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Can childbirth and childrearing improve charecter?

Cultural Imperialism? Actually, I think the problem here is actually cultural marxism. I guess the liberals own the word "genocide" now! :roll:

See you at the anti-Columbus day parade March!
itainteasy said:
Cultural Imperialism? Actually, I think the problem here is actually cultural marxism.

I can see you have travelled far and wide...... :roll:
No actually I have not had the means to travel much in my life. I hope you are not going to "discriminate" against me because you don't "like" people who have not had the privilege to travel as much as yourself! That would be shocking (not to mention unamerican!). :lol:

I happen to share the gene pool of those horrible guys who were brave enough to make extensive travel possible for people such as yourself (Columbus, Magellan, etc.) Though I think they took their conquering/"evangelism" a bit too far but were not worse than the natives who were already here killing, conquering and genociding each other for centuries before these guys came! I am a trekkie and I think the "Prime Directive" sounds like a good model to follow regarding intercultural relations-sort of like how the apostles decided that the gentiles did not need circumcision/offerings/holy days etc. while they continues their covenenant practices with God. I am still formulating this idea and am open to any biblical correction-I know Star Trek is not neccesarily the best place to get my philosophy!

Although English is not my first language, and I am not originally from the USA, I don't use my "downtrodden minority" calling card and try to make congress pass laws to force my way in to jobs, restaurants, etc. where i'm not wanted anyway! Sorry for referring to another thread but it's pertinent! Maybe I don't cry "discrimination" because most of the men in my family were jailed under a marxist regime and now, once the marxists realized that economic marxism is unworkable, they are pushing a social kind of marxism on us: that we can all be "oneworldpeople" united nations style! No thank you. The right of every sovering nation to have self determination and keep their own culture is real. The only ones who benefit from the diluting of cultures are multinational corporations and international bankers/united nations type leaders-not the nations or peoples themsleves.

My children are of mixed race/nationality. I think I am eminently qualified to say that cultural/racial mixing has its good points and its bad points. I would not advocate it for its wonderful health benefits/enrichment of a family, though.
itainteasy said:
No actually I have not had the means to travel much in my life.

Thought not.

rubicon said:
Why travel? I like it right here!

Is it nice? Perhaps I might come and see the place for myself (I jest not) to do that, I need to travel, how else will I visit all those on my awesome peoples list?


I am not saying that people have to marry outside their own culture. Just that it can have certain benefits in some cases.

For instance a woman from a Muslim culture might not want to marry a husband who believes Sura 4:34 gives him a right to beat his wife un-lovingly and might benefit by marrying someone from another culture.

And those wives whose refractoriness ye fear, exhort them, and avoid them in beds, and beat them; but if they obey you, seek not a way against them; verily Allah is ever Lofty, Grand.

Abdul Daryabadi


And a Christian man might not want to marry a woman who thinks it is a woman's right to have a live babies brain sucked out with a vacuum cleaner.

So both can benefit by marrying someone from another culture.
DiscussingTheTopic said:
And a Christian man might not want to marry a woman who thinks it is a woman's right to have a live babies brain sucked out with a vacuum cleaner.

So both can benefit by marrying someone from another culture.

You know, Islam does not have any proscription against early abortion right? AFAIK, Abortion is easily available in most Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh and Taoist countries, the cultural traditions often overriding any scriptural injunctions. The people who have the most problem with Abortion are American Christians.
If you are looking for an pro-"life" woman DTT you are better off looking in your own backyard.
Edit to add, I forgot Buddhists.

Isabella said:
DiscussingTheTopic said:
And a Christian man might not want to marry a woman who thinks it is a woman's right to have a live babies brain sucked out with a vacuum cleaner.

So both can benefit by marrying someone from another culture.

You know, Islam does not have any proscription against early abortion right? AFAIK, Abortion is easily available in most Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh and Taoist countries, the cultural traditions often overriding any scriptural injunctions. The people who have the most problem with Abortion are American Christians.
If you are looking for an pro-"life" woman DTT you are better off looking in your own backyard.
Edit to add, I forgot Buddhists.


Isn't abortion after 3 months forbidden in Islam? You know there are still many other desirable qualities about marrying a Muslim woman who is not a feminist that are better than marrying a "christian" woman who is a feminist.

You still haven't explained how the Muslim woman would be generally better off marrying a Muslim man with Sura 4:34 one of the ways it is commonly understood.
DiscussingTheTopic said:
Isn't abortion after 3 months forbidden in Islam? You know there are still many other desirable qualities about marrying a Muslim woman who is not a feminist that are better than marrying a "christian" woman who is a feminist.

You still haven't explained how the Muslim woman would be generally better off marrying a Muslim man with Sura 4:34 one of the ways it is commonly understood.

