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0: When does marriage begin? - Structured discussion

So look it up, what is the one common element in every depiction of marriage in the Bible?
If you are implying that sex is a part of every marriage listed in scripture, then that is a false statement. While it is listed or at least implied in most, it is explicitly excepted in some like Joseph and Mary.

What is in every marriage without exception is an acknowledgment by one or both parties that they are married. Most typically by the man.
Because a covenant is a never mentioned element.

Ezekiel 16:8b. yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest mine.

Also Genesis 2:23. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

This is literally Adams spoken covenant
Intriguing possibility. How so?
He is publicly (before God and Eve) acknowledging the origin of a family and his intentions for the relationship. Obviously she may have been the only woman in history that was actually bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, but that’s not what he’s acknowledging. According to how Christ uses it in Matthew 19, he is indicating the beginning of a new flesh or family, not sex.

From two flesh/Families, one family.
John 4:16-18

Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.
The woman answered and said, I have (echo Strongs 2192) no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said,†I have (echo) no husband:
For thou hast had (echo) five husbands; and he whom thou now hast (echo) is not thy husband: in that sadist thou truly.

Echo. Strongs 2192.
  1. to hold one's self to a thing, to lay hold of a thing, to adhere or cling to
    1. to be closely joined to a person or a thing
So in plain 21st century English, she says that she is not presently joined to a husband. Jesus confirms that this is her present reality though she has been joined to five men who were her husband (presumably sequentially) and they are currently no longer joined to her. The sixth man that she is currently “echo” ed to is not her husband as she said. The remarkable thing here is that Christ said that she spoke truly about her current status. Echo’ed but without a husband.
POoOWWWWWW! Then compare that to Genesis 2:24’s cleave in the Hebrew
No mention of sex in the first marriage,
Genesis 2:18-25, only after the fall is there evidence.

Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate

God creates a marriage. If it can be separated, it's not of God.
Ya not much I would disagree with there; I've made many of the same points before. As was sort of implied by my original summation which left this out of the core formulation: there is a case to be made for covenant, but it is not open and shut.

As I sit here pondering I wonder, the Eph 5 example of marriage as a picture of the Christ-man relationship is a strong argument for marriage as a covenant. Although, marriage as mere contract doesn't really do justice to the mystery of a man and woman.
The real implication here is that sex is a covenant. Maybe you could say that marriage is formed by a covenant and that covenant is sex.
If you are implying that sex is a part of every marriage listed in scripture, then that is a false statement. While it is listed or at least implied in most, it is explicitly excepted in some like Joseph and Mary.

What is in every marriage without exception is an acknowledgment by one or both parties that they are married. Most typically by the man.
Beyond bogus. Scripture makes clear that Joseph slept with Mary. Certainly they were in a very unique state from Christ's conception until then but this marriage was consummated. You're straying close to early Roman Christians who wanted "married" couples to live in celibacy if they could.
Ezekiel 16:8b. yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest mine.

Also Genesis 2:23. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

This is literally Adams spoken covenant
And once again, and not for just the second time, the sex came before the covenant in Ezekiel and Adam's supposed covenant is pretty weak sauce since it was actually just a factual statement. Eve was literally bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. He could have just as easily been remarking on her hair color. He didn't promise to do anything or obligate either of them in any way. He stated a fact. She came from him. If this is a covenant than it is the dumbest one ever. It promises nothing, it accomplishes nothing. It's just not a covenant. It certainty isn't claimed to be in the text.
He is publicly (before God and Eve) acknowledging the origin of a family and his intentions for the relationship. Obviously she may have been the only woman in history that was actually bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, but that’s not what he’s acknowledging. According to how Christ uses it in Matthew 19, he is indicating the beginning of a new flesh or family, not sex.

From two flesh/Families, one family.
Christ does not refer at all to Adam's "bone of my bone" statement. He refers simply to one flesh. Your are essentially claiming that Christ is referencing Adam's alleged covenant when He is clearly referring to the one flesh relationship that can also be experinced with a harlot. This is very thin ice sir. You are straining very hard to get your desired outcome.
No mention of sex in the first marriage,
Genesis 2:18-25, only after the fall is there evidence.

Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate

God creates a marriage. If it can be separated, it's not of God.
I am astounded and frankly flabbergasted. I literally don't know how to respond to the idea that there was no mention of sex in the Garden marriage.
I am astounded and frankly flabbergasted. I literally don't know how to respond to the idea that there was no mention of sex in the Garden marriage.

You probably should read the post again, I reference gen 2:18-25
You know what, I'm done with this. Genesis 2:24 lays out exactly how to form a marriage and it's leave and cleave. Read it. It's one verse. There are no covenants or ceremonies or blessings or dowries or anything. A man who forms a household and has sex with a woman can stand before God Almighty say that he has met God's standard for a one flesh relationship. I.can make the argument that he doesn't have to form a household but simply be willing to exercise his authority over his wife and children.
But if you want to add anything other than Genesis 2:24 then you're way off base. God has spoken and that's simply it.
Now I am of course waiting to see how someone tries to shoehorn a covenant in to this verse.
Ezekiel 16:8b. yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest mine.

Also Genesis 2:23. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

This is literally Adams spoken covenant

I think the covenant of marriage was not made by Adam, but God.
According to you.

Why do you like to fight with everyone?
Because this issue is incredibly important. The name of this ministry is Biblicalfamilies. We have to know what God says about marriage. It's central to what's going on here. And adultery is a really big deal. We have to know the truth if we're to spread the truth. Most of us don't have the truth on this.
Look if we were talking about eschatology or tithing or baptism methods I wouldn't care that much. But this literally the foundational issue we're all here about. It's the literal reason we're here, to determine what God teaches about marriage.
You know what, I'm done with this.
I hope not because you are definitely helping me with figuring this out. Weather I end up agreeing with you or not I find your input helpful. “Great minds think alike” is the old saying...
Because this issue is incredibly important. The name of this ministry is Biblicalfamilies. We have to know what God says about marriage. It's central to what's going on here. And adultery is a really big deal. We have to know the truth if we're to spread the truth. Most of us don't have the truth on this.
Look if we were talking about eschatology or tithing or baptism methods I wouldn't care that much. But this literally the foundational issue we're all here about. It's the literal reason we're here, to determine what God teaches about marriage.

I appreciate your passion but none of us are the authority on the subject and all the adjectives towards others don't help in the discussion.

And don't think I am not as passionate about families and marriage either.
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No mention of sex in the first marriage,
Genesis 2:18-25, only after the fall is there evidence.

Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate

God creates a marriage. If it can be separated, it's not of God.
Genesis 1:28 he commands it.