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Birth Control Makes You Mentally Ill and Ruins Your Marriage


Seasoned Member
Real Person*

Basically, it causes depression in teenagers.

But wait, there is more...


Women not on birth control will be attracted to the sent of people whose immune system genes are genetically dissimilar (but not too much). But on birth control, they prefer the scent of people very similar to them (i.e. family who will protect and care for them). And this similarity, when they try to have kids, will cause "higher rates of miscarriage and experienced longer intervals between pregnancies". Additionally, it ruins their sex life...

What's more, among heterosexual couples, similar MHC profiles spell relational difficulty, Christine Garver-Apgar, a psychologist at the University of New Mexico, has found. "As the proportion of MHC alleles increased, women's sexual responsiveness to their partners decreased, and their number of sex partners outside the relationship increased," Garver-Apgar reports. The number of MHC genes couples shared corresponded directly with the likelihood that they would cheat on one another; if a man and woman had 50 percent of their MHC alleles in common, the woman had a 50 percent chance of sleeping with another man behind her partner's back.

That's a 25% increase in the chance of cheating over the average.

Not using the pill also makes you sexier...

Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of New Mexico and author of The Mating Mind, noticed the pill's connection to waning male desire while studying a group of exotic dancers—women whose livelihoods depend on how sexually appealing they are to male customers. Non-pill-using dancers made about 50 percent more in tips than dancers on oral contraceptives. In other words, women who were on the pill were only about two-thirds as sexy as women who weren't.

This is the problem with sex before marriage and the current dating system. Virtually no one abstains, even Christians, and a great percentage are on birth control. Which means vast numbers of women are marrying men they aren't actually attracted to.

This is what happens when you mess with God's designs; when you attempt to circumvent the first command to men.

Be fruitful and multiply.
This also suggests a new solution to couples who are struggling to find that spark in their relationship: stop taking the pill.

It also explains why so many relationships today have deadbedrooms. That's pretty much the norm these days. But so is taking the pill while you sleeping around before marriage. Dating and marrying a woman who is on the pill is like signing up for life long pregnancy sex (most fathers can tell you the dramatic difference in sexual desire that often, though not always, comes with pregnancy).
I think they were off mentally to want the pill! But that's just me. :D

May explain a bit of why my life is awesome too.
It always did seem a bit odd to me that
In biblical times it was considered a curse for a woman to be unable to have children or Barron.
In modern times many church woman (with little opposition from their men) will go to their doctor and ask for ,what is effectively a curse.
Ask god to bless us at church on every Sunday , then go home and take a curse every day.
They are also over-prescribing it for regulating cycles in very young teen girls.

Just setting them right up. :mad:

I've heard second hand of at least 3 or 4 different excuses used to prescribe it to teens; I'm sure there are far more. And I'm certain it's all really just about population control and getting women hooked on pharma young.
I was put on the pill at the age of 14 because I had bad PMS. I did, and I was also struggling with the death of my mother which didn't help. There's plenty of other alternatives, plenty of natural things I could've tried, but I was never told about anything other than going on the pill. It did it's job, but I'm horrified now that I put those chemicals and hormones into my body at such a young age.
If “The Prophet” Goldberg’s Mother had been on the pill, the poor Hollywood Hillbilly would currently Not Be a Pin Cushion
Heavenly Father Help Me


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I was put on the pill at the age of 14 because I had bad PMS. I did, and I was also struggling with the death of my mother which didn't help. There's plenty of other alternatives, plenty of natural things I could've tried, but I was never told about anything other than going on the pill. It did it's job, but I'm horrified now that I put those chemicals and hormones into my body at such a young age.
My mother would not let the doctor put me on the pill for my heavy and painful cycles. She would not let me have any treatment at all for it. I have been on the Pill for 10 years now and no longer have a cycle. Speaking for myself I am profoundly thankful because it means that I can care for my son, my home and leave the house. The pain was worse than labour pains, walking it looked like I left a murder scene behind me... sorry if TMI. I tried every other medical and natural remedy at my disposal. None of them worked for me. The only other option would be a hysterectomy, but with other issues, I am not a good candidate for elective surgery.
My mother would not let the doctor put me on the pill for my heavy and painful cycles. She would not let me have any treatment at all for it. I have been on the Pill for 10 years now and no longer have a cycle. Speaking for myself I am profoundly thankful because it means that I can care for my son, my home and leave the house. The pain was worse than labour pains, walking it looked like I left a murder scene behind me... sorry if TMI. I tried every other medical and natural remedy at my disposal. None of them worked for me. The only other option would be a hysterectomy, but with other issues, I am not a good candidate for elective surgery.

Thank you for sharing your story. I also took it for a number of years. Mine was to deal with ovarian cysts. I was too young in high school to know to look into home remedies or other avenues besides the pill. It did help. I haven't taken it for a number of years and last time I tried to take it the side effects were so bad that I quit taking it. Thankfully I've only had a few cysts in that time period, and have been able to deal with them without needing to do anything but take it easy during that time. I'm glad that it provides a way to make your life more enjoyable. :)
My mother would not let the doctor put me on the pill for my heavy and painful cycles. She would not let me have any treatment at all for it. I have been on the Pill for 10 years now and no longer have a cycle. Speaking for myself I am profoundly thankful because it means that I can care for my son, my home and leave the house. The pain was worse than labour pains, walking it looked like I left a murder scene behind me... sorry if TMI. I tried every other medical and natural remedy at my disposal. None of them worked for me. The only other option would be a hysterectomy, but with other issues, I am not a good candidate for elective surgery.
So if you no longer have a cycle, I guess you are rendered infertile now and can no longer have children because of long term use of the birth control pill? One child is it for you, huh? Unless a miracle were to occur? After my hysterectomy, which I considered to be medically necessary at the time, I thought it was great for a while that I had no cycle. Then the regret came. I've had that regret for over a decade now. I made a lot of decisions in my younger years that I regret now. It seems like irreversible decisions are always bad ones.

