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You Are Not Alone


Real Person
Hi Ladies,

This has been heavy on my heart for a few days now. I feel like I just have to put it out there before I do anything else today...

I feel compelled to tell you that I'm praying for you and that you are not alone. I realize we have probably never met. We might never meet. But if you are reading this right now, then I have said a prayer for you. Because if you are here, you have thoughts that are considered by some to be outside the camp. And that might cause you to feel isolated. I know that feeling...

So wherever you are on the path of understanding what the Bible says about plural marriage, you are not alone. There are other women here with similar questions and struggles. There are also women who have been where you are, gathered a bit of wisdom, and are praying for you now. Though we may be scattered geographically, we are close in heart and you do not have to feel isolated.

If you have moments of loneliness, know that an overly optimistic, unashamedly mushy, often goofy woman in Texas is praying for you...and you are not alone.

That's all.

Peace and love to all of you, my Sisters in Christ,

PS You've probably already read this many times on the forum but if you haven't joined us for the ladies chat on Tuesday nights, I encourage you to do so. We are a diverse bunch but our common ground is love and you are welcome to be a part of that...
Dear Ginny,

Thank you for your post. I needed to hear that word from the Lord through you. I appreciate it more than you know, and it gave me a confirmation regarding some very specific direction the Lord gave me recently, which I just re-read this evening. There were some very heavy things the Lord said in it, and I am struggling with a lot of it. Fear had stopped me from re-reading it for the past two weeks or so. I understand why that was considering the fact that my success would be a threat to the enemy's kingdom, and he did his damnedest, in the literal sense of the word, to keep me from re-reading those pages in my notebook.

The enemy is on the prowl and he often sends loneliness, hopelessness, self-defeat, and fear to plague me and paralyze me from moving forward in the Lord to the places I know He is calling me to go. Yeshua has asked me to "come up higher," but the enemy seeks to destroy me so I do not succeed. I often feel like a yo-yo and like just giving up. It is then that the battle of self-loathing and self-hatred wrestle in my soul against whether I will choose to forgive myself, regain my fortitude, and fight my way back up into the call of Yeshua.

Reading your post reassured me that I am not alone and that I have support in the Spirit through the prayers of my precious sisters (and brothers) in the Lord. I thank you so much for that, Ginny, because you touched my heart with your love and caring heart. I know, too, that my Father in heaven sees the whole picture, and He is maneuvering His troops of angels and His children in ways that the enemy does not see coming. He is joining forces and strengthening His camps through the leading of His Spirit and the yielding to His Spirit as you did for me tonight!

Thank you, again, for being a vessel for His service in my life this evening. May the Lord have His way in you and through you as you continue to seek His face and listen to His voice. I will be praying for you that His will be done in your life.

With love in Him,

WOW!! There have been so many people in the past week who've been saying that they feel the enemy is attacking them, or they feel like in a "dry spell" with God, or that things are just plain difficult or overwhelming. I've been praying for so many people lately..it's been totally crazy! And it's like God has been reminding me to pray for specific people at the oddest times. I'm actually quite loving it!

In any case, a friend of mine made a post on facebook earlier today, and it totally encouraged me, so I'd like to share it:

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of ANY kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for GREAT JOY. For you know that when your faith is tested, your ENDURANCE has a chance to grow. So LET IT GROW, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." (James 1:2-4 NLT)

Thank you so much, Ginny, for your encouraging words and love and prayers!! It totally came at a perfect time for me too today, when I was getting lost in negativity and loneliness. Thank you for spreading the light and for your prayers ~~it is the most loving thing I could've ever asked for in a sister in Christ. <3


Ginny, you are truly a lovely women....and really funny to boot. :)
Just something from the Bible that might help someone:
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and EVERYONE THAT LOVES is BORN OF GOD and KNOWS GOD....... for GOD IS LOVE"!

just wanted to share that as it seems some of you have a lot of love in your hearts - esp. those of you practicing plural marriage.

i know it's odd for a Mormon in a non-poly version of that Church to be saying that to a group of Born-Again ladies, of whom SOME are practicing Plural marriage. But i just felt led to share that with you.

i know i'm an odd-duck because here i am in a non-poly Mormon (LDS) group and partly i'm here in support of 2 exceptionally dear friends who are doing a poly relationship with another gal i don't know that well. That's how i started reading this.

j/L "Granny" Matrika / Rolling Buffalo Woman

p s for those of you who don't know, some of the Indian Tribes in America also used to practice p m under certain conditions.
Hello I just read your message and thank you I need that message I am a Sister who been tru a lot and it brought peace and joy just reading your post thank you so much I am writing this at work yes it is 11 pm at night it is weekend where I should be home but since I have to work I am doing the best I can and God loves me and is taking care of me.Blessing and thank you for sharing .