. I would hope that my boldness here does not destroy future, or taint past, fellowship opportunities. I thought that it only fair that I shared this information with you. It is my deepest desire that you also know that I do completely enjoy hanging out with you and could easily develop deep and meaningful feelings for you. I do not find at any time that you are a drag to be around. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Your acts of service and craftiness exhilarates me. I think that what you are doing with your little business is awesome. I am not sure if you know, but I used to be quite crafty myself and was at one time quite effluent on the sowing machine (probably never as good as you are now). I am sure that I am years, no decades (well not decades perhaps only one decade), out of practice now on not only my sowing, but knitting and crocheting as well. Your love of God and His word is utterly delightful to me; to hear you say things like, “I need a little bit of pain in my life to make sure that I stay close to my Savior.” is awe inspiring. Your family is great, so full of love for God, his word, and people. I would like to get to know them much better then I do now. You are a complete pleasure and privilege to be around, a splendid daughter of the King.
I pray and hope that my boldness here will in no way offend or affront you. Please forgive me if it has done such. I eagerly await, though some what anxiously, the next fellowship opportunity with you.
In His love, through His grace,
Micah Cary

After receiving the email above from Pastor Rich this morning I trusted that there was a considerable amount of mis-communication that was running ramped through this entire issue. (I would ask for prayer that the Devil be bound and stay out of further communications) although I am not completely convinced of his position as of yet but I have hope that this is going to be one of those rare times of reconciliation.
I had intentions to call pastor Rich this morning but before I through myself into boiling water or caused more waves :? I thought that I would call my best friend his son and talk to him a little bit. Well thankfully he picked up and after a brief conversation that was very civil he assured me that there would be some sort of reconciliation although he had not heard very much of it but what I was able to relate to him over the phone and per previous emails and even if there was not total reconciliation that he would still be mine friend even to (although he said that he was not sure of his convictions on the matter) the point of us practicing polygyny. I was greatly encouraged by his response and thank God that we were able to talk. I then called my brother ... who is the assistant pastor of the same church to try to get some more details and clarification on what was going on since although my best friend was encouraging had very little details on the entire situation. (In the back of mind I feel that things with him might just not have caught up with everything yet and so I am still half expecting an explosion there) Anyway my brother avoided my phone calls for half of the morning. Ugh. We had a some what profitable talk. In the end he said that he told me that persuading such things was social suicide and obviously was not firm enough in that. I laughed and commented that my beliefs, doctrine, and actions are not dictated by my social status. Anyway despite him apologizing for not speaking up louder earlier. I was able to glean from him that the whole situation is boiling down to this: We in our pursuit of polygyny have injured the conscience of the weaker believers as stated in 1 Cor. 8 and therefore had sinned against them and since them Christ as the verse states in that chapter. He said that what they were looking for is for us to confess that sin (stumbling the weaker brother, although we think that they may indeed be abusing this passage because they do not have any other place to stand. Nevertheless opinions on there use of this verse would be appreciated.) and in some way promise that we will not approach polygyny in this society in any shape or form. This last part is piratically impossible for I really really believe that in some way some where that God has this in our lives to practice, but I am thinking that if we rephrase it that we maybe able to find some sort of reconciliation. So now they are all weaker brothers ... well I guess by there own mouth.

Currently I have not called Pastor Rich ... by the end of the day I just felt that God was telling me that it was not the time and that more time should pass. I am still praying about it but for this reason we will most likely be choosing the 26th date rather then the 18th. I do not want to rush into anything, but I do not desire in any way to truly be the cause of a weaker brother stumbling. I was also very combative by the time I got around to calling him. This is something that you can pray about that we will have the right heart through all of this and especially at the time of reconciliation. I know that we as people mean a lot to him, it is truly a sacrifice on his part to exile us, it pains me that our actions and the convictions over the truth may push him to that.

Oh and by the way apparently we are very very very intimidating people who often use our relationships with people to blackmail them into agreeing with us. Even though every time we are out in public (park, mall, store, etc) people come up to us and ask for directions and just chat. I only say this because my brother said that the only reason that he agreed with me a few months ago was because he did not want to step on my toes and ruin the relationship that we had and he said that Rich had pretty much said the same thine to him (this is second hand so it is really worthless) but nevertheless it is discouraging. Just so you guys know I have never and I mean never on anything bucked all authority wither I thought I was in the right and standing on the truth I have always endeavored to convince those in authority over me. (I guess this is were I do all the blackmailing "sarcastic" of course)

I would also like to comment that out of this I have received some direction on which countries I will move my family to be a permanent full time missionary in as this has always been my dream and goal in life. Thanks again for the support. I will try to keep you posted. Have any questions please ask; I would like as many to learn from this situation as possible. :) :D