So if you no longer have a cycle, I guess you are rendered infertile now and can no longer have children because of long term use of the birth control pill? One child is it for you, huh? Unless a miracle were to occur? After my hysterectomy, which I considered to be medically necessary at the time, I thought it was great for a while that I had no cycle. Then the regret came. I've had that regret for over a decade now. I made a lot of decisions in my younger years that I regret now. It seems like irreversible decisions are always bad ones.
My son is my only living child, my daughter passed in 2014. I do not have regrets about what I do not have, nor covet it. I focus on the blessings that the Lord has given me instead. if He only wills me to have one living child, that is His will. If He chooses to give me another child, in spite of taking the Pill, that child will be welcomed as a blessing and a joy. Many couples do not even have the blessing of one child, so I am more blessed than many others are in regards to children. There are many reasons a woman may experience secondary infertility and only have one child. She is no less of a godly woman than a woman who has a Quiverfull. Instead, I am going to continue to rejoice in the son He has blessed me with and hopefully God will bless my son with his own Quiverfull of arrows and I will have many grandchildren to love and spoil.
My son is my only living child, my daughter passed in 2014. I do not have regrets about what I do not have, nor covet it. I focus on the blessings that the Lord has given me instead. if He only wills me to have one living child, that is His will. If He chooses to give me another child, in spite of taking the Pill, that child will be welcomed as a blessing and a joy. Many couples do not even have the blessing of one child, so I am more blessed than many others are in regards to children. There are many reasons a woman may experience secondary infertility and only have one child. She is no less of a godly woman than a woman who has a Quiverfull. Instead, I am going to continue to rejoice in the son He has blessed me with and hopefully God will bless my son with his own Quiverfull of arrows and I will have many grandchildren to love and spoil.

Beautiful ❤️
Certainly, the point of the OP and ensuing comments is not to disparage a 'bad decision' or in any way open the 'infertility wound' that so many ladies and couples secretly bear. Yah knows, we are all 'damaged goods' in one way or another as a result of being reared in a culture that is pagan to the core. With very rare exception, most entered our monogamous (mis)understanding of marriage having already lost our virginity and violated any number of God's laws. Then, in many cases, we managed to mess up that marriage with a divorce or bad decisions even if remaining married, etc...

So, judgment of self and others in not necessary or helpful. We are where we are. The big question is, 'What are we going to do about it?'

This is Biblical Families!! We all come in the door messed up, but we are learning, growing and being 'armed' with information and wisdom that helps us make better decisions, teach our children (and others), and maybe even lead us to be the change in someone else's life.

This subject is one such difficult topic where we all have walked, whether by proxy (me through my wife) or personally (my wife). Thanks for posting @rockfox and I pray we not be offended or hurt, but encouraged to arm ourselves and help fix the next generation.

Yet more evidence that it literally is a divorce pill...

The study found that women taking the pill, or oral contraceptives, had a smaller hypothalamus than women not taking the pill. The hypothalamus is a pea-size structure deep inside the brain that helps regulate involuntary functions, such as appetite, body temperature and emotions. It also serves as a link between the nervous system and endocrine system, a network of glands that produce hormones.
"that's a pretty sizable difference," Lipton said.
interfere with these effects and lead to less brain cell growth.
the researchers did find that a smaller hypothalamus is associated with increased anger and symptoms of depression.

This would explain why increased depression was found most strongly in teens; their growing brains were most susceptible. And all the angry bitter housewives.

What the article glosses over is that the hypothalamus produces a number of hormones critical to other functions. What is happening is that birth control works by dosing you with estrogen and progestin. The elevated levels of these cause decreased function of the hypothalamus overall, affecting other hormones. Key here are the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, affecting sexual desire. But not just that, the hypothalamus also produces dopamine and norepinephrine, which are a critical part of the attraction bonding process. It literally reduces her ability to feel in love. It is a lack of these same hormones that also can cause depression symptoms.

Birth control also inhibits the attachment process as the hypothalamus produces Oxytocin, the happy cuddle hormone which is produced in abundance when a woman orgasms. In other words, birth control will inhibit her ability to have as good of orgasms (maybe even orgasm at all?) and result in reduced sexual pleasure and subsequent bonding. Vasopressin also is involved in attachment and starts its production process in the hypothalamus (it also helps regulate water retention and kidney function....ergo birth control may be contributing to the sudden obesity and diabetes outbreaks and high blood pressure).

Birth control also raises levels of serotonin which inhibits sexual desire, causes depression and inhibits her from going into that love infatuation phase.

In other words the pill directly inhibits a woman's ability to pair bond and reduce her assessment of you as a lover. It literally is a divorce pill.

There is a little bit of poetic justice here. Violating God's design for sex and reproduction leads to a decrease in enjoyable sex and sick, unhealthy bodies. But we are never told this when encouraged by parents, society and doctors to drug our selves or our daughters and wives up on destructive birth control.

The divorce pill.

The love killer pill.

The obesity pill.

For better or worse, attraction and love is the foundation of modern marriage; it is ultimately the main thing keeping her with you. Her taking birth control destroys this. It is cyanide for marriages.
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