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Y'all watching crypto today?

What are they buying?
Blackrock supposedly owns 45% is Ukraine lands. They are opposing the cemeteries, asking for cremation or other methods of disposal.
Not as a daily trade. I mean, as people were selling stocks during the crash on that day, what did they immediately put their returns into. That could be USD, or other currency, or any other quickly tradeable asset. But whatever was most dominant would have shown a rise in value. I was struggling to find anything that was rising.
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I was struggling to find anything that was rising.
That is precisely the nature of a deflationary collapse (old style 1929 Depression.)

(You'll hear words like "carry trade collapse," and "cascading dominoes.")

Debt collapse eliminates inflated "value" - when a building that is allegedly worth $1 Million - and mortgaged for that or more - can't be sold for $25, 000...and the loans can't be paid back, and EVENTUALLY the bank has to "mark to market" (they don't until it's undeniable) - then where did the 'value' go?

And the 'money'?

Multiply that by the biggest debt bubble in human history.

"Counterbalancing" - but not really - is "money printing to infinity." To "keep the bubble inflated." A "soft landing is when the Almighty Fed can print PRECISELY the right amount of fiat fake money, and precisely the rate (and variable) rate to balance the implosion.

Not bloody likely.

Remember Scotty, on the Enterprise, "Captain, what we need is a CONTROLLED IMPLOSION of the Warp Drive!"

Otherwise, the alternatives are "fire or ice." Or what we saw in the Seventh Plague...
Personally I bought the dip.
I had recently given my son a money gift as well and so I put him in at the dip. He has made 10% today but it has been a fair amount higher as it wiggles around.
Personally I hope that it dips really hard again. A friend who I have mentioned who bought his big nice hose and 40 acres for whst he considers free via selling a few bitcoin is thinking there may be a 45K floor on bitcoin. Lots of the crypto bros have lots of opinions though. So who knows.
Personally I am wanting to match thst fest of buying my little ranchette with profits
Personally I bought the dip.
I had recently given my son a money gift as well and so I put him in at the dip. He has made 10% today but it has been a fair amount higher as it wiggles around.
Personally I hope that it dips really hard again. A friend who I have mentioned who bought his big nice hose and 40 acres for whst he considers free via selling a few bitcoin is thinking there may be a 45K floor on bitcoin. Lots of the crypto bros have lots of opinions though. So who knows.
Personally I am wanting to match thst fest of buying my little ranchette with profits
A dangerous game.
But what the hey, it’s only money.
A dangerous game.
But what the hey, it’s only money.

Really don't see it as dangerous at this stage. Well...values of dangerous.
If tue lights go out and tye water rises tomorrow then the money is gone. By the same token, money would not be worth anything at that point anyway.
That is precisely the nature of a deflationary collapse (old style 1929 Depression.)

(You'll hear words like "carry trade collapse," and "cascading dominoes.")

Debt collapse eliminates inflated "value" - when a building that is allegedly worth $1 Million - and mortgaged for that or more - can't be sold for $25, 000...and the loans can't be paid back, and EVENTUALLY the bank has to "mark to market" (they don't until it's undeniable) - then where did the 'value' go?

New York City commercial real estate has totally collapsed (95%+).

They also get helped by court finding Trump guilty.
That I should be looking for land and home combo which I can convert to running off wood and thst I should be...well, it is quite a list. How long you got to listen to me blather about the skill sets I need to learn and then teach my wife and my son?
The bitcoun though, my buying the dip at five increments between 55 and 50 has payed off even if I just sold what I bought on thst day.

I feel confident that so long as the lights are on that a fist full of them are safe.
Till the government comes for them or some such. Which I see as difficult to do quickly
What is the advantage of buying gold, and silver coins over bars? I would presume that one pays for a collectors value.
What is the advantage of buying gold, and silver coins over bars? I would presume that one pays for a collectors value.

If one is buying for collectable value then coins will have more value to a specific subset. If bullion then it could be rounds thst look like coins or bars in either gold or silver.
I have both myself but see the round or bar stuff to just be a more convenient store of value as in a collapse circumstances I am very dubious about any particular collectable value being maintained. Especially given that most will have no means of feeling confident in the theoretical additional value
My old coins were inherited and I am not apt to think of them beyond weight if things go sideways. Plus my grandfather did better at stacking bullion than he did at choosing potential numismatic value.

The coin guys are s special sort of geek.
Coins are easier to use for trade than bars.
Coins are easier to use for trade than bars.
They have a monetary value, but I presume that their face value is lower then the actual worth of the silver/gold/platinum etc. You can use a $100 silver coin to buy food in an emergency but that would be expensive.
They have a monetary value, but I presume that their face value is lower then the actual worth of the silver/gold/platinum etc. You can use a $100 silver coin to buy food in an emergency but that would be expensive.
Not all coins have a face value, only ones made by an official government mint. The rest just say the weight of metal in the coin.
What is the advantage of buying gold, and silver coins over bars? I would presume that one pays for a collectors value.
Coins with a 'collector value' are called numismatics; it might be considerable, depending on rarity, and there are other issues to consider there.

The derogatory term "junk" silver refers to the fact that they are always circulated, common date coin, typically dimes and quarters.

BIG advantage there over bars is not just 'divisibility' (hard to make change post-collapse from even a 1 oz gold bar) - but recognition. People will soon learn what is real, when it really matters.

And even 1 oz gold bars are now being seen counterfeited. (Tungsten, plated; etc.) Not so high-margin for a dime.
Coins with a 'collector value' are called numismatics; it might be considerable, depending on rarity, and there are other issues to consider there.

The derogatory term "junk" silver refers to the fact that they are always circulated, common date coin, typically dimes and quarters.

BIG advantage there over bars is not just 'divisibility' (hard to make change post-collapse from even a 1 oz gold bar) - but recognition. People will soon learn what is real, when it really matters.

And even 1 oz gold bars are now being seen counterfeited. (Tungsten, plated; etc.) Not so high-margin for a dime.

I suspect that junk silver eill have very little value in SHTF collapse because most people have no idea what it is and will disbelieve the value.
If I have seen cashiers and restaurant workers try to claim thst older currency or two dollar bills are fake, then your audience for junk silver in an emergency is going to be small.
More a store of value before things go nuts
I suspect that junk silver eill have very little value in SHTF collapse because most people have no idea what it is and will disbelieve the value.
If I have seen cashiers and restaurant workers try to claim thst older currency or two dollar bills are fake, then your audience for junk silver in an emergency is going to be small.
More a store of value before things go nuts
History says otherwise, even for stupid people. When it matters, they eventually get it. Sadly, most not a minute before.

Silver dimes (just drop one on a hard surface) are EASY to tell from pot metal.

PS> The time to educate neighbors, and nearby farmers and ranchers and dentists, is NOW.