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Addressing the 'mutual submission' fallacy...

Having been a parent non-stop since 1976 (last one leaving the nest in a year or so) and a parent of teenagers since 1982, I have watched a steady transformation of the parent-child dynamic usher itself in, with the opposite of resistance. It is now not at all uncommon for parents to submit to their children; in fact, parents are often shamed by other parents for not submitting to their children's bottomless demands.

Sadly yes. And they're all miserable for it.

Women and children are our rulers.

That's definitely not submission and is more akin to the posture of a spoiled brat, but, at the same time, we are remiss if we fix our gaze only on the woman in the scenario; if, like the spoiled child, she can 'get away with it,' what does that say about the leadership ability of the man (which is his responsibility in the matter)?

True. But the point of addressing this fallacy is to end the arguments used by teachers to get men to surrender his responsibility in the matter.

in which case one has to reasonable assume that they didn't make such expectations clear because they were afraid of losing the prospective mate. In such circumstances, it is functionally unfair for the men to go on to grind the ax of, "My wife just won't submit."

This is a big assumption which the affect of the curse and the predilection of women to resist leadership even when they want to be submissive (Romans 7:15-20). Not to mention most Christian men were not taught the proper way and came to an understanding after getting married.

In most effective militaries, to put oneself into that hierarchy of authority is voluntary submission

Signing up is voluntary, much like marriage. But once in the military you very much have no choice in the matter, the submission is not at all voluntary.