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101 things to do while waiting for a second wife


Real Person*
Calling all Biblical Families members with a sense of humour...

What is a potential patriarch to do when there are no potentials in sight (for years...)?

Help me out here with the list, I only got up to 48!

Continue the number sequence with your replies and the person who posts reason 101 is the winner!

101 things to do while waiting for a second wife

1. Sit the children down and read to them “My two mommy’s ”
2. Go through your list of friends and take bets on who will disown you the fastest.
3. Contemplate the one bed / separate beds debate
4. Don’t throw out all your baby stuff ‘just in case’
5. Do up a list of churches that might put up with weirdos like us.
6. Rearrange the spare room to get it just right.
7. Read Isaiah 4:1 and discuss how you would humbly settle for just one extra woman grabbing hold of you and that seven is a bit over the top (although if seven is the number you will accept that anyway).
8. Work out how much older you have gotten since you first started looking!
9. Imagine the scene at church when you walk in with a second wife in tow.
10. Plan the first ‘special meal’.
11. Go through the healthcare brochures and see if you would still fit under the ‘family cover’ definition.
12. Buy a larger fridge and freezer.
13. Fantasize about calling the FLDS - “Hello, is that FLDS, can you mail me a membership pack”?
14. Log onto the Utah travel site (http://www.utah.com/) and think about the many features of the beehive state.
15. Cross a few more items off the ‘she must have’ personal profile list.
16. Subscribe to a poly personal site and sit by your inbox waiting for the flood of responses.
17. Calculate the discounts you will get when you start buying in bulk like the Duggars (the more you spend, the more you save ?!#)
18. Locate a doctor you can all go to for blood tests that is not your normal doctor (hey, who has been messing with my anti-paranoia tablets)
19. Give advice on polygamy to others on Biblical Families from your deep well of expertise.
20. Discuss the duration and location of the honeymoon.
21. Go ring shopping.
22. Start to find head coverings strangely attractive.
23. Consider the pros and cons of African village life.
24. Narrow the ‘she must have’ list down to two items – “Christian” and “has a pulse”.
25. Start a home group specialising in ministry to single mothers.
26. Run through the “widows we know” list again.
27. Go bed shopping
28. Begin thinking that the second cousin thing is not so bad really.
29. Contemplate the virtues of with and without beards for profile photos.
30. Go to the gym and turn yourself into a chick magnet.
31. Scroll in your mind through the list of all the women at church and why they are off the list.
32. Speculate on who will visit you for “the talk” – the elders or the pastor or both.
33. Regret ever starting to research biblical polygamy.
34. Remind your wife about all the wonderful benefits of polygamy for women (honey I am pretty much doing this for you!)
35. Visit car dealerships and enquire about vehicle models with a bench seat at the front "wide enough for three adults to sit together"
36. Talk out loud about how this house seems so empty.
37. If your wife has an unmarried sister, develop a deep inner conviction that Leviticus 18:18 is about vexing and not sisterhood per se.
38. Print a “second wife wanted” flier and letterbox the neighbourhood.
39. Move out of your current neighbourhood real quick (see item 38).
40. Notice things that would be so much easier if you had another adult around.
41. Discuss the joint/separate bank accounts issue.
42. Subtly eliminate phrases from your conversation like “you are the only one for me” and “just you and me baby”.
43. Imitate Martin Luther and develop a deep burden for nuns and an urge to help them leave the monastery and start a new life (wherever that may lead?)
44. Browse the Wikipedia article on the legal status of polygamy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_polygamy ) and see if somehow while you weren’t looking, polygamy has become legalised in your country.
45. Run a yard sale specialising in cheap baby gear and then become really helpful to selected customers.
46. Make matching sailor suits for all the children and parade them the park (okay it’s a long shot).
47. Train your wife to include “lord” in all replies (1 Peter 3:6)
48. Brush up on homeschooling in preparation for your forthcoming status as 'social pariah'.

ylop the secret believer
49. Build an addition on the house with a second master bedroom so the second wife will have her own good space.
50. Start using the new space as your own in-home private space.
51. Doodle and research a home design that gives each wife a small suite, AND that can be added onto if you get mobbed by 7. (See #7 above.)
52. Begin using hair color to maintain the image of the youth you were when you began researching PM.
53. Defend the Patriarchs' marriages in Sabbath or Sunday school.
54. Find yet another new church. (See # 53.)
55. Try an ad on Craig's List.

Ok, there's 7 more!
56. Continue to find ways to prove to your first wife that you are not seeking to replace her.
57. Do an exhaustive Bible study documenting every argument we have for polgyny in order to be prepared for the "talk" with the pastor and everyone else in your life.
58. Rewrite your will to exclude the adult children who have abandoned you.
59. Find creative ways to express your love for your wife while not promoting exclusivity.
60. Begin an exhaustive study on natural aphrodesiacs.
61. Begin stockpiling "Viagra" just in case.

There are a few more.

simply brilliant.

