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Smiles and lip gloss

I can't at all relate to the make up thing, lol. If I wear make up I look like I'm 16, it's ridiculous, I just look silly. I haven't worn it in years now. I agree though, hospitals really do dry you out! And it's awful being in hospital when you're pregnant with morning sickness, because the heat is really just too much
I can't relate either. :( And hospitals here are freezing! Or maybe your body temp just goes whack with childbirth...
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I have phased out of what makeup I used to wear. I'm too busy to bother with it, or replace what my neice took a couple years ago....the last few items I had.

Oh well. I'll just hope my tomato plants and kidlets don't mind.
I'll think of @windblown while I'm out pulling weeds.;)

Have thankfully only had to go to a hospital four times total in 21 years....once for an induction, three times to the ER with our boys.
Here I am thinking it would be nice to have someone to talk to when I'm sweating out in the garden covered in dirt and swatting mosquitoes.o_O
Well that too!
I was able to get outside yesterday and do a little yardwork. It is sure nice being able to garden. :)
I got out last night right before dark for long enough to catalog my grafted persimmon trees. I rubbed off below graft growth too (root suckers) and made note of how many rootstocks are ungrafted, and how many survived being grafted with bad wood that didn't grow.

I had good success with American persimmon rootstock. :)

Looking forward to tasting some fine fruit someday!
hospitals here are freezing!
Say what now? Look, I can deal with you all driving on the wrong side of the road, eating grilled cheese instead of mousetraps, saying sweet potato instead of kumara, and if I'm in a really good mood I might even be able to deal with you saying kiwi instead of kiwifruit, but don't tell me you don't even heat your hospitals right!
Stinking freaking hot they are here, which I guess is what sick people and new born babies need. Same in Ireland too so I sort of figured it was like that world over.
I got out last night right before dark for long enough to catalog my grafted persimmon trees.
Persimmons! One of my favourite fruits! We've tried to grow them here and not having much luck. They have a very short season to buy them in the shops so I'm guessing they don't grow that well in this country. They are amazing when you can get them though!
Say what now? Look, I can deal with you all driving on the wrong side of the road, eating grilled cheese instead of mousetraps, saying sweet potato instead of kumara, and if I'm in a really good mood I might even be able to deal with you saying kiwi instead of kiwifruit, but don't tell me you don't even heat your hospitals right!
Stinking freaking hot they are here, which I guess is what sick people and new born babies need. Same in Ireland too so I sort of figured it was like that world over.
Mousetraps! I am going to start using that!
Persimmons! One of my favourite fruits! We've tried to grow them here and not having much luck. They have a very short season to buy them in the shops so I'm guessing they don't grow that well in this country. They are amazing when you can get them though!
I have only had a couple in my life, but liked them. I'm looking forward to tasting some of these varieties.
Persimmons! One of my favourite fruits! We've tried to grow them here and not having much luck. They have a very short season to buy them in the shops so I'm guessing they don't grow that well in this country. They are amazing when you can get them though!
Persimmons grow wild around here. :eek:
Nope they keep them cold for infection control purposes. When I say cold I mean like 73 deg Fahrenheit
I've been trying to find out how hot our hospitals are but I can't find out anywhere. They're hotter than that though for sure. More like about 82 maybe?
My favorite lippie is Hottie by Younique. It's a lip plumper too! Or any if the actual lip glosses we have. They are so smooth and not sticky like some are.
But my main go to, it peppermint chapstick.
Can never go wrong with that even when it's not Christmas time. Lol