I am curious what in your minds is a good amount to stack? Originally I was under the impression of 10% of your total assets in metal, however as one becomes more wealthy this doesn't scale well. I was thinking somewhere around 100oz of silver and 1 oz of gold is a good starting goal for a single man. Topping at maybe 1000oz of silver and 10oz of gold for a man with a house and a wife, maybe 2. Until you have a larger family (multiple wives and sons) and can produce at least 90% of what you consume I see no reason to stack above that, short of being in an actual community utilizing metals for transacting. Thoughts?
I've heard somewhere in the ballpark of 5-10% of your total net worth (including home equity, 401k, bank accounts, and everything). Jack Spirko from "The Survival Podcast" has long recommended 5-10%.
@FollowingHim suggests, balance is needed and other things (such as food) should be a higher priority.
Before buying any significant silver or gold, I'd recommend having at least a basic amount of food storage (30+ days minimum), some basic cash reserves (say $1000-2000 bare minimum), some water storage and filtration ability (Sawyer mini filter minimum), first aid kit with tourniquet, fire extinguisher, winter clothing, blankets, tent, tools, etc. I'd also recommend having at least a couple weapons (handgun and long gun plus ammo). If I lived where I could not have guns, then I'd grab a few edged or melee weapons such as a bow, spear, machete, bat, knives, etc.
Another consideration is that an urban or suburban person should probably have a larger percentage of their assets in metals than a rural person who has a substantial amount of other tangible assets of value such as farmland, and equipment. The rural man is also able to provide for more of his own pwn needs (thus less need for gold and silver).
I think your estimate of 100 oz silver and 1 oz gold for a single man, and up to 1000 oz silver and 10 oz gold for a basic nuclear family man seem pretty reasonable.
If I get over the 1000+10 level myself, I will probably look to buy farmland or other assets instead.