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Women's Retreat 2012


Women's Ministry
Staff member
Real Person

We are pleased to announce our second annual Women's Retreat! It will be held in Louisville, KY this year, Oct. 12-14th. If you would like the details please email us at femina@biblicalfamilies.org. We are really looking forward to getting a chance to meet and talk face to face with ladies from this site. And no cooking for any of us! :)

Please pray about wether you should be there or not this year. Our theme is "Walking His path, in His light". It will be a wonderful time of encouragement, fellowship and prayer. I hope to see you there!

With hope for the future,
Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to put out another reminder about our up coming Women's Retreat. There is still time to make plans to come...just four weeks till Oct. 12th! Please let me know if you have questions or if you would like me to send you the retreat info. Hope to see you there!
Unless God performs some miracle, I will not be able to attend. Getting time off at my new job is very difficult. While you think about it, ladies, will you pray that God clarifies the path he wants me on. It has recently come to my attention that I may have wandered away from the plans he has for me and getting back on track is pretty tough.

We will be thinking and praying for you Lissa. God will make a way if it is where he wants you to be.
I was looking forward to the possibility of meeting everyone and having a grand ol' time, but I just looked at flights and between the cost and my husband just getting a job it looks like I have to miss it this year! But I am totally hoping for next year and or the next retreat.

We hope next time too, Asia! Sorry it didn't work out this year. You might want to consider the West Coast retreat in November. It is on the outskirts of Las Vegas. The flights might be cheaper. Anyways, we will be thinking of you!
Awww... Thanks and yes I am very much interested in the Vegas trip. Sounds super fun! And it most certainly is on my top to do lists and I might be able to bring a special friend with me. :)
Soooo looking forward to all of it, especially having you guys stopping by Turner Town on the way. What a time we shall have!
Well, the retreat is less than two weeks away now! You can still sign up to come if you have been thinking about it. We would love to have you. Just drop me a PM and I will send the information to you.

For those unable to come I would like to ask for your prayers during the retreat weekend. The enemy would like nothing better than to create problems during our time together. Please pray for traveling mercies, as we drive and fly to meet.

I am getting excited about seeing friends and meeting some new ones!
well we won't be coming, been a few struggles here lately, one of those is my SUV getting wrecked on tuesday, so no traveling for us for awhile.:(
Bummer Jen. I hate car problems. I want them to be unbreakable...just like my computer! I know, I know, unrealistic hopes. lol

We are sorry you can't make the retreat, maybe next year, or another one with the whole family.

To those who will be coming, don't forget your Bible and something to take notes on. Also, get lots of rest before coming...you probably won't get much over the weekend. :D

Thank you to all who have prayed for our weekend together. I know it will make a big difference in the Spirit of God being there.
It has gone from 2 weeks away, to 2 days away. I am really excited and cannot wait to see everyone. Prayers for JulieB, the retreat, the people attending the retreat, the people staying home and making it possible for us to go and for the ladies who cannot attend but would if they could.