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Article on divorce and remarriage

As I was studying this out, I ran across an old thread on this forum, "Is Divorce a Sin?", that references the very article this thread opens with. While there is some tense back and forth discussion in the thread, I think it gives more food for thought.
I would like to know if polygamy was made legal in a country in the Western World, she their be a limit on the number of wives that a man can have like in Islam? In Iran the limit is 4. What does the bible say on the number of wives a man can have? Should their be a limit?
There aren't any limits as such but in Exodus 21:10 we are told that if a man takes another wife he must meet his obligations in providing food, clothing, and conjugal needs. Similar principle in 1 Cor. 7:3-5. There are obvious practical limits for each man but marriage is about companionship (cf. Gen. 2:18); for the husband it is to be a companion-provider and the wife/wives to be a companion-helper. I agree with FH2 above; Blanket rules are stupid, and some men aren't good companion-providers for one wife. On the flip side; some women aren't such good companion-helpers and having several of them wouldn't make for such happy families either.