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children introduction


New Member
Hello all, I need some advice. My husband and I and our friend Rachel have begun our pm journey. My husband and rachel have started dating and the three of us want to know how we should approach sitting down and telling our children about pm and rachels position in our lives and possible future as a wife. My children are ages 6, 5, and one; the two oldest are girls. Any advice would be appreciated. They havent asked any questions yet but we would like to be prepared when they finally do. Thank you ahead of time.
We really need to take the best answers and turn them into a "frequently asked questions"!

I am a 2nd wife and I was asked the same question in women's chat recently. I struggled to answer, because I cannot remember exactly what we said to my kids who were 7 and 9 when we told them. Kids are really adaptable. As long as we weren't acting all weird they just took everything we told them in their stride.

Let me send a pm to the person who asked the question and see if she can respond to this thread. There was also another person on chat that night who came up with some really nice/good/right words - I will send her a pm and see if she remembers what she said.

Sorry I was not much help, but I really cannot remember how we handled it other than it went very smoothly.
I have not necessarily dealt with telling present children but I have had to deal with explaining what is different about our family to those children born into it. For me, I like telling the truth along with the negative response that might happen in regards to that truth. We have always made it clear to our children that most of society will not like how we live our lives but just as Christians in times of the Bible and even in some countries today, society will not like us for that reason too. I like the idea of teaching the children in my family to critically think about issues and why we do things the way we do in our family. That can be taught in varying degrees depending on age of course, but even a 3 year old can understand "doing the right thing" because the Bible says we should.

Each family will have their own way to deal with ladies coming into the family structure. Lots of prayer and lots of communication between adults and then the kids can never fail. I will be praying for you to know what is best for your children. After all, it is just a life lesson....one of many you will be teaching them as they grow.
Hey there, I think Eternitee was referring to something we were discussing in chat a few weeks ago. If kids are exposed to biblical teaching over weeks, months, and years, and if that teaching involves going through the bible in chapters and books, we naturally and inevitably hit all of the important subjects of life from God's perfect perspective. We learn and teach "the whole counsel of God". Hopefully, that helps us examine not only what is normal, but what God desires to be a new normal. This doesn't have to be a complicated, overwhelming curriculum, but merely reading and talking and praying together a few minutes each day. Really giving yourself to the Lord, you've probably already seen His Holy Spirit show you and your kids all kinds of cool things as you go through it together. He wants you (and them) to get His perspective on life, even more than you do.

Also, most children look to their moms to set the tone of emotional response in the home. If I am excited about something that's going on, they pick up on that. If I dread something else, they will often feel anxiety, too. So if God brings another woman to our family, it will be someone I begin to care about and love as another member of the family. We will explain that Daddy loves ___________ just as he loves me. I will be welcoming and excited to see all the ways God will bless us and bring us close. We'll take each adjustment as it comes, with prayer, kindness, and hopefully, a few laughs more than a few tears. That's how we've always dealt with each new member of the family as God has brought them, too.

Let me just say, also, that kids who have been raised with a lot of time under other adults (such as public or private school teachers, or Sunday school teachers and youth pastors) who have taught other views on the world rather than biblical ones... well, kids will have absorbed those along the way. If discipleship has been contracted out, so has trust and respect. As a child's beloved youth pastor, or his aunt, or his baseball coach, responds to a new polygynous family, so very possibly will the child. I'm not saying that parents should never sign their kids up for baseball; I'm just saying, be prayerful about those with whom you decide to leave your children. May God bless your new family!

One last thought: we believe that it is essential that any new addition to the family come through the doors as a friend first, so that, above other considerations, this new woman grows daily, weekly, and monthly as a natural part of the family. It is important to everyone that time and prayer be the fabric that acts as the mortar of relationship. As this occurs, you will find it only natural that this new woman (with your emotional blessing) is welcomed by the children.