Because he is a Muslim...............better the devil you know rather than a man who you can't predict. Just because a Muslim man is allowed to beat you does not mean he will (and I know quite a few lovely Muslim men- you know, even many of those crazy extremists were good to their wife's, do not make an assumption that every Muslim wife gets beaten all the time, some of them you would not want to be left alone with and tell what to do, they would bite your ear off and the stronger the family they have backing her the more you had better do as you are told!

DTT either convert now and save yourself the time or for pitys sake, give up this fantasy, no devout Muslim would accept you without YOU converting and the Liberal Muslim would be feminists.


Before I was married I dated a man outside my culture--his family was from India. We were in love; however, his parents wanted him to have an Indian wife, and my parents thought he would beat me my whole life (they thought he was Muslim). Well, I left the state and him. I married the man I'm with today, who at the time was an unbeliever. The Holy Spirit worked on my husband's heart and he is a believer; however, this was a matter of twenty plus years. So ask the question you might want to ask yourself is: "How long will I wait for my wife to believe?" If you feel this is what G*d is calling you to do--spending a possible life time converting your wife--then follow His lead. I just think when your yoked with a person that shares your love for G*d already it's much easier to combat the challenges of marriage, in itself, life, children rearing, His commission, etc.

That's a very good point Michelle.

DTT either convert now and save yourself the time or for pitys sake, give up this fantasy, no devout Muslim would accept you without YOU converting and the Liberal Muslim would be feminists.
i could not have said it half as well as you did :D
lutherangirl said:

Before I was married I dated a man outside my culture--his family was from India. We were in love; however, his parents wanted him to have an Indian wife, and my parents thought he would beat me my whole life (they thought he was Muslim). Well, I left the state and him. I married the man I'm with today, who at the time was an unbeliever. The Holy Spirit worked on my husband's heart and he is a believer; however, this was a matter of twenty plus years. So ask the question you might want to ask yourself is: "How long will I wait for my wife to believe?" If you feel this is what G*d is calling you to do--spending a possible life time converting your wife--then follow His lead. I just think when your yoked with a person that shares your love for G*d already it's much easier to combat the challenges of marriage, in itself, life, children rearing, His commission, etc.


But marrying a woman brainwashed by mainstream "Christianity" is marrying an unbeliever also, only it is much more harshly treated by scripture.

9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister[c] but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”[d]

[c] 1 Corinthians 5:11 The Greek word for brother or sister (adelphos) refers here to a believer, whether man or woman, as part of God’s family; also in 8:11, 13.
[d] 1 Corinthians 5:13 Deut. 13:5; 17:7; 19:19; 21:21; 22:21,24; 24:7

1 Corinthians 5:9-13 NIV 2011
Isabella said:
DiscussingTheTopic said:
DTT either convert now and save yourself the time or for pitys sake, give up this fantasy, no devout Muslim would accept you without YOU converting and the Liberal Muslim would be feminists.

But maybe they would be less of a feminist than the "conservative" "christian" American women. Plus it is forbidden to intentionally marry a false Christian but not a Muslim who is not familiar with the Bible because she was born into a Muslim family.
if you have it all figured out then give it a shot and let us know what happens.
this endless theorizing is getting old. :)

I understand your point about "mainstream Christianity." One last question to ask yourself: "If I find this perfect girl, will I live up to her standards?" We have this guy at church that is incredible disciplined, talented, etc., etc.; however, he just can't see why everyone isn't like him. G*d gives us all different gifts and we need all to work together in the body of Christ. It is only Christ who knows our hearts. We can see some outward signs of a person operating in the Spirit; however, we can't judge to harshly, because we don't know (nor is it our job to know) what is going on inside.

I applaud you for wanting to find a good wife. However, remember this woman/women will still be human(s), and humans disappoint.
lutherangirl said:

I understand your point about "mainstream Christianity." One last question to ask yourself: "If I find this perfect girl, will I live up to her standards?" We have this guy at church that is incredible disciplined, talented, etc., etc.; however, he just can't see why everyone isn't like him. G*d gives us all different gifts and we need all to work together in the body of Christ. It is only Christ who knows our hearts. We can see some outward signs of a person operating in the Spirit; however, we can't judge to harshly, because we don't know (nor is it our job to know) what is going on inside.

I applaud you for wanting to find a good wife. However, remember this woman/women will still be human(s), and humans disappoint.

Yeah but if they would rather watch Korean dramas and find the perfect make-up than read the Bible..... Is it too much too ask such a small thing as loving God more than an episode of a Korean drama?

I am not looking for someone perfect but my goal is so low I should never miss. The sad thing is even such a low standard as I have is not met.

Is it OK for me to add you to my prayer list that Our Heavenly Father sends a Godly woman your way?