62. discuss "hotracking" in case the number of participants were to ever outrun the bed supply.
63. study "Cheaper By The Dozen" for clues to operating a large family.
64. obtain all of the episodes of "Sister Wives" and have discussions of "what we will/will not do".
65. Begin writing the DEFINITIVE defense of PM from scripture. Get stalled partway through. There's just too much to write! Use Tom Shipley's books instead.
66. Start writing graffiti on public restroom walls. One male and two female symbols interwoven followed by, "Plural Marriage: Accept the Responsibility, Reap the Benefits!"
67. Try going on an all raw diet.
68. Build a substantial library of PM positive books.
69. Write a Doctoral Thesis on PM.

Do we have to stop at 101?
From hubby
70. Grow tall hedges on both sides of your yard for privacy from nosy neighbors.
71. Have your wife specify which of the domestic chores she would like the new wife to take over when she arrives.
72. Add on to your driveway for the extra vehicles. (Think Church parking lot)
73. Purchase additional life insurance.
74. Begin sleeping away from your wife every other night so that she can get used to the idea.
75. Inquire about new family cell phone plan
76. Inquire about family membership at the local gym
77. Find catalogs that feature prairie dresses and modest clothing
78. Start looking for property appropriate for the "compound"
79. Get a BIG easy chair for yourself and put it in the family room. Quietly designate it (but only within the confines of your own mind) as your Throne! Try really hard to keep the attitude from showing.
80. Learn Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic so as to be able to read and argue from the original languages.

PS: These suggestions are NOT necessarily autobiographical. Some however, unfortunately, I have actually seen done.
81. find home-based businesses which can involve the entire family.
82. eye the for-rent house next door and envision the fence...
83. Purchase stock in Revlon, Max Factor and other companies that sell female oriented products. You may as well profit from them since you will be spending so much money on their products.
84. Begin to purchase chickens and other small animals for organic food
85. Begin a garden
86. Encourage your wife to learn to can fresh vegetables and make jelly
87. Purchase a sewing machine so your wife can learn to sew her own clothing and teach future wives to do the same
88. Create and present a power point on the true meaning of the phrase "Visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction"
89. Start looking for a small school bus for family outings
90. Install seat belts in the bus

90a. .. and paint "Team Xxxxxx" (your surname) on the side of the bus.
91. Try taking small school bus with existing family through the drive through at McDonald's as a trial run. Buy NEW small school bus.
92. Fast for a divine revelation to settle the "mia" question in Titus and Timothy.
93. Find a drive-in theater that plays family oriented films so you can pay by the carload instead of individually.
94. Install port-a-potty and baby changing stations is the aforementioned bus.
95. Build yourself a man-cave so you can escape when the whole family is angry at you.

96. Play the game "Seconds of Silence" with your spouse. Pull out your mobile phone and pick an old friend at random. Before you make the call to share the revelation of biblical marriage and its personal fulfilment, make a bet with your spouse on how many seconds of silence there will be. 0-2 seconds - relationship may be salvaged; 3-5 seconds - only after deep prayer and counselling and the space of a year or two; 6-10 seconds you have got the boot; 10 seconds plus - relocate now before child protection arrives.

97. Listen to Britney Spears' "3" (but don't watch the video, it will spoil the concept for you).

98. If the local market won't supply, consider importing - so research those green card rules at http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis .

99. Learn to fully appreciate the wife you have
100. Speak to a financial planner
101. Have yourself committed. (Who would want more than one wife?)
101a. Make a list of all the reasons that Christian Biblical Marriage is not the same as FLDS plural marriage.

Congratulations Sweetlissa, you are the winner with post 101!

And the prize is to be awarded the honorific title of SUPER POSTER for the day. Sorry I couldn't come up with much better over the web.

Also as I think Cecil said, why stop at 101, we are on a roll...
103. Change your mobile phone ring tone to the Big Love theme song.

104. Floss your teeth.

105. Write drafts of your vows.

106. (for men) Pretend to like Valentine's Day

107. Regarding 106, work out how you will juggle that day in the future so everybody is equally happy and special.

Ok, I'm gonna hyave to do #103!
I think the Big Love theme song is very sad and discouraging "I may not always love you"

And as for Valentine's day we always said that if hubby was doing his job right, making us both (all) feel loved and wanted then we didn't need one day a year to scream romance at us. So we would just all cuddle on the couch and get take-out and watch a sappy love movie together. As long as hubby "romances" each wife, there shouldn't be any issues with Valentine's Day. If there is one woman who truly needs that, I bet the other women/women could find it in their hearts to not be jealous of it.

sweetlissa said:
So we would just all cuddle on the couch and get take-out and watch a sappy love movie together.

108. Buy a larger couch.
109. Print up a welcome pack to give to potential new wives. The glossy front cover has a photo of your entire family standing out the front of your house, with the husband holding a garden hose. Everyone is looking sad. The caption reads "As for me and my H O S E, we will serve the Lord"; and underneath that, "U are needed to make our family complete".
110. Bake gingerbread women.

111.) Plan family outings and see how many different looks you get as the new wife interacts with the children.
112.) Decide what the children will call the new wife.
113. Call Greyhound to see how much it will cost to charter a bus to take entire family on cross-country vacation.

114. Call different motel chains to see how much it will cost to reserve an entire floor for that vacation.

115. Figure out what the grandkids will call all those extra grandmothers - especially the "grandmothers" who are younger than they are... :lol:

And regarding #69 (Write a Doctoral Thesis on PM) that's what got me into this mess in the first place!