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101 things to do while waiting for a second wife

What I find particularly hilarious is the number of them I am already doing, before I ever read them here...

162 is a great idea also!
169. Wonder why all the sincere single women who are truly looking for a good polygamous family always need about $500.00 to fix their car because they unexpectedly need a new transmission...
170. Feel an odd mix of appreciation and sadness when a good Christian friend is genuinely concerned for your eternal soul and assures you that they'll be praying for you.
171. Answer the inevitable questions from you're work buddies with statements like, "C'mon guys, any fella out there who can convince two women to be okay with his having a relationship with both of them at the same time shouldn't be punished. If anything, he deserves a medal!" ;)
172. Check your list of potentials yet again, scratch off the names of any women with the same first name as your first wife... just to avoid any confusing situations
jacobhaivri said:
... the names of any women with the same first name as your first wife... just to avoid any confusing situations

Actually ... wouldn't that solve the "crossing rivers" problem?" :roll: :lol: All wives must share the same first name, to avoid hurt feelings if the wrong name tumbles from your lips ...
I agree entirely with Cecil. It would also
- Help enormously in discussions with acquaintances who you didn't want to bother getting into the whole discussion with - you could just speak freely of your wives without having to be careful who you talked about, and they'd never realise you were talking about a different woman today than you were yesterday!
- Save changing the names on your mailbox
- Mean you could recycle Christmas gift labels, Vallentine's day cards, birthday cards... :D
- Mean the wives could share clothing labels
I'm sure there would be many other advantages also. The major problem is that seeking this would drastically reduce the number of suitable women you had to choose from...

Unless you had their names changed by deed poll. "Honey, since we can't get a legal wedding, would you like to change your last name by deed poll to mine instead? While we're about it, let's just change your first name too, so if I accidentally call you wife 1's name you won't notice." I'm sure that would go down really well... :lol:
Have all the wives answer to one of the following names only.
My Love
along with several that ...shall we say is a bit more private. When speaking of them in public you can use some of the following
My sugar plum
My boss lady
The little woman
The wife
I am sure others can be thought of as well.
actually, i used to be on the board a whole lot more, and we are not even married yet :D

would hanging out on the board be # 173? or was that covered in the dim recesses of time? (i ain't a-gonna check right now)
169. Wonder why all the sincere single women who are truly looking for a good polygamous family always need about $500.00 to fix their car because they unexpectedly need a new transmission...

This one has evolved. Now they all need it to fix their laptop. You sending the money sort of guarantees that the computer goes bad and they can no longer correspond with you!

I have heard of this scam working a number of times.
Just to prove I am not serious all the time, this is my favourite thread on BF.

For newer members, I suggest starting at the beginning.

Feel free to add number 170 and beyond...
Chaplain said:
Have all the wives answer to one of the following names only.
My Love
along with several that ...shall we say is a bit more private. When speaking of them in public you can use some of the following
My sugar plum
My boss lady
The little woman
The wife
I am sure others can be thought of as well.

LOL! Back when I was in high school and the Navy I nicknamed all of my girlfriends "Angel". That way when my sister or one of the guys on my ship handed me the phone and said "It's your girlfriend" I could just say "Hi Angel" and I'd be correct without having to ask which one. I knew better. They would have been on the phone asking, "Hey, he wants to know which one."

It's funny how I had a lot more women interested in me when I wasn't looking for til-death-do-us-part.