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I recently encountered a situation. Where there was a man with 20 wives. They all looked at him with love. I looked at each lady and they loved him fully and they where able to look at the other wives and talk and share there thoughts fully. A thought crossed my mind the ladies depend on that man for Godliness, love, strength, safety and support. All 20 women being able to sand the edges of the husband and make him stronger. All the women strong in the mind in different areas. Picking a certain area to work on with the husbands mind. Talking with the other wives for thoughts and ideas. All the wives make that man the man every man strives to be. This man is used by God everyday. It is awesome the wives love the husband so much they end up working thru challenges together. For me I welcome that

What are your thoughts
Twenty wives????? I sure hope that man has the income to support them all.
I personally feel that would be excessive in almost every case. How would he adequately love, care, and spend time with each wife? I hope he’s loaded with money.
Working through the issues that 20? Women would create would make him a saint.

They would contribute by creating the problems that he has to overcome.
No, they bought him another wife so he would look forward to death.
Men, the woman has spoken.
If you are expecting your wife to find her sister wife…….you have been warned.
Women, Men. Wives and husband. They connect the decision the wives have to decide is will they work together to resolve difference or argue to cause problems. The hushband is the unmovable rock in the water. The wives have to decide if they want to be on the hushband or let culture control there approach of biblical marriage. Wives that choose to be with the husband that is unmovable are Godly and very very determined to make the hushband stronger. 5, 20,49 it does no
t matter the amount of wives you have God will control your steps
Wives think back to the most memorable moments with your hushband. Did you share this moments with the other wives. Why are and how can you experience more of these moments. Hushband how can you direct your wives to be closer to God and have those memorable moments
Is more better? Is multiple better than one? Assuming the husband has the capability of providing.
Is more better? Is multiple better than one?
It totally depends on the circumstances.
In many situations it is not.
I don't think 20 wives is excessive. Solomon's wives were an example of what excessive looks like. It doubt it would be a problem to support them financially with that many wives to help him.
It does seem excessive to me. He must have one big house. 2-4 seems more appropriate for most men. I don't really base that on anything other than my feelings and some examples in the Bible not named David or Solomon.

How would he realistically cultivate a loving relationship with 20 women. And I hate to go there, but how would he practically have sexual relations with each woman more than say once every 2-3 months.
I’m sorry if this sounds cruel, but all we have here is an unknown person making a fantastic claim.
This might be true in a culture that is totally different from our own. It’s a great concept, but we are not going to understand the situation without additional details.
I am with @steve in that i am deeply dubious.
That being said,, I am twitching at the idea of 20 and not in a good way

Presuming that I had the massive stacks off cash to pull of that feat and the opportunities (bloody well tell me where these places exist...they don't in the west) and personality(I am boned) to attract 20 unique puzzle pieces which not only fit with me but fit with my family and my design for the future...I still can not imagine wanting that number.

Part of my vision personally is to know all of my wives and know them well and that is a time intensive process. Along with that I want to play a Very large and time intensive again role in the lives of my children.

There are not enough hours in the day for this scenario to do marriage and family the way I believe it should be done. Had I those resources and that monomania, I would make for a poor husband and a worse father given the assumed army of children that would result.

Having 20 wives for a very wealthy man would be fairly easy I suspect in some countries and cultures. In the west however, even with billions in assets, you still end up with shallow relationships and would likely be a cuckold many times over.

Hard pass

I don't know that I have an upper limit as such but I can not imagine a circumstance that might happen in my life that would push me over four...and even that number would have to be through some sort of divine influence to find that many perfect puzzle pieces.
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