I understand
@Patricia C .
I have family that are "gap babies" and my mother has basically adopted such a young lady. She has been her guardian for 11 years, loves her, and expects (Lord willing) to raise her the remaining 6 years until she is 18.
Like I have said in other posts, some think we are racist for believing that the Caucasians are the real descendants of Jacob/Israel, and other people we know (who believe the Caucasian/Israel doctrine, but have leanings to wrong "supremacy" ideology) think we are not racist enough because we believe salvation is offered to all, and Christians no matter what "family of the earth " they came from are all part of the body of Christ.
The segregation that God required of Israel in biblical times was about being separate from wrong living and beliefs. The crime rate in South Africa suggests that there are different ideologies there. The fact that the government is not stopping the violence, and is stealing from the people (by making laws allowing the theft) means they will bring judgment upon themselves.
The unregennerate of the world are the problem, Christ is the solution.
Natural man will easily distrust people that appear to be different (a different 'race') and so segregation happens. Christians with discernment can see the 'inner man,' and trust other believers.
All that said, we all "inherit" from our parents different strengths and weaknesses. The greatest strength I know of is the ability to be honest about the truth, and the lies we have inherited like Jeremiah wrote about.
The Israelites God sowed in South Africa were very blessed, and built that nation. The destruction and burning of municipal buildings is probably being done by a radical minority of the majority race, but the first rule of authority applies. If you are in charge, it is all your fault. Those majority people need to take proper action, clean up the corruption, and do justice, but that is not likely to happen.
The minority people are on the right track of affirming Christianity and right (industrious) living. Hopefully that "light" can spread to other communities.
@steve has made a good point about righteous segregation. It is about accountability for what happens under your roof, or in your community, or on your watch.
The song "One tin soldier" comes to mind.
One cannot get what the one that worked for it has (skills and work ethic) by stealing.
Killing the farmers is no more how to improve the quality of life over there then eating the goose that lays the golden eggs. Especially if (as we believe) those farmers are Israelites.
Some of these thoughts may seem disconnected. Interruptions abound here.